
huò bì jí tuán
  • Currency Group;monetary bloc
  1. 银行把欧元区当作单一货币集团的美好日子结束了。它们已十分重视跨境风险。

    The halcyon days of banks looking on the eurozone as a single current bloc are over ; cross-border risk matters .

  2. 中国宇航员登月行走;在一次全球外汇震荡后,世界分化成多个货币集团;甚至连机器人也拥有了投票权。

    Chinese astronauts walk on the moon , the world has splintered into currency blocs after an international exchange rate shock , and even robots have the vote .

  3. 例如,加拿大和墨西哥或许最终会与美国建立北美货币集团,并可能扩展到拉丁美洲的大部分地区。

    Perhaps , for example , Canada and Mexico will eventually form a North American currency bloc with the US , possibly extending to include a significant part of Latin America .

  4. 我们认为较低的德国利率到时候将容许欧洲货币相对于美元集团货币发生贬值。

    We think lower German interest rates in due course will allow European currencies to depreciate against the dollar bloc .

  5. 货币资金在集团企业的实物资产中占据非常重要地位。

    Monetary fund occupied a very important position in physical assets of group enterprises .

  6. 在这个功能中,您可以以两种选定货币(通常是本地货币和集团货币)将历史汇率输入为固定值,以便计算一个固定的历史汇率。

    In this function you can entered the historical rates as fixed values in two selected currencies , often in the local currency and group currency , to calculate a fixed historical rate .