
  • 网络domestic insurance
  1. 随着中国加入WTO,独资、合资的保险公司相继登陆中国,使国内保险市场呈现多元化局面。

    With China 's accession to WTO , investment , joint venture insurance company after landing China , the domestic insurance market is diversified situation .

  2. 中国加入WTO后,国内保险业所面临的,既有难得的发展机遇,也有严峻的冲击与挑战。

    After entry WTO , domestic insurance business is going to face not only the infrequent opportunity to develop , but also the rigorous shock and challenge .

  3. 在我国加入WTO后,国内保险市场面临国内需求剧增的机遇和国外保险公司抢摊的危机。

    After China 's entry into WTO , Chinese insurance companies will encounter an increasing domestic demand and the threat from foreign insurance companies .

  4. 中国加入WTO后,随着外资公司不断涌入中国保险市场,国内保险市场的竞争愈发激烈起来。

    As the foreign insurance companies constantly pouring into Chinese insurance market after China joined to WTO , the competition in the internal insurance market becomes more and more fierce .

  5. 随着近几年国内保险业的快速发展,保费收人增长迅猛,每年同比增长达23.62%,远远高于国内同期GDP的增长。

    With the rapid development of insurance business in recent years , the premium increases tremendously in the ratio of 23.62 % every year , much faster than the GDP growth in the corresponding period .

  6. 随着加入WTO后中国保险市场的全面开放,培育和提升我国保险业核心竞争力成为国内保险业可持续发展的关键。

    After China 's accession to the WTO , Chinese insurance market opens to the outside world in an all-round way , we have to foster and promote the insurance 's key competitiveness , and it is the key to keep the insurance 's sustainable development .

  7. 借助于TOWS(威胁机会弱点优势)这个用于制定企业战略的方法,系统分析了国内保险企业加入WTO后自身的优势、劣势,机会与威胁,在此基础上提出了国内保险企业相应的发展战略。

    This paper has a systematic analysis of the advantages and disadvantages , opportunities and threats of home insurance enterprises after joining the WTO by applying TOWS method to strategy making . Hereby , it offers proper strategies for the development of our country 's insurance enterprises .

  8. 中国石油天然气集团公司(CNPC)完成了一项复杂的资产重组,让国有的宝钢(Baosteel)、两家国内保险公司以及一些基金入股横跨中国的三条巨大输气管道。

    Chinese state-owned oil company China National Petroleum Corp has concluded a complicated asset shuffle that allows state-owned steel mill Baosteel , two Chinese insurers and a number of funds to acquire stakes in three mammoth pipelines carrying gas across China .

  9. 另外,还要加强国内保险机构与MIGA的合作,充分发挥各自的优势,通过共保、分保等方式共同为中国投资者在海外特别是发展中国家和地区的投资提供有效的风险保障。

    Also , domestic insurance institutions should strengthen cooperation with MIGA , give full play to their respective advantages , and provide effective risk protection for Chinese investors to invest foreign , particularly in developing countries and regions through co-insurance , reinsurance .

  10. 多年苦心经营铸就国内保险知名品牌。

    Painstakingly created over the years well-known brands of domestic insurance .

  11. 近年来,国内保险业稳步发展。

    In recent years , the domestic insurance industry has grown steadily .

  12. 浅议现阶段国内保险业的隐忧与对策

    On Hidden Problems and Countermeasures about China 's Insurance Today

  13. 太平洋保险公司是继中国人民保险公司之后发展起来的新兴国内保险企业。

    China Pacific Insurance Company ( CPIC ) is a new developing insurance company in china .

  14. 自1980年恢复办理国内保险业务以来,中国保险业一直维持着超高速发展的态势,市场主体不断增加,保费收入规模迅速扩大,经营效益稳步提升,保险业的社会辐射面和影响力也日渐显著。

    Since 1980 , insurance industry of China has developed at high speed for a long time .

  15. 我国国内保险业务自1980年开始恢复以来,得到了长足的发展。

    Summary Since the domestic insurance business of our country resumed since 1980 , had got considerable development .

  16. 因此国内保险业要想有较大的发展,就必须解决保险诚信的瓶颈问题。

    Therefore the domestic insurance industry to a greater development , we must solve the bottlenecks insurance integrity .

  17. 然而,国内保险市场主要份额迄今仍由少数几家大型国有的或政府控制的公司所占有。

    However , the domestic insurance market is overwhelmingly dominated by a few large state-owned or state-controlled firms .

  18. 今天,保险业的进一步对外开放格局对国内保险企业提出了如何平衡发展与规范的问题。

    Today , further opening of insurance put forward to how to keep balance between development and standardizing .

  19. 论加入世贸后我国国内保险企业的发展战略&TOWS矩阵在保险企业中的运用

    The Internal Insurance Enterprises ' Development Strategy after Entering WTO & The Application of TOWS Method to Insurance Enterprise

  20. 但在目前,国内保险主体如雨后春笋般竞相进发,引发了保险市场的激烈竞争。

    But at present , the main domestic insurance mushroomed competing display triggered a fierce competition in the insurance market .

  21. 外资保险公司在国内保险市场的作用是政策制定者们极为关注的话题。

    The function of foreign insurance companies in domestic insurance market is a topic which policy makers are extremely concerned about .

  22. 改革开放前的中国保险业分为旧保险业的整顿改造期、人民保险事业的蓬勃发展期和国内保险业务中断期三个时期。

    Before reform and opening-up , Chinese insurance industry went through reorganized and transformed period , rapid development period and interruption period .

  23. 从80年代我国恢复国内保险业务以来,保险进入迅速发展时期,保费平均年增长达到30%。

    From 1980s , we reinstate insurance business , and insurance has a quick development , arrived 30 % annual development speed .

  24. 在目前国内保险机构尚不能对翼装飞行进行风险评估和承保的前提下,将联系国际保险机构对各国运动员统一承保。

    We will contact the international insurance institutions for unified athletes'insurances in consideration of current domestic institutions'unablities of risk assessments and insurances .

  25. 按照世界贸易组织的规定,中国一旦全面开放保险市场,国内保险业将面临前所未有的竞争局面。

    As WTO rules require China to open its insurance market completely , the domestic insurance industry is going to face unprecedented competitions .

  26. 国内保险公司只有不断加强自身核心竞争力的建设,才能在如此激烈的竞争环境下立于不败之地。

    The domestic insurance companies must strengthen the construction of core competitive power , can be in such a fierce competition remain invincible .

  27. 1958年12月,武汉全国财贸会议正式作出决定:立即停办国内保险业务。

    In December of 1952 , at Wu-han countrywide finance and trade meeting , a decision was made that domestic insurance business must stop .

  28. 自1979年4月国务院批准恢复国内保险业务以来,我国保险需求一直保持高速增长的态势。

    Since the State Council sanctioned domestic insurance operation to resume in April 1979 , insurance demand in China has been on rapid rise .

  29. 自从1980年国内保险业务重新恢复发展以来,我国保险业一直处于高速发展的状态。

    Since 1980 , after Restored the development of the domestic insurance business , the insurance industry has been in a state of rapid development .

  30. 自国内保险业恢复发展以来,费率管理就作为一项重要的保险管理制度确立起来。

    Ever since China resumed the domestic insurance business , premium rate management has been established as an important management system for the insurance industry .