
ɡuó jì zhènɡ quàn
  • international securities
  1. WTO框架下国际证券监管的合作与协调

    The Cooperation and Coordination in the Supervision of International Securities Under the Framework of WTO

  2. 交银国际证券(bocominternationalsecurities)驻北京汽车业分析师尹国辉(georgeyin)表示,罢工对本田的影响应该是短期的,因为工人现在已经复工。

    George Yin , an auto analyst at bocom international securities in Beijing , said the effect of the strikes on Honda should be short-lived as workers had now returned to work .

  3. 国际证券交易所起初是伦敦的一家咖啡馆。

    The International Stock Exchange started life as a London coffee shop .

  4. WTO本身的性质及其强大的执行监督机制,使WTO框架下国际证券监管合作更具刚性和可执行性。

    The nature of WTO has a powerful supervision execution mechanism , which adds more rigidity and flexibility to the international cooperation and coordination of the securities .

  5. 基于CCF检验的国际证券市场联动性实证研究

    Empirical Study on the International Market Co-movements Using Cross-correlation Function Tests

  6. 分类之所以重要,主要是因为MSCI明晟和摩根大通(JPMorgan)等指数提供商对国际证券投资者配置资金的方式有重大影响。

    The classification matters primarily because of index providers such as MSCI and JPMorgan that have a major influence over how international portfolio investors allocate their money .

  7. 私人情报公司Kroll的中国主管何越(VioletHo)表示,过去十年间,淘金热心理诱使数百位中国企业家进入国际证券市场。

    A gold rush mentality enticed hundreds of Chinese entrepreneurs to international bourses over the past decade , says Violet Ho , head of China for Kroll , the private intelligence agency .

  8. 联昌国际证券(CIMBSecurities)的经济学家宋诚焕表示,地方政府获得了更多灵活性来调整调控措施,但他们更愿意观望。

    ' The local governments are given more flexibility to adjust the curbs , but they prefer to wait and see , ' says Song Seng Wun , an economist at CIMB Securities .

  9. 比较了世界各国及国际证券监管组织(IOSCO)证券监管目标的差异并在此基础上概括了证券监管的宏观和微观两方面的目标;列举了主要证券监管手段并进行了简要的分析。

    Through a country comparative study , comes up with macro and micro objectives of securities regulation ;

  10. 时变理性预期假说与过度反应假说&基于ANST-GARCH模型的国际证券市场实证检验

    Empirical Study for the Time-Varying Rational Expectations Hypothesis or the Overreaction Hypothesis Based on ANST-GARCH Approach : International Stock Markets Evidence

  11. 联昌国际证券(CIMB)经济学家张帆表示,房地产投资的放缓将依然是中国复苏面临的主要威胁。

    ' Moderation in property investment will remain as the major threat to the country 's recovery , ' said Zhang Fan , economist at CIMB Securities .

  12. 这个证券业务行为通则是由国际证券交易所协会(FIBV)制定.于1992年颁布的。

    The General Rules of Securities Business , formulated by the FIBV and enacted in 1992 . is required on all the FIBV members .

  13. 它们对FSSC的研究人员表示,相比拥有诸如风险分析或国际证券等新课程学位的人,它们往往更倾向于聘用一个通才。

    A generalist was often preferable , they told FSSC researchers , to someone on a new course such as a BSc in risk analysis or international securities , for example .

  14. 联昌国际证券(CIMBSecurities)航空分析师奥查德(AndrewOrchard)表示,中国航空公司将进入这一增长迅速的领域以拓宽收益渠道,但中期内这些新业务不一定会带来丰厚利润,因为航线网络的扩张需要启动成本。

    The Chinese airlines are ' going into this faster growing segment to broaden their earnings stream , but in the medium term these new businesses won 't necessarily be very profitable to them because of the startup costs attached with the network expansion , ' said Andrew Orchard , an aviation analyst at CIMB Securities

  15. 国际证券交易所〔前称伦敦证券交易所〕

    International Stock Exchange [ formerly known as London Stock Exchange ]

  16. 武汉国际证券大厦风洞试验研究

    Research on Wuhan International Stock Buildings Based on Wind Tunnel Test

  17. 对于国际证券融资的作用的分析我们不能仅仅局限于引进资金。

    However , the effects of international financing are beyond accumulating funds .

  18. 国际证券组合投资的收益与风险分析

    An Analysis on the Gains and Risks of International Portfolio

  19. 国际证券交易所起初就是伦敦的一家咖啡馆。

    The International Stock Exchange stared life as a London coffee shop .

  20. 伦敦是个国际证券与股票的交易中心。

    London is an international mart for stocks and shares .

  21. 武汉市的新地标&武汉国际证券大厦

    New Landmark of Wuhan & Wuhan International Stock Mansion

  22. 一类国际证券投资组合及消费选择的最优控制问题

    An Optimal Control Problem on Portfolio and Consumption Choice in International Security Market

  23. 国际证券监管法律问题研究

    Research on the Laws of International Securities Regulation

  24. 国际证券市场:五角格局的崩溃

    International security market : collapse of five-angle pattern

  25. 证券信用交易制度是国际证券市场普遍采用的交易方式。

    Securities credit trading system is widely adopted in the international securities market transactions .

  26. 论国际证券交易所的产业组织特性

    On Industrial Organization Characteristics of International Stock Exchange

  27. 国际证券筹资:发展国际贸易的新动力

    International Security Funding : the New Motive Force of the Development of International Trade

  28. 间接持有是国际证券持有的主流模式。

    Indirect holding is the mainstream method of holding securities in the international securities market .

  29. 中国利用国际证券市场的策略

    International Securities Market and China 's Policy

  30. 研究国际证券投资及其有效集的多目标线性规划方法

    The multiple objective linear programming method for studying international securities investment and its efficient set