
  1. 第三部分首先介绍了房地产企业上市融资类别;通过阐述目前我国房地产上市公司国内上市融资和海外上市融资的情况,提出了影响房地产企业上市的因素以及房地产上市公司存在的问题。

    Introduces the type of public financing , and the current inland and outland situation of domestic real estate enterprises , as well as indicates problems and factors that may influence enterprises ' going public .

  2. 2000~2007年国内上市公司融资结构背离的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of the Financing Structure Deviation in Domestic Listed Companies from 2000 to 2007

  3. 国内上市公司融资的啄食顺序和成熟市场经济国家相反,表现出较强的股权融资偏好特征;

    Contrary to foreign listed companies , the pecking order of domestic ones shows strong preference for stockholder 's rights financing .

  4. 本文的第一章将首先介绍研究我国上市公司融资顺序的意义,国内上市公司融资现状,优序融资理论和国外相关研究的情况。

    The first part of this article will discuss with the signification of the testing , the present financial way of domestic firms in market , the pecking order theory and concerning study in west .

  5. 面对弱效率的资本市场,如何有效地解决国内上市公司在融资选择时对股权融资的过度偏好成为实务和理论界关注的一个重要问题。

    Facing the capital market of weak efficiency , it has been an important problem in practice and in theory how to resolve effectively the preference to stock financing of Chinese listed companies in the process of financing .

  6. 国内环保上市公司的融资行为研究

    Behavioral Approach of Fund-raising on Listed Company of Environmental Protection in China

  7. 国内外关于上市公司融资结构与治理结构的文献综述

    Summarization of China and foreign literature on listed company finance structure and governance structure

  8. 国内上市公司优序融资理论之实证研究

    An Empirical Test of the Pecking Order Theory

  9. 国内上市公司的股权融资偏好的原因分析

    Analyse the Cause of Preference of Stockholder 's Rights Financing for the Domestic Listed Company

  10. 国内外对上市公司融资或再融资的研究较多地集中于股权结构与企业经营绩效的关系,但从上市公司再融资规模切入去研究再融资市场效应的却未见到相关的文献。

    However , there is little research literature on the refinancing market effect , whose research starting with refinancing scale of the listed companies .

  11. 国内的上市公司再融资的研究在参照了西方的企业融资理论的同时,结合中国的具体国情,进行了相关理论研究和实证分析。

    The domestic researches on refinancing of the listed companies make the relative theoretical studies and empirical analyses , which consult the western enterprise financing theories and combine with specific condition in China .

  12. 国内股指期货上市,融资融券业务、国债期货的推出以及期权的筹备,使得量化投资策略的实现有了一定的基础。

    In recent years , Chinese government implements the stock index futures , security margin trading and emulation trading of treasury bonds futures as well as options , which lay a solid foundation for quantitative investment .

  13. 如招商银行,工商银行,中国银行,交通银行,兴业银行,中信银行等银行纷纷在国内外市场发行上市融资以增强各自的资本金。

    Such as China Merchants Bank , Industrial and Commercial Bank , Bank of China , Bank of Communications , Industrial Bank , China CITIC Bank and other banks have issued in the domestic and international market listing and financing in order to enhance their capital funds .

  14. 第二章收集分析了近年来国内外上市公司部分数据,表明国内外上市公司融资结构差别很大,我国上市公司偏好股权融资。

    The second chapter collect and analysis some data which come from the listed companies at home and abroad in recent years , the data shows that the listed company financing structure difference is markedly big , and the listed companies prefer to equity financing in China .