
  • 网络international insurance;AIG
  1. 伦敦也是重要的国际保险中心。

    London is also the major international insurance centre .

  2. 我国加入WTO,意味着我国保险业将全面地与国际保险体系接轨,并且按照全球金融服务贸易协议规定,在保险市场准入、国民待遇等方面承担相应的义务。

    Since our country joined in WTO , our insurance has begun to mingle with the international insurance system .

  3. 最后,本文介绍了WTO的基本原则及国际保险监管核心原则,通过制度供给与需求、制度均衡、制度创新的分析,提出完善我国保险监管制度的具体措施。

    Thirdly , it presents fundamental principles of WTO , the insurance core principles and the perfection of Chinese insurance regulatory institutions .

  4. 加入WTO后,国内寿险公司面临着资金实力雄厚、技术专业化的国际保险集团的挑战。

    After entering WTO , life insurance company of China is being faced with challenges of many international insurance companies with large funds and specialized technique .

  5. 加入WTO,意味着我国保险业全面地与国际保险体系接轨,我国保险公司将与外国保险公司在世界保险市场上进行面对面的竞争。

    China 's insurance industry , after china 's successful entry into the WTO , will have to confront the fierce competition from the international insurance market .

  6. 中国加入WTO后,国际保险业普遍看好中国保险市场未来的发展潜力,许多国际著名的保险集团已相继进入中国市场,中国保险界也都对国内未来的发展充满了信心。

    Since China entered WTO , the great developing potential of insurance market of China is the favorite of international insurance . Lots of worldwide famous insurance groups have entered Chinese market . Meanwhile Chinese insurance also expects great development of the business in the future .

  7. 消息人士表示,国际保险监管者协会(IAIS)已同意在下个月举行这样的会议。

    The International Association of Insurance Supervisors has agreed to hold such a meeting next month , people familiar with the matter said .

  8. 这个星期,金融市场一直笼罩在一片恐慌之中。美国主要投行雷曼兄弟公司被迫宣布破产,其它一些处境困难的银行被迫卖掉自己,美国政府拿出850亿美元来拯救遇到麻烦的国际保险公司美国国际集团AIG。

    Financial markets this week have been gripped by panic after major U.S. investment bank Lehman Brothers was forced into bankruptcy , other troubled banks were forced to sell and the U.S. government mounted an $ 85 billion rescue operation for troubled international insurance house , AIG .

  9. 国际保险公司综合经营的实践及启示

    The practices of comprehensive operation for international insurers and its inspiration

  10. 国际保险和分保提供者协会;

    International Association of producers of insurance and reinsurance ;

  11. 银行保险是当今国际保险业的重要发展趋势。

    Bank insurance is the most important trend of the international insurance industry .

  12. 英汉双解国际保险监管词典。

    An English-Chinese dictionary of international insurance supervision ii .

  13. 我们采用国际保险中惯用的“仓至仓”责任条款。

    We adopt warehouse to warehouse clause which is commonly used in international insurance .

  14. 国际保险经济学研究会

    International Association for the Study of Insurance Economics

  15. 他在一家国际保险公司工作。

    He works in an international insurance company .

  16. 国际保险监管组织的建立与最新发展

    Construction and Development of International Insurance Supervision Organization

  17. 目前国际保险市场开放主要有三种模式。

    Introduce three patterns in international insurance market .

  18. 博智金融计划将南山人寿转型为一家国际保险公司,他补充说。

    Primus planned to turn Nan Shan into an international insurer , he added .

  19. 国际保险业的并购重组对我国的启示

    Experiences we can Learn from the Re-organization and Merger Practice in the International Insurance Industry

  20. 国际保险关系是通过保险资源要素在国与国之间的流动,以及保险经营在国与国之间的活动所形成的关系。

    The international insurance relation is formed by exchanges of insurance resources between countries and cross-border insurance operational activities .

  21. 但是从发展来看,出口信用保险在国际保险市场只算后起之秀。

    But with a view of development , ECI is only an up-and-coming youngster in the international insurance market .

  22. 最近几年,在国际保险市场上发生了多起保险公司之间的兼并、收购和合并行为,显然,保险公司之间这种较为剧烈的产权交易方式有其存在的意义。

    During these years , there are many mergers , acquisitions and consolidations between insurance companies in international insurance market .

  23. 保护保单持有人利益既是国际保险业发展的主要趋势,也是保险监管的根本目的,是各国政府普遍关注的重要课题。

    To protect the policyholders ' interests is not only an international trend but the cardinal goal of insurance supervision .

  24. 第三章阐述国际保险监管的基本内容,包括市场准入、业务经营、财务状况和偿付能力;

    Chapter ⅲ probes the contents of insurance supervision and concentrates on market access , operation , financial status and insolvency .

  25. 暂保收据是国际保险业的通行做法,我国也早已引入,但对于其法律规定不足。

    Conditional receipt is the international insurance industry practices ; China has also introduced the practice but lack of legal provisions .

  26. 国际保险和再保险中间人协会他再一次把手伸到放电和屏幕中间。

    International Association of Insurance and Reinsurance Intermediaries Once again he put his hand between the discharge tube and the screen .

  27. 监管合作及信息共享主要有国际保险监督官协会与各国保险监管机构的合作与指引;

    The supervisory cooperation and information sharing is guided by the rules of IAIS and of the regulatory bodies of different countries .

  28. 国际保险市场竞争是现代化保险企业之间的竞争,现代化保险企业需要采用先进的企业管理模式。

    Modernized insurance companies should take advanced management patterns because current international insurance marketing competition is based on the modernized insurance companies .

  29. 他们是否应当停止为员工提供国际保险呢?这些保险为员工在中国为数不多的世界级的医院中就诊支付费用。

    Should they then stop offering international insurance plans , which pay for treatment at the handful of world-class hospitals in China ?

  30. 在目前国内保险机构尚不能对翼装飞行进行风险评估和承保的前提下,将联系国际保险机构对各国运动员统一承保。

    We will contact the international insurance institutions for unified athletes'insurances in consideration of current domestic institutions'unablities of risk assessments and insurances .