
  • 网络Leveraged Acquisition Financing;Leveraged Buy-outs;Leveraged buyout financing
  1. 这方面的任何迹象,都可能牵制收购集团为推动本轮周期的大规模杠杆收购融资的能力。

    Any signs of trouble there could hamper the ability of buy-out groups to raise financing for the massive leveraged buy-outs that have fuelled the current cycle .

  2. CLO把主要用于为杠杆收购融资的企业贷款打包成单一可投资工具。

    CLOs bundle corporate loans taken out primarily to fund leveraged buyouts into a single investable package .

  3. 企业杠杆收购融资决策研究

    A Study on the Enterprises LBO Financing Decision-making

  4. 而特殊融资方式则主要讨论了杠杆收购融资和卖方融资。

    Apart from the above mentioned common ways , special financing methods such as leverage financing and seller 's financing are also covered .

  5. 主要私人股本公司越来越多地从银行买入杠杆收购融资安排,突显出它们正在转变为大幅折价债务的投资者。

    Leading private-equity firms are highlighting their transformation into investors in deeply discounted debt as they increasingly buy leveraged buy-out financing from banks .

  6. 近年来,由于杠杆收购企业的融资成本非常低廉,帮助巩固了黑石及其它私人股本公司的核心业务。

    The cheap cost of financing leveraged takeovers has helped underpin the core business of Blackstone and other private equity firms in recent years .

  7. 银行可能不得不冲减对杠杆收购做出的融资承诺的价值,并需要增加不良贷款的准备金。

    Banks likely face write-downs in the value of commitments that they have made to fund leveraged buyouts and will need to increase reserves for soured loans .

  8. 这些投资银行可以借此记入数亿美元的利润,从而帮助它们抵消因对杠杆收购做出的融资承诺而需付出的数十亿美元支出。

    That allowed the firms to book hundreds of millions of dollars in profit , helping to offset multibillion-dollar charges they had to take on commitments to fund leveraged buyouts .

  9. 在光谱的另一端,杠杆化融资或收购融资中的大型交易基本找不到愿意提供资金的银行。

    At the other extreme , large-scale transactions in leveraged or acquisition finance are finding few willing backers .

  10. 同时,大型对冲基金和私人股本集团都在密切留意规避风险的投行所放弃的高杠杆领域,包括收购融资、证券化、资产支持证券等等。

    Meanwhile , large hedge funds and private equity groups are keeping a keen eye on the highly-leveraged areas - buy-out financing , securitisations , asset-backed securities and the like - vacated by risk-shedding investment banks .

  11. 内容包括杠杆收购的程序、杠杆收购的融资结构安排、杠杆收购中对目标公司的定价。

    By reading this part , you could know how LBO works , which procedure , design of finance , pricing to target company , plans'laying down were involved .