
  • 网络Marks of Goods
  1. 货物标记和编号,如适用,组件的识别符号或登记号。

    Marks & Nos , of the Goods , if applicable , identification or registration number ( s ) Of the unit .

  2. 南非航空起初发起对猎物运输的禁令,是因为运往吉隆坡的一单货物标记为机械部件,但在澳大利亚经停时被发现是象牙。

    South African Airways initially banned trophy cargo after a shipment of elephant tusks marked as machine parts bound for Kuala Lumpur was discovered during a stop in Australia .

  3. 关于所有进一步开支后的货物的转让标记须应承担的东主的实体的标志。

    All further expenses concerning the Cargo Marks shall after the assignment be borne by the entity proprietor of the Cargo Marks .

  4. 出口货物的原产地标记与依照本条例所确定的原产地不一致的,由海关、出入境检验检疫机构责令改正。

    If the mark of origin of export goods is inconsistent with the origin as determined in accordance with these regulations , customs or the entry and exit inspection and quarantine authority shall order rectification of the matter .

  5. 但是,以在货物上加标记,或以装运单据,或向买方发出通知或其它方式清楚地注明其为合同项下货物之前,风险不移转到买方承担。

    Nevertheless , the risk does not pass to the buyer until the goods are clearly identified to the contract , whether by markings on the goods , by shipping documents , by notice given to the buyer or otherwise .