
huǒ zāi bǎo xiǎn
  • fire insurance
  1. 试论火灾保险管理信息系统的建立

    Discussions on the Establishment of Fire Insurance Management Information System

  2. 火灾保险的范围包括大火所造成的财产损失。

    Fire insurance covers property damage caused by fire .

  3. 用给家具上火灾保险吗?

    Is it necessary to insure the apartment and furniture against fire ?

  4. 引入火灾保险后消防投资经济性的评价模型

    Economic Evaluation Models of Fire Protection Cost Including Fire Insurance

  5. 火灾保险是一种最普通的保险合同。

    Fire insurance is one of the most common types of insurance contract .

  6. 江西省林木火灾保险试点工作的调查与分析

    Investigation and Study on the Forest Fire Insurance System Piloting in Jiangxi Province

  7. 我肯定这个家伙,正在申请火灾保险赔偿。

    I 'll bet this guy is filing for his fire-insurance claims right now .

  8. 根据房屋火灾保险合同,她将有权要求赔偿损失。

    She will be able to claim the cost against the house fire insurance .

  9. 我们还需要产权保险和火灾保险,对吗?

    We will need title insurance and fire insurance , too , won 't we ?

  10. 库存物资的火灾保险

    Fire insurance on stock and supplies

  11. 他的房手也从未在火灾保险刚过期就失火烧塌过。

    His house never got afire and burned downjust after the fire insurance had run out .

  12. 试论消防安全管理质量评价体系在防火管理及火灾保险中的作用

    The Fire Safety Evaluation System for the Quality of Management in Fire Management and the Role of Fire Insurance

  13. 这就跟您替居所购买一份家居火灾保险一样尤其重要。

    It is similar to paying the household insurance premium to protect you in the event of a fire .

  14. 保单的概念其实很简单,我们可以谈谈火灾保险,或者人寿保险。

    An insurance policy & the concept is very simple , we could talk about fire insurance or life insurance .

  15. 手头和库存的货物应由甲方通过有偿还能力的保险公司予以火灾保险。

    All merchandise on hand and in warehouse shall be insured by Party A with ~ companies against loss by fire .

  16. 拒绝领取火灾保险单后,一想到火灾的毁灭性破坏,公司经理就感到恐惧。

    Having refused to take out fire insurance , the manager of the company quailed before the thought of ruin through fire .

  17. 简要介绍了基于统计理论厘定火灾保险费率的方法,并给出了一个由理赔记录统计确定保费的具体算例。

    In this paper , the method for fire insurance ratemaking applying statistics theory is briefly introduced , and a case is calculated in detail .

  18. 这个计划相当于一家保险公司买了由自己提供火灾保险的一幢房子,这样就用不着保险单了。

    The plan is analogous to an insurer buying a house it provided fire insurance on , negating the need for an insurance policy on the home .

  19. 通过购买火灾保险,业主将火灾损失的一部分或全部转移到保险公司,但业主需每年向保险公司交纳一定数额的保险费。

    Fire insurance provides protection against financial losses from fire and is intended to indemnify a property owner , and a property owner needs to pay premium to insurance company .

  20. 财产保险,包括火灾保险、海上保险、陆空保险、责任保险、保证保险及经主管机关核准之其它保险。

    Non-life insurance includes fire insurance , marine insurance , land and air insurance , liability insurance , bonding insurance , and any other type of insurance approved by the competent authority .

  21. 这位打扮得过分讲究的代理人想要讨论我的汽车保险的承保范围,那么下一位再来拜访我的保险公司代理人就有可能对我的人寿保险项目,我的健康保险,甚至对我的房产和家具火灾保险感兴趣。

    This particular agent wanted to discuss my automobile coverage , but the next agent to call might be interested in my life insurance program , my health insurance , or fire protection for my home and furniture .

  22. 于是,她决定:“我要去火灾保险公司,让他们赔偿我,看看他们怎么处理。”进入保险公司大楼,她来到了一个大房间里,里面有三位西装革履的先生正在交谈。

    So she decided : " I will go to the fire insurance company , to get a reimbursement , and we will see what will happen . " At the Insurance building , she found herself in a large room where three solemn gentlemen in suits were talking .

  23. 欣丰棉纺厂遭遇特大火灾,保险公司理赔2000万。

    After the big fire , the Xinfeng Textile Factory received a settlement of 20 million yuan from insurance company .

  24. 火灾公众责任保险的探讨

    Probe into the correlation of the public liability insurance of fires

  25. 我国火灾公众责任保险现状研究及对策

    The Research and Countermeasures to the Fire Public Liability Insurance in China

  26. 房主对房屋进行了火灾和偷盗保险。

    The owner insured the house against fire and theft .

  27. 通知保险代理人以转移财产、火灾和汽车保险。

    Instruct your insurance agent to transfer property , fire , and auto insurance .

  28. 对实行强制火灾公众责任保险的几点思考

    Thinking about the Public Liability Insurance of Fires

  29. 但目前,我国火灾公众责任保险承保范围窄、定价技术不够发达等问题的存在,使得火灾公众责任保险的发展困难重重。

    But now , the narrow fire public liability insurance coverage , less-developed pricing technology and so on , make the fire public liability insurance difficult to develop .

  30. 商住楼火灾风险评价及保险费率厘定的研究

    Study on Fire Risk Evaluation and Fire Insurance Rate-making for Commercial-Residential Occupancies