
ɡuó jì rónɡ zī
  • international financing
  1. 正如世界银行(worldbank)昨天强调的,对投资者来说,最大的担忧是为那些脆弱国家的海外主权债务和企业债务提供的国际融资突然中止。

    The big worry for investors , as highlighted by the World Bank yesterday , is of an abrupt halt to international financing for the overseas sovereign and corporate debts of vulnerable countries .

  2. 而项目国际融资有利于缓解这一现实状况,并且主张采用以BOT为核心的综合项目国际融资模式。

    But , situation of project international financing beneficial to relieving this one reality , and view adopt the synthetical project centering on BOT international financing pattern .

  3. 基础设施项目国际融资方式探析&兼论BOT与ABS的比较

    A Discussion on Methods of International Finance for Foundational Facilities Projects & A Comparison between BOT and ABS

  4. 清洁发展机制(CDM)给秸秆发电项目带来的国际融资机遇

    The opportunity of international funds for the straw generating project brought by clean development mechanism

  5. 西部大开发的首要任务就是要积极探索多种融资方式来加快基础设施的建设,采用BOT国际融资方式是加快基础设施建设的一条可行之路。

    The most important task to develop the wide west is to speed up the infrastructure construction by various financing means .

  6. 针对管理层收购融资问题,本文结合融资理论和国际融资经验,提出在现有的条件下,通过信托方案和MBO基金方案解决管理层收购融资途径单一的问题。

    On facing the problem of financing , the thesis brings forward the trust solution and MBO fund solution on the basis of financing theory and international experience .

  7. 国际融资机构还应该在制定根据气候收益和风险筛选项目的指南的工作中,发挥重要的作用,Sierra说。

    International financial institutions should also play a major role in development of guidelines to enable screening of projects for climate benefits and risks , says Sierra .

  8. BOT、TOT、ABS和PPP作为国际融资的不同方式,在基础设施项目融资领域各有所长,应根据具体项目的实际情况加以区分运用。

    BOT , TOT , ABS and PPP are four different ways of international financing , and they serve different purposes in infrastructure project financing , and should be differentiated in each specific situation .

  9. IFFCON扩大开放的要求与美国和加拿大在发展项目中生产者,他们正在寻求国际融资或合作生产。

    IFFCON extends an open call to US and Canadian producers with projects in development for which they are seeking international financing or co-production .

  10. 法律分析国际融资中的赤道原则

    The Legal Analysis of the Equator Principles in the International Financing

  11. 国际融资中的环境与社会标准:赤道原则何为赤道原则

    The Environment and Social Code in International Financing : The Equator Principle

  12. 第二章对国际融资租赁合同的法律特点进行了分析。

    Chapter Two analyses the legal nature of the international financial leasing contract .

  13. 国际融资中商业秘密保护研究

    Research on Trade Secrets Protection in International Financing

  14. 制定科学的国际融资战略;

    Second , make scientific international financing strategy .

  15. 无论你走到哪里,兑换货币使你接触到国际融资活动。

    Wherever you go , exchanging money puts you in touch with international finance .

  16. 福费廷是一种新兴的以无追索权为特点的国际融资服务项目。

    Forfaiting is a new kind of international financial credit service which discount without recourse .

  17. 因此,研究我国中小企业的国际融资行为具有重要意义。

    So the study on the finance behavior of small and medium-sized enterprises is of importance .

  18. 国际融资租赁法律探讨

    Legal Study on International Financial Lease

  19. (8月)国际融资大事记

    Major events of international financing

  20. 与其他国际融资方式相比,国际贸易融资可以说是一种成本低的有效方式。

    Comparing with other international financing means it can be regarded as an effective manner of lower cost .

  21. 在前期经济投入规模、国家投资和国际融资上需要可靠的投融资体系;

    The availability of reliable investment and financing systems required by the preliminary input scale , state investment and international financing ;

  22. 第三部分亦是本文的重点,主要论述风险调整贴现率法如何在国际融资租赁风险分析中的应用。

    Part 3 expounds how to use the Discount Rate of Risk Adjustment in the risk analysis of international finance lease .

  23. 他们会满足他们的生产同行,并有机会了解国际融资,发行和销售。

    They will meet their producing peers and have the chance to learn about international financing , distribution , and sales .

  24. 该计划为墨西哥确立了低碳发展道路,明确了工作重点以及国内和国际融资来源。

    The PECC establishes a low-carbon development scenario for Mexico , identifying priorities and financing sources , both domestic and international .

  25. 浮动担保制度的这一缺陷直接影响了浮动担保这一担保工具在国际融资实践中的使用和推广。

    The deficiency has a negative influence on the application and popularization of the floating charge in the international financial practice .

  26. 但陈元对本报表示,国开行正在能源和矿产行业寻求新的国际融资机会。

    But Chen Yuan , CDB governor , told the Financial Times it was seeking new international financing opportunities in energy and minerals .

  27. 伦敦与纽约之间围绕股市老大的争论,遗漏了一个醒目的问题:有史以来规模最大的国际融资行动,是在另一家证交所进行的。

    The London versus New York listings debate misses a salient point : the biggest international capital-raising exercise took place on neither exchange .

  28. 独立担保是一种新兴的国际融资担保形式,它具有独立性、单据性、付款责任的第一性等特点。

    As an emerging and modern form of international financing suretyship , independent guarantee is independent , documentary , irrevocable and of certainty .

  29. 因此,该框架认为,有必要在国家计划的制定过程中和国际融资中考虑到气候风险。

    For that reason , climate risks need to be integrated within national planning processes and international finance , according to the framework .

  30. 作为一种新兴的国际融资服务工具,福费廷具有独特的风险防范功能,在促进出口的同时将风险降至最低。

    Forfaiting is a new species of international trade finance , which is an inventive means used to facilitate exports with least possible risk .