
huò bì zhènɡ quàn
  • monetary securities
  1. 有价证券包括商品证券、货币证券和资本证券三种。

    Negotiable securities includes commodity negotiable securities , money negotiable securities and capital negotiable securities 3 kinds .

  2. 我国已经建立起了货币、证券和外汇金融体系,开放了黄金饰品市场。

    In China , the money , negotiable securities , and foreign currency finance systems have been established , the golden jewelry market has been open .

  3. 基于世界金融一体化步伐的加快和中国加入WTO后金融业竞争形势的加剧,中国金融业应根据国情,借鉴国外金融业的发展经验,如能做到货币市场、证券市场、保险市场的有机融合;

    With the pace of financial globalization quickening and financial competition becoming more fierce after China joins WTO , China 's financial industry ought to depend on our national conditions and learn foreign experiences .

  4. 今人创造和拥有越来越多的财富,而创造和拥有财富的方式正变得越来越不可思议,货币资本的证券化就是其明证。

    Now people create and possess more and more wealth , however , the way of creating and possessing the wealth become more and more unthinkable . The securitization of money-capital is a good proof .

  5. 亚洲充斥着大量资金,这些资金能够、也应该留在本地区,资助基础设施的建设,而不是流向其他地区,购买肯定会贬值的货币计价的证券。

    There is a lot of Asian money that could and should stay in the region and help finance infrastructure , rather than going abroad and buying paper securities in currencies whose value will surely erode over time .

  6. 随着货币市场、证券市场的不断开放,资本的自由流动将给我国经济、金融宏观调控和金融监管带来许多难题,大量短期资本的流入和流出就会对我国的金融安全构成极大威胁。

    With the opening of currency market and security market , the free flow of capital will bring many difficult problems to China 's economy , financial macro-control and supervision . The inflow and outflow of large amount of short-term capital will bring great threat to China 's financial security .

  7. 另外规定对货币和无记名证券及带有人身性质或感情价值的财物,均不适用善意取得,原权利人不得享有回复请求权。

    In addition , for currency and unregistered securities and personal property or emotional value with the goods are not applicable to Bona Fide Acquisition , and the former obligee cannot reply to the requirements .

  8. 中央银行可以利用货币供应量和证券市场价格存在的长期稳定的关系,把货币供应量作为调控证券市场的中间目标,灵活调控证券市场。

    The central government can take advantage of the long and stable relationship between money supply and price in the stock market to flexibly control the stock market by taking money supply as an intermediate target to control the stock market .

  9. 而影子银行则是通过资产证券化把市场的流动性转化为银行的流动性,它是在短期货币市场发行各种证券化产品、商业票据融来资金,然后在长期欠流动性的市场买入资产。

    It is financing by the issuance of securitized products , commercial paper in the short-term money markets , then buy assets in the owe the liquidity of the market for a long time . Then , it mainly introduces the comparison of shadow banking between American and China .

  10. 当货币政策利好于资本市场的消息时,企业和居民的货币资金大量进入证券市场,股价迅速攀升。

    When monetary policy has good news to capital market , funds of enterprise and resident enter the stock market in great quantities .