- 名international settlement;international clearing

However , several said MAS had approached a number of international clearing houses , including the US-based group intercontinental-exchange , which has Asian ambitions .
All transactions giving rise to surpluses and deficits were to be settled through " clearing accounts " held by member central banks in an international clearing bank .
In its latest annual report , the bank for International Settlements apparently argues for monetary and fiscal tightening in high income countries .
But , as the Bank for International Settlements wrote earlier this month , debt has increased significantly since 2008 in emerging markets .
That , at least , is the fear of the Bank for International Settlements .
A crude but instructive comparison can be made between the amount of corporate debt outstanding as documented by the BIS and world bank numbers for net domestic credit lent by banks to corporates .
The bank for International Settlements showed far more prescience ahead of the crisis than big bankers or the government brain trusts now reforming how they are regulated .
Data from the Bank for International Settlements shows that in the period from June 2010 through March 2011 , the real effective exchange rate has actually depreciated slightly .
Foreign ownership in local emerging market bonds has risen from 8 per cent in 2007 to 17 per cent in 2012 , according to the Bank for International Settlements .
Last year , Swedish bank vaults held around 3.6 billion kronor in notes and coins , down from 8.7 billion in 2010 , according to the Bank for International Settlements .
Thankfully , the Bank for International Settlements provides a useful corrective with its monthly index of trade-weighted exchange rates .
In December , the Bank for International Settlements warned there was a risk of a repeat of the late-1990s emerging market crises because of increased cross-border lending to emerging economies since 2008 .
It follows similar work by economists for the Bank for International Settlements which concluded that financial sector growth can be a drag on economies and crowd out other , more productive sectors .
To understand this , take a look at a fascinating transatlantic research paper published by the Bank for International Settlements .
This would be a huge error , as William White , formerly chief economist of the Bank for International Settlements , argues in a thought-provoking paper .
Average daily turnover for yen-dollar trading earlier this year was over $ 550bn , according to the Bank for International Settlements .
Investment banks have become less disciplined in their dealings with hedge funds , the bank for international settlements will warn today .
This comes out clearly from the discussion of long-term fiscal trends in the excellent new annual report from the bank for international settlements .
According to a 2010 survey by the Bank for International Settlements , approximately 60 per cent of foreign currency transactions are conducted offshore .
Rapid credit growth often foreshadows a financial crisis , the Bank for International Settlements ( BIS ) warned in its annual report this month .
Oil producing countries have reduced their exposure to the dollar to the lowest level in two years and shifted oil income into euros , yen and sterling , according to new data from the Bank for International Settlements .
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision since 1975 has issued a series of principles , standards and rules , known as the Basel Accord or Basle Framework .
Central banks have pulled 635 tonnes of gold from the Bank for International Settlements in the past year , the largest withdrawal in more than a decade .
As the Bank of International Settlements said in its latest annual report , subprime might have been the trigger for this crisis , but not the cause .
The Bank for International Settlements ( BIS ), a club of central banks , has used its data on international banking to develop a measure of maturity mismatch .
Private debt in Asia alone amounted to 125 per cent of gross domestic product in the final quarter of 2014 , says the BIS , and too much of it was in dollars .
William White , former chief economist of the bank for International Settlements , is a leading proponent of the view that monetary policy errors , particularly by the Federal Reserve , have driven the world economy .
That momentum comes from the people of Hong Kong , but it has support from respected economists , including some at multinational organisations such as the bank for international settlements .
Emerging market countries could face the dilemma of either letting their exchange rates rise or running the risk of significantly higher inflation , the bank for International Settlements warns today .
Financial products should be regulated like medicine in future , the Bank for International Settlements , said yesterday as it advocated sweeping reforms to financial instruments , markets and institutions .