
  • 网络Ability
  1. 具备超强服务意识、公关能力、亲和力佳;

    Have super strong service consciousness , Pr ability and good affinity ;

  2. 这就要看你是否有让他们免费帮你宣传的公关能力了。

    Public relations is your ability to get free publicity .

  3. 善于使用PPT或其他演示工具,有良好的公关能力。

    Good for PPT presentations and developed abilities as Public relations .

  4. 考虑到法律的明确规定,考虑到CS市中院因此案已经造成的负面影响考虑到我们的社会关系和公关能力,省高院最后还是维持原判。

    Thinking of the provisions of the law , the negative impact to CS court of the case , our social relations and capacity of public relations , HN province high court finally affirm the original judgment .

  5. 工厂具有一支市场开拓能力和公关能力极强的销售队伍。

    The factory has a sales force of strong marketing capability and PR capability .

  6. 在网络时代,网络公关能力起着至关重要的作用。

    With the situation , the public relations capability via the Internet plays a very important role .

  7. 关于高职学生公关能力培养与课程设置的思考

    Thinking about How to Train Students ' Ability in Public Relations and What Course Offered in Vocational Colleges

  8. 该公司还将协助制造业及事件管理,市场营销和公关能力的技术合作伙伴。

    The Company will also be capable of assisting manufacturing and technical partners with event management , marketing and PR.

  9. 优先考虑具有国际认证机构工作经历者,良好公关能力和团队精神,成熟且有独立思考能力

    Previous experience in international testing body highly appreciated , Good interpersonal skills and team work spirit . Mature and independent

  10. 能承受工作压力,擅于沟通,思维活跃,口头表达能力强,能独立开发客户,具有良好的客户公关能力;

    Able to work under pressure , good communication , thinking , active , verbal ability , able to develop customer with good customer relations capabilities ;

  11. 增强政府网络常态公关能力,能够对网络突发事件起到防范于未然的积极作用,有效维护政府的正面形象,提升政府公信力。

    Improving the normal government public relations capability can prevent the Network emergencies from happening , maintain a positive image of the government and enhance the credibility of the government .

  12. 大学电力、电子或机械专业毕业生,良好公关能力和团队精神,诚实、上进、好学,高度责任感

    College graduates of electrical , electronic or mechanical major . Good interpersonal skills and esprit de corps , Honest , self-motivated , and willing to learn . High sense of responsibility

  13. 近年来,随着我国国内各类公共卫生事件的频频发生,政府的危机公关能力开始逐渐步入人们的视野。

    In the recent years , more and more public health incidents happen in our country . Thus people start to study the ability of crisis public relation of the government .

  14. 该投诉虽与Opternative的在线视力检查无关,且已经达成了庭外和解,但它确实对该公司的公关能力提出了一大挑战。

    The complaint , which isn 't related to Opternative 's online eye exams and has been settled , does seem to have created a public relations challenge for the firm .

  15. 我主修英语,辅修中文,获得过奖学金,具有一定的公关能力,能为贵公司的公共关系发展做贡献。

    As a scholarship-winning student of English major and Chinese minor , I believe my skills as a public relations practitioner would be a meaningful contribution to your public affairs department .

  16. 而导致公关能力弱化的主要原因在于,网络公关工作在公关主体、公关平台、信息公开制度与公关引导力建设上的缺失。

    The main reason lies in the lack of construction between the subject , the platform of the public relations , the information disclosure system and the guiding force of public relations .

  17. 该模型由成就欲、主动性、人际洞察力、客户服务意识、个人影响力、公关能力、指挥、分析性思考能力、信息搜寻能力、自信、自我控制、灵活性等12项胜任特征构成。

    And the competency model includes 12 competencies which are achievement orientation , initiative , interpersonal insight , customer orientation , personal influence , ability in public relations , commanding , analyzing ability , information-searching ability , self-confidence , self-control , and flexibility .

  18. 提升政府网络公关能力,关键在于加强公关主体专业化培训、推进网络公关平台建设、完善网络平台信息公开制度、以及提升网络公关引导力。

    To improve the government network public relations capability , we should strengthen the training of the professional subject in public relations , promote the construction of the network of public relations platform ; perfect information disclosure system network platform and enhance the network public relations guidance .

  19. 良好的决策能力、公关谈判能力、组织管理能力、心理承受力、预见应变能力是后勒干部应有的素质要求。

    Service cadre in universities should have the quality of a good decisive a - bility , a negotiation ability , a management ability and emergency ability .

  20. 广告教育提升阶段的人才培养目标是:培养具备能够在国际市场从事市场营销、广告信息传播和从事公关活动能力的广告人才;

    The goal of this education is to train people of higher calibre who are capable of marketing , advertising , management and public relations in international trade markets .

  21. 此外,本文认为保健品企业尤其要增强危机公关的能力,来及时化解现代媒介舆论对保健品品牌带来的形象危机,维护品牌的良好形象,避免品牌的意外死亡。

    In addition , the text believe that health products enterprises should strengthen the ability of public relations , to save the image crisis that the modern media public opinion bring to , and maintain the good image of the brand , avoid health product brand dying unexpectedly .

  22. 基于AHP模糊综合评判的公关危机处理能力评价

    An Evaluation of PR Crisis Management Capability Based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process

  23. 营销歧视,危机公关的反应能力差;

    The marketing discrimination , the crisis public relations reaction capacity is bad ;

  24. 公共关系课程对大学生公关意识与能力影响的研究

    The Discussion on Improve the Undergraduate Students Public Relation Consciousness and Capability by Public Relation

  25. 论师范生班级公关意识和能力的培养公共关系课程对大学生公关意识与能力影响的研究

    On the Cultivation of Teacher-Training Students Consciousness and Ability in Respect to Class Public Relations ; The Discussion on Improve the Undergraduate Students Public Relation Consciousness and Capability by Public Relation

  26. 期望这些应用策略能对切实提高公关人员的谈判能力、谈判效率,获得更好的谈判效果有所帮助。

    The application of these strategies is supposed to effectively enhance negotiating capability of public relations officers , the efficiency of negotiations , so as to achieve satisfactory negotiation results .

  27. 在投行的其他业务收入较小的情况下,会导致投行过于重视公关和合规能力,而忽视专业水准的提升。

    Under the condition of rather smaller income from other investment banking business , it will lead to investment banks putting too much emphasis on public relations and compliance capabilities , and ignoring the professional level of ascension .

  28. 现时代的公关教学,其落脚点是提高大学生的公关能力。

    The main task in public relation teaching is to improve students ' public relation ability .