
  1. 它既不受监管又不透明,而且杠杆比例实在太高。

    It was unregulated , not transparent and way too leveraged .

  2. 与工商企业相比,银行业的杠杆比例明显偏高。

    Banking sector has higher leverage ratio than other industries .

  3. 我喜欢非常高的杠杆比例,200%是最低限度。

    I want substantial gearing , with 200 per cent as the real minimum .

  4. 一些投资者对花旗集团的杠杆比例感到担忧。

    Citi 's leverage worries some investors .

  5. 即便如此,花旗集团也需要采取更多积极措施降低杠杆比例。

    Even so , Citi needs to take more radical action to reduce its leverage .

  6. 该基金能够产生与基础指数走向相反的回报,但杠杆比例为200%。

    It produces inverse returns to the underlying index , but geared by 200 per cent .

  7. 第二,近期的金融创新主要是提高了系统中的杠杆比例。

    The second reality is that recent financial innovation served mainly to increase leverage in the system .

  8. 30:1的杠杆比例是疯狂的,3:1看起来要明智得多。

    Leverage ratios of 30 to one are crazy . Three to one looks far more sensible .

  9. 五分之二的受访者相信,他们将在今后12个月里提高杠杆比例,而此前这样认为的受访者比例是三分之一。

    Two-fifths believe they will raise leverage in the next 12 months versus one-third saying that previously .

  10. 然而,值得牢记的是,追逐杠杆比例本身也具有周期性。

    However , it is worth remembering that the pursuit of leverage , too , is cyclical .

  11. 这意味着该交易的杠杆比例非常高即该公司的债务相对于股权的比例较高。

    This meant the transaction was highly leveraged meaning the company held a lot of debt in relation to a relatively small equity base .

  12. 周期性的收益增长,进一步鼓励企业提高杠杆比例,而这样做的另外一个好处在于,高负债率可以打消私人股本集团的收购兴趣。

    Cyclically buoyant earnings are further encouraging companies to gear up – with the added benefit that high leverage can discourage private equity bidders .

  13. 去年,他是第一位呼吁利用杠杆比例来监控银行资本水平的西方国家央行行长。

    Last year he was the first western central banker to call for the use of a leverage ratio to help monitor bank capital levels .

  14. 与传统差价合约相比,这些是压注6个月以内市场走向的一种相对安全的方法,不过杠杆比例可能会很高。

    These are a relatively safer way of betting on market direction over up to six months than conventional CFDs although the gearing can be huge .

  15. 但由于股指期货具有流动性高、杠杆比例大的交易特点,经常被少数投机者和风险爱好者利用为投机的工具,导致了许多损失惨重的金融事件的出现,如巴林银行的倒闭。

    Because Stock index futures has these deal characters of high fluidity and big leverage , which is always be used as speculate tool by minority speculator and risk fancier .

  16. 通过售后回租交易和高杠杆比例,私人股本公司利用这些错误定价从该行业榨取了大量钱财,让资金缺乏的企业很容易受到经济放缓或收费压力的影响。

    These mispricings , exploited through sale and leaseback deals and high leverage , enabled private equity houses to extract large amounts of money from the sector , leaving thinly capitalised businesses vulnerable to any slowdown or pressure on fees .

  17. 受全球信贷危机影响,悉尼股市市值今年已下跌近五分之一,随后出现一次反弹,但跌幅仍超过13%,不少杠杆比例很高的企业仍在为了生存而挣扎。

    Amid the world credit crisis , the Sydney stock market lost nearly one-fifth of its value this year before a rally that still leaves it more than 13 per cent down and a number of heavily leveraged groups are battling to survive .

  18. 通过拓宽高杠杆债务比例的使用范围,这些金融投资者还重新定义了可接受的上市公司债务水平。

    By pushing the boundaries in their use of high levels of leverage , these financial sponsors have also redefined what is an acceptable level of debt for listed companies .

  19. 新规限制了货币市场基金杠杆放大比例,统一了估值标准,同时在时点上更严格地控制了基金的组合期限,这些都使得货币市场基金的短期收益水平的差距进一步缩小。

    New regulations limiting money market funds enlarged leverage ratio unified valuation standards , and in time , stricter control of the Fund portfolio duration , which makes the short-term money market funds to further narrow the gap between income levels .