
  • 网络Aviation Logistics;air transportation
  1. 然后运用SWOT分析法研究我国航空物流产业发展的优势、劣势、机会和威胁,从而对于我国航空物流产业的竞争力状况做相对客观公正的评价。

    Once more , uses the SWOT analytic method to study the superiority , the inferiority , the opportunity and the threat of our country aviation logistics industrial development thus makes the relatively objective and fair evaluation about the competitiveness condition of our country aviation logistics industry .

  2. 如何在较短的时间内有效整合航空物流资源,改善当前状况并寻求发展,已成为QAL急需解决的关键课题。

    In a relatively short period of time to effectively integrate aviation logistics resources , improve the current situation and seek development , has become the QAL key and urgent task .

  3. 厦门航空物流业发展的SWOT分析

    SWOT Analysis of the development of Xiamen avigation logistics

  4. 基于RFID技术在青岛国际航空物流园区管理信息系统升级改造的设计研究

    The Design and Research of Upgrading and Reconstructing the Information Managing System Based on RFID Technology in Qingdao International Aviatic & Logistic Park

  5. 好风凭借力,扬帆正其时&珠海发展航空物流业的前景航空物流园区形成机理

    Air Logistics Development in Zhuhai Forming Principle of Air Logistics Area

  6. 基于大系统理论的航空物流企业模型构建研究

    Design and Construction of Aviation Enterprises Based on Large System Theory

  7. 航空物流园区设施规划与布局研究

    The Research of Layout and Overall Arrangement of Air Logistics Park

  8. 青岛国际航空物流中心有限公司发展战略研究

    The Research on Developmental Strategy of Qingdao International Aviation Logistics Center

  9. 广州白云机场航空物流预测与对策

    Forecast and Countermeasures of Aviation Logistics in the Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport

  10. 第二章阐述了航空物流和竞争战略的理论发展。

    The second chapter expounds air logistics theory and competitive strategy theory .

  11. 我国机场在航空物流发展战略方面仍处于起步阶段。

    Presently , Chinese airport is still in elementary state .

  12. 航空物流系统的监控及网络通信系统实现

    Research and Realization of Aviation Logistics System Monitoring and Network Communication System

  13. 航空物流既包含空中运输环节又包括地面综合物流处理环节。

    Air-logistics is a comprehensive logistics disposal course comprises air and ground parts .

  14. 基于机场的我国航空物流发展战略

    Study on China Airports ' Strategy of Developing Air-logistics

  15. 基于机场的航空物流企业战略绩效研究

    Study on Strategic Performance of Airport-oriented Aviation Logistics Enterprises

  16. 独立办公楼区,为各大航空物流公司量身定制总部基地。

    Separate office area ; customize headquarters bases for each large aviation logistics company .

  17. 全球视野下的中国航空物流业

    Chinese Air Logistic Industry in a Global Perspective

  18. 厦航发展航空物流的战略目标

    Xiamen Airlines ' Strategic Aim on Air Logistics

  19. 航空物流园区系统规划研究

    Discussion on System Planning of Air-Logistics Park

  20. 我国航空物流的趋势分析

    An Analysis on Chinese Aviation Logistics Trend

  21. 航空物流相对其他物流方式具有快捷、高效等优势。

    Compared with other methods , Aviation Logistics has fast , efficient and cost-saving advantages .

  22. 航空物流园区形成机理

    Forming Principle of Air Logistics Area

  23. 第一章论述四川省发展国际航空物流的必要性。

    The first chapter is about the necessity of the development of Sichuan International Aviation Logistics .

  24. 航空物流中心是确立浦东机场成为亚太地区国际航空物流枢纽的重要基础,从目前来看,航空物流中心的建设主要有两种方案。

    Airport logistics center is the key base for PuDong Airport that will be Asia-Pacific International aviation logistics hinge .

  25. 穗、深、港港口和航空物流对经济增长的作用

    Effect of the port logistics airport logistics to civic regional economy growth in guangzhou , shenzhen and Hong Kong

  26. 在此基础上提出提升我国航空物流产业竞争力的竞争战略。

    Finally based on this discussion , propose the competitive strategy of promoting our country aviation logistics industry competitive power .

  27. 航空物流子系统以快速、安全、准确的特点日益凸显其在现代物流系统中的重要作用。

    It plays an influential role because of its characteristic of speediness , safety and punctuality in the modern logistics system .

  28. 航空物流产业是通过航空物流资源产业化而形成的一种复合型或聚合性产业。

    The aviation logistics industry is one kind of complex and polymeric industry which forms through the aviation logistics resources industrialization .

  29. 航空物流以其快速、安全、准时的特点逐渐在物流发展中占有越来越重要的地位。

    Aviation logistics with its fast , safe , on-time characteristics of the gradual development of the logistics plays an increasingly important role .

  30. 航空物流是现代物流的五个子系统之一,与水路、公路、铁路和管道运输共同构成整个现代物流系统。

    Air logistics is one of the five modern logistics subsystems , which also include waterway , highway , railway and channel transportation .