
  1. 收支平衡、不受限制的和受限制的汇率浮动以及国际货币制度的材料。

    Payment balances , clean and dirty floats , and the International Monetary System .

  2. 布莱克:最近,我读了大量有关外汇汇率浮动、收支平衡、不受限制的和受限制的汇率浮动以及国际货币制度的材料。

    Black : I have been reading a great deal recently about exchange-rate fluctuations , payment balances , clean and dirty floats , and the International Monetary System .

  3. 他们利用多种资产的价格趋势赚钱,包括股票、货币和商品原材料等。

    They take advantage of trends across a wide range of asset classes , including equities and currencies as well as raw materials .

  4. 此外,货币作为交换手段的职能也不会因货币材料的价值而受到什么影响,只要能够顺畅的流通,货币的这两项职能便都能正常的发挥。

    In addition , the currency as a means of exchange function , is not affected by the currency material . As long as the currency flows smoothly , the two functions will be able to play normally .

  5. 因为,价值不足或缺乏价值的货币是很难流通的,而货币形式的发展则又会导致货币职能与货币材料的分离,这种矛盾只有国家信用的介入才能解决。

    The money , insufficient or lack of value , is very difficult in circulation , meanwhile , the development of monetary forms will lead to the separation of monetary functions and monetary material . This contradiction will be resolved only by the intervention of the national credit .