
  • 网络Import Declaration;Customs entry;Import customs clearance
  1. 你们可以代我们准备提货单和进口报关单。

    You can prepare the Bills of Lading and Customs Entry Forms on our behalf .

  2. 进口报关,首选虎桥!

    Import declaration , the preferred tiger bridge !

  3. 国内消费商品进口报关单为展商提供进出口货物的报关服务。

    Internal consumption entry slip Provide customs applying service of imported and exported goods for exhibitor .

  4. 一份结转进口报关单对应一份结转出口备案清单。

    One carry over import customs declaration shall correspond to one archival export carry over checklist .

  5. 18.&协助办理乙方作为出资而提供的机械设备的进口报关手续和在中国境内的运输;

    Assisting Party B to process import customs declaration for the machinery and equipment contributed by Party B as investment and arranging the transportation within the Chinese territory ;

  6. 即从10月8日起,旧系统不再受理新的进口报关单电子底帐核查业务,除尚未结案进口付汇报关数据仍在老系统内处理外,新业务必须在新系统中办理。

    Except for those import forex payment declaration data which are not concluded and will still be processed in the old system , new businesses must be processed in the new system .

  7. 用于办理付汇的进口货物报关单证明联;

    The certification page of the declaration form of import goods for payment ;

  8. 关于德国水暖产品进口代理报关商检清关总部办公地址更改通知:从1102-1103-1605室迁至1003-1006室!

    Plumbing products on the German import customs inspection clearance agency headquarters office change of address notification : 1102-1103-1605 room moved from the1003-1006 room !

  9. 实行进口国报关单查验制度,以有效防范出口骗税行为的发生;而进口设备物资清关是一个不容忽视的环节,委托清关公司代理报关是国际工程惯例。

    A policy of import country manifest inspects checking ; The customs clearing for imported materials and equipment should be a link not to be ignored and to entrust a clearing agent with declaration is an international practice .

  10. 进口货物,为报关进口的当天。

    For importation of goods , it is the date of imp-ort declaration .

  11. 上批同类产品进口许可证、报关单复印件,并退回因故未进口的许可证文件。

    Copy of import license and customs declaration for the same product ( s ) in the last transaction .

  12. 香港到珠三角地区进口含关税及报关单证的价格具有很大优势。

    Competitive import rate for cargo from HongKong to Pearl River Delta , including import tax , customs clearance fee and import licence .

  13. 存档。(9)跟踪收集进口货物的正本报关单,交给财务办理付款工作。

    Track the bill of entry collecting the import cargoes original , give financial affairs to handle the job paying a sum of money of .

  14. 海关凭商务部门发证机构签发的《自动进口许可证》办理进口铁矿砂的报关验放手续。

    Customs shall transact declaration and passing-the-customs procedures for imported iron ore on the basis of Automatic Import License issued by License Institutions of Ministry of Commerce .

  15. 偶尔有进口货,但不急,有没有价格更有优势的进口报关运输代理服务公司?

    The occasional imports , but don 't worry , have the price of the import declaration has more advantages transportation agency service company ?

  16. 进口代理服务商素质不一,各有所长,并非所有货物进口都能做得好,我司海邦国际在“二手机械”进口报关方面具有非常强的优势。

    Import agent service quality is differ , strengths , not all imports of goods can do well and we sheng tong international in " second-hand machinery " import declaration has very strong advantage .