
gàng gǎn
  • lever;lever arm;pry bar;heaver;gavelock
杠杆 [gàng gǎn]
  • (1) [lever arm]

  • (2) 一种助力器械,当力作用在其上两点并使之绕第三点旋转时能传递和改变力或运动的刚性部件

  • (3) 用来撬开或移开物体的一种简单机械

杠杆[gàng gǎn]
  1. 电梯修理工可以转动这根杠杆直接操作机器。

    An elevator mechanic can work the machinery directly by turning this lever .

  2. 当水达到一定水位时,它会挪动一个能显示小时数的杠杆。

    When the water reaches a certain level , it moves a lever and this shows the hours .

  3. 锹和耙的手柄较长,可发挥较好的杠杆作用。

    The spade and fork have longer shafts , providing better leverage .

  4. 他们用杠杆把铁块撬进屋里。

    They levered the iron into the house .

  5. 杠杆作用在许多领域里得到应用。

    Leverage is used in many fields .

  6. 我们将依靠科技进步,发挥市场机制和经济杠杆的作用。

    We will rely on scientific and technological advancement , encourage the role of market mechanism and economic leverage .

  7. 尽管其文化影响力无以伦比,可是美国无此政治意愿、无此经济杠杆,也无此外交信用度和其他收购的国家相竞争。

    Notwithstanding its unrivalled cultural influence , america has neither the political will , economic leverage nor diplomatic credibility to compete with what else is on offer .

  8. 《博鳌亚洲论坛新兴经济体发展2016年度报告》指出,如不加速去杠杆化,可能会引发“E11”(新兴11国)的债务危机。

    Debt crisis may erupt in the E11 ( eleven emerging economies ) countries , unless they make urgent de-leveraging efforts , the forum 's 2016 report on the development of emerging economies said .

  9. 去杠杆化是个痛苦的过程:它才刚刚开始。

    De-leveraging is a painful process : it has barely begun .

  10. 杠杆资本重组的大行其道有好几个原因。

    Leveraged recaps have become popular for a number of reasons .

  11. 这样的女性就像一根杠杆一样,可以把他们的老公或男友给“撬”起来。

    Such women are compared to levers to lift their husbands or boyfriends .

  12. 要推动经济去杠杆,坚定执行稳健的货币政策,把国有企业降杠杆作为重中之重。

    The government will continue to deleverage the economy by firmly taking a prudent3 monetary4 policy and prioritizing reducing leverage2 in State-owned enterprises .

  13. ST型杠杆式高压固结仪的研制与应用

    St lever type high pressure consolidometer & its manufacture and Application

  14. 以EVA激励机制为杠杆优化经营层投资决策

    Optimizing Input Decision-making by Lever of EVA Incentive Mechanism

  15. 阐述了基片弯曲法测量薄膜应力的原理,设计了用光杠杆法测量试样曲率的装置,并实时测量了Si基Ag/Fe多层膜在退火过程中表面弯曲曲率的变化。

    Real time curvature change of Ag / Fe multilayer Si substrate during annealing was detected using the apparatus .

  16. imf预期,去杠杆化大部分将通过出售证券和非核心资产进行。

    The IMF expected most of the deleveraging to come from sales of securities and non-core assets .

  17. 从非正式的角度来说,美国财长蒂姆盖特纳(TimGeithner)对最高杠杆比率心中有数。

    Unofficially , Tim Geithner , the US Treasury secretary , has a maximum leverage ratio in mind .

  18. EJB在众多方法中仅仅是一种具有价值的杠杆,一种特殊的组件模型而已。

    EJB , on the other hand , is merely one way of leveraging those valuable services , through a particular component model .

  19. 房地产企业成都LW公司杠杆收购方案设计

    The Design on Leverage Buy - Out for a Realestate Enterprise

  20. ClearChannel退市交易的价值将超过175亿美元。这将是传媒业迄今规模最大的杠杆收购交易,也是大型家族企业放弃上市公司身份的最新实例。

    A deal to take Clear Channel private would be worth more than $ 17.5bn , making it the biggest leveraged buy-out in the media industry and the latest example of large family-run businesses abandoning the public markets .

  21. 在一个杠杆率较低、收益率也相应较低的环境中,高盛(GoldmanSachs)等大型投行未来的商业模式仍悬而未决。

    The future business model of big investment banks such as Goldman Sachs remains open in a world of lower leverage and correspondingly lower returns .

  22. 管理层收购(MBO)作为杠杆收购的一种,在实施的过程中需要大量的外部资金。

    To be one kind of leveraged buy-outs ( LMO ), there need a greet deal of external funds during the course of implement .

  23. 采用光杠杆对哑铃球扭转的角度信号进行放大,由CCD对光点位置信号进行探测,以提高分析仪灵敏度和精度;

    The angle signal of the dumbbell ball torsion is magnified using light lever . In order to enhance the sensitivity and accuracy , CCD is used to probe the light signal spot .

  24. 结果表明:对项目的ROI正影响最大的是杠杆率,其次是折旧期和折旧率;对项目的ROI负影响最大的是项目寿命,其次是借贷利率;

    The results show : the biggest positive factor effect on the ROI is the leverage rate , then the depreciation period and the discount rate ;

  25. 从上世纪30年代开始,通过几十年的实践运用,产生了杠杆租赁、生产支付、BOT等一些通用的融资模式。

    After several ten year 's development since 1930 's , The Project Financing has brought forth the mode of'leveraged leasing ' , ' Production Payment ' , ' Build-operate-transfer ' , etc.

  26. 但他本应设计一些更为具体的措施,比如要求证交会(sec)冻结新股发行,因为正是证券市场的杠杆作用助长了网络繁荣。

    But he could have devised more specific measures , such as asking the securities and Exchange Commission to freeze new share issues , as the Internet boom was fuelled by equity leveraging .

  27. 2010年4月12日,韩国总统李明博访美时以韩中FTA的签订为杠杆向美国施压,希望韩美FTA尽快生效。

    On April 12,2010 , the Korea president put pressure on America with the China-Korea FTA as a lever , hoping that the Korea-US FTA can be signed as soon as possible .

  28. 一桩杠杆率极高、获得德意志银行(DeutscheBank)58亿美元贷款的房地产交易,使得麦克洛成为新闻人物,而麦克洛在几处重要房产【比如通用汽车大厦(GeneralMotorsBuilding)】中的股份,据称已经岌岌可危。

    A highly leveraged real estate transaction backed by a $ 5.8 billion loan from Deutsche Bank kept his name in the news , and his stake in several trophy properties , like the General Motors Building , were said to have been in jeopardy .

  29. 对高科技企业内部分行业的研究发现:3C行业的杠杆水平要略高于生物医学行业,但这种差异并不显著。

    By research on sub-industries of hi-tech companies , we find the leverage level of 3C industry is higher than the biology industry , but the difference is not significant .

  30. 本文首次将财务杠杆系数(D/E)明确嵌入EVA中,并将杜邦分析法与D/E、r结合起来,构造了全新的EVA算式。

    For the first time , this thesis clearly puts Degree of financial leverage ( D / E ) into EVA formula , and integrates EVA with DuPont system , D / E & r , constructing a new formula of EVA .