
  • 网络corporate securities;corporation securities
  1. 两个模型的本质区别在于对公司证券理解的不同。

    The fundamental difference between these two models is the diverse understanding of corporate securities .

  2. 美元下滑也伴随着购买公司证券和直接投资的减少。

    The decline is also associated with a drop in purchases of corporate securities and direct investment .

  3. GY公司证券电子商务方案研究

    Study on GY Company Plan for Electronic Commerce of Securities

  4. 例如,假定NC公司证券的总成本为4美元,但证券的现行市价只有3美元。

    For example , assume that the total cost of the securities of NC company is $ 4 , but their current market value is only $ 3 .

  5. 投资人与上市公司证券纠纷可仲裁性探讨

    On The Arbitrability of Security Disputes between Investors and Listed Companies

  6. 因此,找出适合保险公司证券化的资产是关键所在。

    Therefore , finding out the assets is the key .

  7. 寿险公司证券化衍生产品对冲策略研究

    A Study on Hedging Strategies of Securitization Derivatives of Life Insurance Company

  8. 从美国石油公司证券风险分析中得到的启示

    Consideration of Securities Risk Analysis of the American oil Companies

  9. 整个公司证券法律环境。

    And 2.the whole company security legal environment .

  10. 公司证券设计与信息分析

    The Security Design of Firm Information Analysis

  11. 美国联邦和各州法律都禁止在交易或推荐公司证券时使用“重大内部消息”。

    United States federal and state law prohibits the use of " material inside information " when trading in or recommending Company securities .

  12. 去年我曾任华泰证券天津公司证券交易员,对证券交易有基本的了解。

    Last year , I worked as a part-time bond trader for Huatai Securities Company ( Tianjin ), and gained general understanding of bond interaction .

  13. 在特定的股票发行中,投资银行建立承销团共同创造市场和分销公司证券,在长期合作中形成战略网络。

    In IPO investment banks always build underwriting syndicates to make market and distribute shares and an underwriting network is formed in a long period .

  14. 第五部分,使用科学的定量模型来分析上市公司证券的收益率和风险,构建最优的证券投资组合。

    The fifth part , use the scientific quantitative model to analyze the earning ratio and risk of the securities of listed company , conform optimum securities investment combination .

  15. 本文主要运用实证分析的方法,将定性分析与定量分析结合在一起,对上市公司证券违法违规行为进行全面、深入的系统研究。

    This thess mainly exert the Demonstration Analysis method and combine quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis to make a systemic and intensive study of the public company 's infraction of law .

  16. 为解决契约的不完备,风险投资主要采用的金融工具是可转换公司证券(可转债及优先股),并形成了创业企业独特的公司治理机制。

    For the existence of contracts ' incompleteness , convertible securities , convertible bonds and convertible preferred stocks , are frequently used , accompanying with the unique corporate governance of the VC backed companies .

  17. 投资者证券账户的开立、注销、合并及证券账户资料变更等业务,按照本公司证券账户管理相关规定办理。

    The establishment , cancellation and combination of the securities accounts of the investors and the alternations modifications of the securities accounts shall be handled subject to relevant securities account management regulations of the company .

  18. 我国工作者应结合我国国情积极引进国际上先进的公司证券法律规范,以消除股票期权计划在我国实施的法律障碍,促进经济的发展。

    Our law personnels should introduce advanced international law standard on stock in the light of our specifc conditions , to get rid of the obstacles to implementation of stock option plan to bring about an advance in the economy of our country .

  19. 退市,指根据法律要求和上市契约的约定,政府监管机构或证券交易所依法终止上市公司证券在证券交易所内进行交易的资格,即由二家上市公司变为非上市公司。

    To withdraw from the market , according to the legal requirements and the listing contract agreement , the government regulatory agencies or termination of listing Corporation stock exchange securities trading at a stock exchange qualification according to law , from a listing Corporation into a non-listed company .

  20. IPO是上市公司在证券市场上第一次大规模筹资行为,而股权再融资则是上市公司进行的第二次圈钱。

    IPO is the first large-scale financing behavior of listed companies on the stockmarket , and equity refinancing of listed companies is the second ring of money .

  21. IRM对于上市公司、证券市场和投资者来讲,都有重要的意义。

    Good investor relation has an important meaning for listed company , securities market and investor .

  22. 据经纪公司里昂证券(CLSA)统计,香港目前65%的私人住宅市场控制在三家房地产公司手中。

    Currently , just three companies control 65 % of the private residential market , according to brokerage CLSA .

  23. 经纪公司里昂证券(clsa)的经济研究主管埃里克菲舍维克(ericfishwick)认为,亚洲经济体目前对出口的依赖更胜从前。

    Eric Fishwick , head of economic research at CLSA , the brokerage , argues Asian economies are more dependent on exports than ever .

  24. 经纪公司里昂证券(CLSA)或许已被中国内地一家中规中矩的国有企业收购,但它依然在举办自己特有的、稀奇古怪的论坛——或者说是派对。

    A buttoned-down state-controlled Chinese firm may have bought brokerage CLSA , but that 's not stopping the company from carrying on with its trademark quirky party-cum-conferences .

  25. 而根据经纪公司里昂证券(CLSA)的研究,去年中国家庭宽带用户也增长到了1.91亿,是此前五年的三倍。

    Home broadband use has also risen , to 191m last year , a threefold rise from five years prior , according to research by CLSA , the brokerage .

  26. 经纪公司里昂证券(CLSAAsia-PacificMarkets)表示:内地经济的复苏已全面展开,但远未达到过热的程度,住宅房产和A股这两大关键资产类别尚未出现泡沫。

    The mainland economic recovery is well under way but is far from overheated and there are not yet bubbles in the two key asset classes , residential property and A-shares , said CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets , the brokerage .

  27. 再者,上市公司与证券公司之间的关系受到时间的显著影响,表现为IPO与SEO间隔时间越长,更换主承销商可能性越大。

    Furthermore , the relationship between listed companies and the securities companies is significantly affect by the time , the longer the interval time between the IPO and SEO , the higher possibility to change the lead Underwriter .

  28. 证券公司里昂证券(CLSA)驻上海的安迪•罗斯曼(ANDYROTHMAN)表示,中国不太可能抛售美元资产,因为它将对中国持有的巨额美国国债产生不利影响。

    Andy Rothman , of CLSA , the brokerage in Shanghai , said any Chinese sell-off of dollar assets was unlikely as it would rebound on China 's substantial holdings of US Treasuries .

  29. 意大利证券市场监察机构&全国公司和证券交易所监管委员会(Consob)要求意航每月报告债务和现金状况。

    Such is Alitalia 's plight that Consob , Italy 's stockmarket regulator , requires it to report monthly on its debt and cash positions .

  30. 证券公司是证券业的微观组成细胞。

    Security Company is of the elementary particle composing securities business .