
  • 网络Communication;Communication Ability
  1. 具有较强的英语沟通交流能力,有海外工作经历为佳。

    Strong communication skills in English , oversea experience is preferred .

  2. 结果临床处置能力、沟通交流能力是护理本科生最受重视的临床能力;

    Results Clinical nursing practice ability and communication ability were regarded as the most important competences for nursing undergraduate student .

  3. 强调卫生学校语文教学进行人文教育应该把尊重生命、培养责任感和同情心、提高沟通交流能力作为基本内容。

    It regards respecting life , having responsibility and sympathy , and communication ability as the basic contents of humanistic education .

  4. 手写书信的能力写信和记笔记构成手写的写作能力、组织能力以及学习人与人之间的通信沟通交流能力。

    Writing letters and notes incorporated hand writing skills , organizational skills , and learning about the person or persons you correspond with .

  5. 结论护理本科生应具备的临床能力包括临床处置能力、沟通交流能力、健康教育能力、临床管理及科研能力。

    Conclusion Clinical nursing practice , communication , health education , nursing management and nursing research abilities were the basic competences of nursing undergraduate student .

  6. 研究表明,排行中间并不会令他们感情冷淡或孤独离群,相反,他们在家庭中所处的位置更有利于协商谈判和沟通交流能力的发展。

    Far from being apathetic or withdrawn , researchers found that a middle childs place in the family helps them develop negotiation and communication skills .

  7. 上佳的语言沟通交流能力(书面及口头),并且能有效的和客户沟通统计术语及含义。

    Excellent interpersonal and communication ( both verbal and written ) skills required , and able to effectively communicate statistical terms and implication to client .

  8. 谋略和规划能力被大部分人(58%)认为是最为重要,接下来是沟通交流能力(29%)。

    Strategy and planning skills were ranked as the most important skill among the majority of participants ( 58 % ), followed by communication ( 29 % ) .

  9. 培养护生的沟通交流能力是临床实习顺利进行的保证,也是提高护生能力的基础。

    To cultivate the ability is the necessity of making sure the clinical practice will be execuoted smoothly , it is also the base for promoting the comprehensive ability .

  10. 女性大脑的沟通交流能力特别发达,她们细致、敏感,能够通过察言观色来了解对方的心理,直觉也很灵敏。

    Female brain communication and communication skills developed , they are meticulous , sensitive , and able to understand how the wind blows the other 's psychology , intuition is also very sensitive .

  11. 热爱教学事业,具有很强的沟通与交流能力;

    Love teaching and have strong communicative and interpersonal skills ;

  12. 这些品质能够使我们更有个性,它们通常包括我们的态度,喜好习惯以及如何与他人沟通交流的能力。

    They make up who we are , generally encompassing our attitudes , habits and how we interact with other people .

  13. 此外,在工作中尊敬长辈、领导和同事,并能与旅游企业进行良好地沟通交流,能力表现突出。

    Besides work , he performed grate ability when communicating with tourism enterprises , and he showed his respects to the elder , to his superior and to his colleagues .

  14. 随和善于与人沟通交流,表达能力好,接受新事物能力强!

    Friendly be good at communicating the exchanges with person , expression ability good , accept the new thing ability strong !

  15. 但是,电视作为一种媒介,其本身并没有与受众直接沟通和交流的能力,所以,与受众面对面交流和互动的重任就要由主持人来完成。

    However , as a medium , television does not have the ability to directly communicate with the audience , so face to face communication and interaction with the audience should be accomplished by the hosts .