- 名aviation insurance

The formulation of international treaties on the relevant issues , such as the systems of aviation insurance and aviation tort , provides the basis for the solution to the indemnity issue for international air accidents .
In other countries , this is a big business !
They just had to buy some flight insurance first .
Note : he ticket prices do not include airport construction fee , insurance and the fuel additional fee .
In the past four years alone , says Chris kunstadter , of u.s.aviation underwriters , space losses may have exceeded $ 550 million .
Institute Air Cargo Clause An insurance policy was annexed to the contract .
Institute Air Cargo Clause
( This payment could be as high as $ 49 million , and would come from Malaysia Airlines ' insurers . )
Ensure the scope , cover and cost of hkac 's insurance programs are appropriate in order to protect directors , executive employees and the assets of the business .
We offer all risk transit insurance for domestic , air and ocean shipments .
It is not only the world 's largest oil company that is Chinese ; the same is true of the biggest bank , airline , insurer and telecoms company .
Hurd : We , ve had a great deal of success with major global retailers , but we also have customers who are leading the banking , airline , telecommunications , insurance , manufacturing , energy , and entertainment industries , plus several of the most successful e-businesses .
Under the treaty , Asiana , of South Korea , is automatically liable for as much as about $ 150,000 in damages per injured passenger ─ damages that would likely be paid by the airline 's insurers , legal experts said .