
  • 网络depository bank
  1. 证券公司应当委托第三方存管银行为客户开立实名信用资金账户。

    A securities company shall entrust a third-party depository bank to open a real-name credit capital account for the customer .

  2. 结算会员用此类方式划入的资金,经期货保证金存管银行确认到账后,交易所将增加结算会员在交易所内的结算准备金。

    After the transferred funds through using such ways by a settlement member are confirmed by the depository bank for futures deposits , the exchange shall increase the provisions for settlement of settlement members at the exchange .

  3. 交易所、会员、客户、期货保证金存管银行及期货市场其他参与者应当遵守本规则。

    The exchange , members , clients , depository banks for futures deposits and other participants of futures markets shall abide by the regulation .

  4. 全面结算会员应当在期货保证金存管银行开设期货保证金账户,用于存放其客户和交易会员的保证金及相关款项。

    The general clearing members shall open an account of futures deposits in the depositary bank of futures deposits to deposit the deposits of their clients and trading members and the relevant funds .

  5. 第三十一条结算会员开立、更名、更换或者注销专用资金账户,应当凭交易所签发的专用通知书到期货保证金存管银行办理。

    Article31a settlement member shall , when opening , changing , replacing or canceling the special funds account , handle the matters in the depository bank of futures deposits by using the special notice issued by the exchange .

  6. 第四十一条会员、客户、期货保证金存管银行及期货市场其他参与者之间发生期货交易纠纷的,可以自行协商解决,也可以提请交易所调解。

    Article41if there is any dispute of futures transaction among any member , client , depository bank for futures transaction or other participants of futures market , they can resolve the dispute through consultation or submit the dispute to the exchange for mediation .

  7. 客户交易资金第三方存管制度研究基于银行机构客户账户的可疑洗钱交易行为识别研究

    Research on the Escrow System of Client Transactional Capital Recognizing on Suspicious Money Laundering Transactional Activities Based on Corporate Bank Accounts