
cún kuǎn lì xī
  • deposit interest;interest on deposit
  1. B:存款利息是固定的,而保险红利在每个保单年度末自动转到您的账户上,而且期限越长红利越多,因为它是按复利计算的。

    B : The deposit interest is fixed , while the dividend of each policy will be transferred automatically into your account through our bank by the end of each policy year . The longer the term is , the higher the dividend you earn because it is calculated at the compound interest rate .

  2. 建设项目在建设期间的存款利息收入计入待摊投资,冲减工程成本。

    In building construction projects during the deposit interest income included prepaid investment , reconstruct costs of the project .

  3. 后来,1933年的《格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法案》(Glass-SteagallAct)禁止大部分美国银行支付活期存款利息,以防范破坏性的竞争。

    The 1933 Glass-Steagall act finally banned all payments on demand deposits by most American banks to forestall ruinous competition .

  4. 五年期的大额存款利息是多少?

    What 's the interest rate on the five-year large deposit ?

  5. 她靠存款利息为生。

    Mom used to live off the interest from her savings .

  6. 也往往付出你对你的存款利息。

    They will also often pay you interest on your deposit .

  7. 从信托资金存款利息中提取3亿美元;

    $ 300 million from interest on money in the trust fund ;

  8. 定期存款利息必须到期支付。

    The interest on term deposit only dues at maturity .

  9. 对储蓄存款利息所得征收个人所得税之检讨

    Thoughts on Imposing Personal Income Tax on Interest of Saving

  10. 储蓄存款利息所得个人所得税计征管理系统的开发

    Development of Management System for Personal Savings Interest Taxes

  11. 银行每6个月付一次存款利息。

    The bank pays out interest on its savings accounts every six months .

  12. 银行付10%的存款利息

    The bank pays 10 % interest on deposit

  13. 定期存款利息要比活期存款利息高得多。

    The interest rate for term deposits is much higher than for current deposits .

  14. 存款利息要纳税吗?

    Shall savings interest be taxed ?

  15. 过去他的财产申报中包括克格勃津贴和银行存款利息。

    His income declaration has in the past included a KGB pension and interest from bank deposits .

  16. 存款利息收入,按照本金和适用的利率确定。

    The interest incomes on deposits shall be determined according to the principal and applicable interest rate ;

  17. 也就是说,我将按他存款利息的两倍来收取他的贷款利息。

    That is , I would charge him twice as much interest as he made by saving .

  18. 反过来,诺亚的投资者客户也能够从中获得比存款利息更高的收益。

    That in turn will enable its investors to earn more than they would by leaving money on deposit .

  19. 已经发行尚未上市的,撤销发行核准决定,发行人应当按照发行价并加算银行同期存款利息返还证券持有人;

    For any securities that have been issued but haven 't been listed , the relevant decision on approval for issuance shall be revoked .

  20. 低于国际金融市场利率的存款利息所得,免征所得税。

    Income from interest on deposits at a rate lower than that prevailing in the international financial market shall be exempted from income tax .

  21. 我国从1999年11月1日起,开始对我国居民以20%的税率征收储蓄存款利息个人所得税。

    From November 1 . 1999 . our country starts to levy inhabitant the savings deposit interest personal income tax by 20 % tax rate .

  22. 如果纯为了收益投资股票,那么,所得的股息率必须高于存款利息。

    If one only invests for yield , the dividend yield will have to be higher than deposit interest rates in order to be attractive .

  23. 银行业不是稀缺资源,在类似的存款利息等条件下,客户可以将存款转移至其他地区的某家银行避税。

    Banking is not some scarce natural resource ; depositors can move their money to another bank in another tax haven at anytime with similar perks .

  24. 开征存款利息税对储蓄存款的影响将是持久的,个人存款实名制对储蓄存款的影响是暂时的。

    The effect of taxation over interest of household deposit will be permanent , while that of real deposit system on household deposit will be temporary .

  25. 银行的利润主要来源于其贷款利率和客户存款利息的差额。

    The bank 's profits are derived and mainly from the difference in rates of the loans it makes and deposits its clients put in it .

  26. “储蓄存款利息,国债和国家发行的金融债券利息,免纳个人所得税”

    " Interest income on saving deposits and national debt obligations and other financial debentures issued by the state , shall be exempted from individual income tax "

  27. 而近年来,连续下调利率,并开征存款利息税,实施存款实名制,都在不同程度上促进了居民资产结构多元化的调整。

    In recent yeas , constantly decrease the interest rate , and levy the tax of deposit , these measures promoted the adjustment of structure of residents asset .

  28. 例如,开征财产税或存款利息所得税,此时由于替代效应的存在反而会促进居民消费的增加。

    For example , imposing the property tax or deposit interest income tax will promote the consumption of the residents to increase due to the existence of substitution effect instead .

  29. 随着通胀的不断抬头可能侵蚀中国储户微薄的存款利息,一些经济学家预测,针对其它资产的投机力度可能很快会加大。

    With rising inflation likely to erode the slim returns that Chinese savers receive on their bank deposits , some economists predict that speculation on other assets could soon intensify .

  30. 但是,尽管目前中国的银行资本更充沛、表现更好,但在中国,它们支付的存款利息很少,而且可以将资金贷给繁荣发展的公司领域。

    But while Chinese banks are now better capitalised and performing well , it is in an economy where they pay little on deposits and can lend to a booming corporate sector .