
  • 网络Depository institutions;thrift institutions;ADIs
  1. 眼下应当禁止所有银行以及货币市场基金之类的存款机构支付高于无风险国债收益率的利率。

    It is time to prohibit all banks and depository institutions like money market funds from paying more than the risk-free government bill rate .

  2. 所谓美国联邦基金利率是指存款机构在短时间内将其于美联储所拥有的结余贷予其他存款机构时所采用的利率。

    The federal funds rate is the interest rate at which depository institutions lend balances at the Federal Reserve to other depository institutions overnight .

  3. 半年前,一些观察家预计,美国将会恢复实施某种形式的《格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法案》(Glass-SteagallAct)。1999年该法案的废除,打破了投资银行与更为古板的存款机构之间的界限。

    Six months ago some observers were predicting the return to the US in some form of the Glass-Steagall Act , whose abolition in 1999 broke down the walls between investment banks and their stodgier deposit-taking cousins .

  4. 在1988-1992年的房地产萧条期间,有超过1000家银行和1000家存款机构破产。

    During the 1988-1992 real estate cycle , more than 1,000 banks and 1,000 thrifts failed .

  5. 1980年联邦储备系统受权为所有的存款机构规定储备条件。

    In 1980 the Federal Reserve gained the authority to set reserve requirements for all deposit-taking institutions .

  6. 规定储备金指存款机构针对具体存款类负债而必须保留的基金数额。

    Reserve requirements are the amount of funds that a depository institution must hold in reserve against specified deposit liabilities .

  7. 只要政府不能或者不愿让普通存款机构遭受麻烦,道德风险就会泛滥。

    As long as governments cannot - or will not - let ordinary depositors suffer inconvenience , moral hazard runs rife .

  8. 近代一些企业通过附设储蓄存款机构,汇聚起巨额社会闲散资金,对近代企业的发展起着不可忽视的作用。

    Some neoteric companies in Modern China pooled a lot of idle capital through their attached deposit establishment , which rained effect on the companies ' development .

  9. 最后一个对中国放贷的原因是,这将让中国获得有关养老基金和其他形式的社会存款机构如何运作的信息和知识。

    The final reason for lending to China is that it gives the country access to information and knowledge about how pension funds and other forms of institutional social savings work .

  10. 其次,根据存款机构必须遵循的保险模式,建立一个自我保险计划,提供缓冲并防范短期债权人和公众的恐慌。

    Second , following the model of the insurance required for depository institutions , create a self-insurance programme that provides a buffer and prevents panic on the part of short-term creditors and the public .

  11. 这类账户被压抑的需求非常巨大,在一些地区,存款机构甚至能够对此收费,要求储户反过来支付每月3%的高额利率。

    Pent-up demand for such accounts is so great that in some areas deposit-collectors are able to charge for the privilege , collecting a hefty negative interest rate of 3 per cent a month .

  12. 美联储利用这三项工具对存款机构在美联储银行持有的结余的供求施加影响,并通过此种方式调节美国联邦基金利率。

    Using the three tools , the Federal Reserve influences the demand for , and supply of , balances that depository institutions hold at Federal Reserve Banks and in this way alters the federal funds rate .

  13. 强制要求存款机构加入保险体系成为主流,但各国存款保险制度存在着较大的差异性。

    In recent years , it has become the mainstream that both the developing and developed countries compel explicit deposit institutions to join insurance system , but the deposit insurance systems vary from one country to another .

  14. 2007年末危机恶化时,美联储创造了新流动性工具,其中有些纳入了除存款机构以外新的资金接收人,包括投资银行和企业商业票据发行机构。

    As the crisis worsened at the end of 2007 , the Fed created new liquidity facilities , some of which involved new recipients , beyond depository institutions , such as investment banks and corporate commercial paper issuers .

  15. 几乎毫无疑问的是,美国政府接下来将不得不介入并为其纾困,因为这家全球最大存款机构之一破产的金融成本将过于高昂。

    There is little doubt that the US government would then have to step in and bail it out , since the financial costs of one of the largest deposit-taking institutions in the world collapsing would be too great .

  16. 这项措施涉及的机构包括银行控股公司、储蓄和贷款公司以及存款机构,美联储正在就该建议公开征求意见,时间截至七月,届时美联储将决定最终生效的方案。

    Among the firms have been covered by the rule , bank holding company , savings and loan company and the depository institution would be open for public comment through July when the Fed then needs to finalize for taking effect .

  17. 对问题存款机构的处理,应在保护存款人利益,进而保持市场稳定的前提下,坚持成本最低原则,防止风险进一步传导和扩散。

    As to the disposal of the troubled deposit institutions , the principles of the lowest cost should be emphasized to avoid further transmission and diffusion of the risks under the precondition of protecting the depositor 's benefits and then maintaining a stable market .

  18. 自营交易(proprietarytrading)与任何一家运营良好的存款吸纳机构的资金运作只存在动机和程度上的区别。

    Proprietary trading is distinguishable only by its motive and extent from the treasury operations of any well-run deposit-taking institution .

  19. 上一世纪末,美国的存款保险机构FDIC的一次大规模的圆桌会议可以说是一个阶段性的总结。

    In the end of last century , the deposit insurance institution of US , FDIC , held a roundtable conference to thoroughly discuss further reforms .

  20. 存款保险机构与四大资产管理公司的出路

    Way Out for Deposit Insurance Agency and the Four Asset Management Companies

  21. 存款保险机构代位受偿优先权立法探究

    Legislation Research on Subrogation Priority for De-posit Insurance Institutions

  22. 论存款保险机构在银行破产程序中的地位

    A Research on the Role of Deposit Insurers in the Bank Insolvency Proceedings

  23. 瑞士联合银行最近也开始向在他们那儿超额存款的机构客户们收取费用了。

    UBS recently introduced a charge on institutional customers which held excess deposits in their accounts .

  24. 存款保险机构对银行和存款人的保护可能会出现道德风险,这是存款保险制度的消极作用。

    The protection of the agency may results in moral hazard , which is its negative feature .

  25. 存款保险机构在向存款人做出赔付之后,并不享有保险法上的代位权,但享有追偿权,可以向银行进行追偿。

    The bank , after its indemnity to the depositor , enjoys the right of recourse instead of the right of subrogation .

  26. 从法理角度考察,存款保险机构代位受偿优先权具有坚实的法理基础。

    From the perspective of the jurisprudence , the subrogation priority of the deposit insurance institution has a solid legal theoretical foundation .

  27. 在考虑到存款保险机构的专业特点后,决定由其担当破产管理人无疑是最佳的。

    Considering the professional character of deposit insurance organization , there is no doubt that deposit insurance organization is the best insolvency administrator .

  28. 纵观世界发达国家和地区的银行破产立法经验,部分国家的存款保险机构在银行破产程序中扮演了重要角色。

    Looking at the bank insolvency legislation in the developed countries , the deposit insurance agencies play an important role in the bank insolvency procedures .

  29. 当存款吸收机构破产时,排在队伍前面的人拿回了自己的钱,排在后面的人却一无所得。

    When deposit-taking institutions failed , the people at the front of the queue got their money back and those at the end got nothing .

  30. 第二章存款保险机构对投保银行和存款人的保护银行从其诞生之日起就存在制度性的缺陷。

    Chapter ⅱ The Protection Provided by the Agency to the Insured Bank and the Depositor The bank since its coming-into-being has a deficiency in its system .