
  1. 我国货币供应量影响因素的实证分析&兼论货币管理与国库现金管理之间的协调

    An Empirical Analysis of Factors Influencing Monetary Supply of China

  2. 所谓国库现金管理,就是政府部门开展的现金管理。

    The so-called Government cash management is the cash management carried out by the government .

  3. 三是财政设立专门的国库现金管理和支付执行机构。

    Third , the establishment of specialized financial management and treasury cash payment executing agencies .

  4. 国库现金管理职能是在20世纪70年代西方国家出现严重财政压力的背景下开始受到重视的,并逐渐被视为政府财务管理的一个关键因素。

    In 1970s , government began to attach importance to cash management because of increasingly weak fiscal pressure .

  5. 第六部分,对国库现金管理与国债管理协调配合提出政策建议。

    The sixth part , gives policy recommendations for cash management and the national treasury debt management and coordination .

  6. 目前,真正意义上的地方国库现金管理在我国尚未开展,地方国库现金管理对于很多人来说是一个全新事物,也是一个新型课题。

    At present , the true sense of the treasury cash management has not yet been undertaken in our country .

  7. 第四,结合前面所作的分析,总结归纳出现阶段地方国库现金管理工作的原则和初步运作方式。

    Fourthly , through the above analysis , the author summarizes the principle and original operational procedures of local treasury cash management .

  8. 当央行账户日终现金余额可能高于50亿美元时,财政部即将多余现金转入税收与贷款账户赚取利息收入。英国国库现金管理的主要做法如下:第一,实施短期国债计划。

    When the balance shows surplus , the U.S.A Ministry of Finance will transfer the surplus cash to the Tax and Loan Accounts to gain interest income .

  9. 研究美国政府现金管理改革及现状,将有利于推进我国政府现金管理改革,促进我国国库现金管理系统的建立。

    Therefore , it will be very useful for us to study their successful experience so as to expedite the establishment of the Treasury Cash Management System of China .

  10. 最后,从制度建设等方面提出完善地方国库现金管理工作中亟待解决的问题及相关建议,以降低地方政府运作国库现金的风险。

    At the end , the author raises the solution to integrate the treasury cash management and reduce the risk of operating treasury cash by local department of finance .

  11. 完善省级国库现金管理职能,加强政府现金流管理、保持国库最佳现金持有量;

    We should perfect the provincial cash management function of the treasury , strengthen government 's cash flow manage , and keep the optimal holding amount of national treasury 's cash .

  12. 不足之处在于,收集的数据资料有限,理论观点数据支持不够,对地方国库现金管理改革体系建设具体操作问题的研究尚待深入。

    The downside is , the limited data collected , not enough data to support theoretical point of view , the reform of the local treasury cash management system specific operational problems yet in-depth research .

  13. 总结归纳出现阶段地方国库现金管理的原则和初期的操作方式,对构建地方国库现金管理的机制提出了自己的见解。

    Then sums up the principle and operation model of carrying out the local treasury cash management at the present stage and puts forward the own views on the construction of mechanism of local treasury cash management .

  14. 同时,随着中央国库现金管理改革的推行,地方开展现金管理的条件也趋于成熟,积极稳妥地推进地方国库现金管理改革,已经成为当务之急。

    Meanwhile , with the central treasury cash management reform implementation , the local treasury cash management to carry out the conditions mature , actively and steadily promote the reform of the local treasury cash management , has become urgent .

  15. 地方经济的发展和地方国库现金余额的逐年增长,也使得地方政府对实施地方国库现金管理表现出积极的态度。

    Because of the rising level of the economic development and the local treasury cash balances ' increasing year by year , more and more local governments show the great interests and positive attitude about the implementation of the local treasury management .

  16. 其次,通过分析目前地方财政收入形势和国库管理制度改革的进展程度等因素,提出在省级财政部门开展国库现金管理工作的可行性。

    Secondly , according to analyze the situation of local financial revenue and reform of treasury management , the author submits the practical report of implementation of treasury capital management in provincial department of finance .

  17. 国库集中收付制度改革后,大量的现金集聚于国库账户上,从而使国库现金管理成为了一个新的问题。我国的国库现金管理目前还处在初步阶段。

    Since our country implemented Treasury Single Account System ,, a lot of cash " gathering " on the treasury account , so that the treasury cash balance management has become a " new " problem .

  18. 然而改革至今,国库现金中绝大部分仍存放在央行获得银行活期存款利息,只有小部分国库现金通过商业银行定期存款等国库现金管理方式获得利益。

    But the reform so far , the vast majority of state treasury funds deposited in the central bank to obtain bank account interest , only a small part of the funds deposited in commercial banks , interest on time deposits .

  19. 另外,随着国库集中支付动态监控系统的逐步应用,大大增强了财政部门对预算单位资金使用的控制和可预测性,为开展国库现金管理提供了可靠的保障。

    With the application of dynamic monitor system of centralized collection and payment by the treasury , the department of finance has strong ability in controlling and predicting the capital use by budgetary units , which guarantees the safety of treasury cash management .