
jìn qǔ xīn
  • aggressiveness;initiative;push;get-up-and-go
  1. 她对他缺少进取心感到失望。

    She was disappointed by his lack of initiative .

  2. 我的秘书完全能够胜任她的工作,只是她进取心不强。

    My secretary is perfectly competent , but she doesn 't have much initiative .

  3. 他虽然聪明,但不会成功,因为他缺乏进取心。

    He 's clever but won 't succeed because he lacks drive .

  4. 他在学业上一点也没有进取心。

    He has no enterprise at all in his studies .

  5. 一个人交运的时候,勇气,主意,进取心这些东西是何等重要啊!

    Nerve , ideas , aggressiveness , how these counted when one had luck !

  6. 一个有进取心的人会很坚强独立。

    An aggressive person feels strong and independent .

  7. 雇主说他缺乏进取心和干劲。

    His employer had described him as lacking in initiative and drive .

  8. 这个班里的每个人都积极能干、富有进取心。你必须得勤奋努力,才能脱颖而出!

    Everyone in this class is a go-getter – you 'll have to work hard to stand out !

  9. 例句他是一个非常有进取心的人,我觉得到年底他将成为总经理。

    He 's a real go-getter – he 'll be managing director by the end of the year .

  10. 比如,公司创立了企业服务团队(CorporateServiceCorps),将来自不同背景、有进取心的年轻人分派到全球,与当地分公司的领导们合作解决当地的具体问题。

    For example , it created a Corporate Service Corps , which combines diverse young up-and-comers into teams that work with local leaders on local problems around the world .

  11. 这项研究报告《志存高远的价值:进取心的前因和后果》(OntheValueofAimingHigh:TheCausesandConsequencesofAmbition)将刊登在即将出版的《应用心理学》杂志(JournalofAppliedPsychology)上。

    The study , " On the Value of Aiming High : The Causes and Consequences of Ambition , " will appear in a forthcoming issue of the Journal of Applied Psychology .

  12. 菲利浦•苏在跳槽到Facebook之前,曾效力于微软12年。他认为,微软丧失原有魅力的根本原因在于,公司员工缺乏进取心。

    Philip Su , who spent a dozen years working at Microsoft before taking a job at Facebook , sees a less motivated workforce as a root cause of Microsoft 's lost mojo .

  13. 人们似乎忘记了,在2003年,花旗驱逐了进取心十足的老板桑迪威尔(sandyweill),代之以文化改革者查尔斯普林斯(charlesprince)。

    People seem to forget that , in 2003 , Citigroup ejected sandy Weill , its hard-charging boss , and replaced him with Charles Prince , a cultural reformer .

  14. 他们将会插手一个更像是制造兵器而不是制造电话的团队,哪里包罗前FBI的特工,密探,尚有一个十分有进取心的法令团队。

    They will join a team that might seem more appropriate to weapon manufacturing than to making mobile phones-including ex-FBI agents , intelligence agents , and a highly aggressive legal team .

  15. 从开球的第一分钟起他们就显得很有进取心。

    They look enterprising from the first minute of the kick-off .

  16. 他们往往有进取心,不安于现状,言行不恭。

    Often they are pushy , impatient and have rough edges .

  17. 之后我发现了一个额外的进取心和新的活力。

    And then I found an extra push and new energy .

  18. 要想成为一个成功的推销员就必须有进取心。

    A salesman must be aggressive if he wants to succeed .

  19. 有着强烈的责任感和积极的进取心。

    Have a strong sense of responsibility and a positive initiative .

  20. 性格稳定,富有进取心,责任心强。

    A stable personality and high sense of progress and responsibility .

  21. 我的进取心是在下季领导1只顶级球队。

    My ambition is to lead a top side next season .

  22. 我也希望我能有中西部资本家的那种进取心

    I wish I had some of that bourgeois Midwestern cando .

  23. 你看来是位很有进取心的女孩

    Well , you seem like a very ambitious young woman .

  24. 想于一位能干而又有进取心的姑娘结婚。

    Larry wants to marry a girl who 's a real go-getter .

  25. 我虽然有缺点,却是一个真正的人,一个有进取心的人。

    I am , despite imperfections , a real , positive person .

  26. 我没有进取心,脚步慢下来时,我们超烂。

    When I am not high paced and aggressive , we suck .

  27. 进取心来自不断的努力多于来自天赋。

    Initiative results more from sustained effort than from genius .

  28. 抑郁会耗尽你所有的意志和进取心。

    Depression can drain you of all of your will and gumption .

  29. 她有责任感和强烈的进取心。

    She is responsible and has a strong sense of enterprising spirit .

  30. 他为有进取心的科学家创设了诺贝尔奖。

    He invented the Nobel Prize for enterprising scientists .