- inward and outward means of transport

To violate the customs laws and regulations which makes it impossible or suspended that the customs supervise and control over the inward and outward means of transport , goods and articles .
The inward and outward means of transport staying at a place with a Customs establishment shall not depart from it without prior permission by the Customs .
Fuels , materials and food and drinks necessary in the course of transportation carried by the entry and exit transportation vehicles .
Customs formalities shall be completed with the Customs for an inward or outward means of transport to change to transport business within the territory .
For an inbound and outbound means of transport , to engage concurrently in , or change to , water transport within the territory without Customs approval ;
Articles carried by the person embarking or disembarking the inbound and outbound means of transport shall be declared to the Customs accurately and subject to customs examination .
To fail to inform the Customs of the arrival and departure time of a means of transport and the place where it will stay or any change of such a place ;
The term " inbound and outbound means of transport " means various vessels , vehicles , aircraft and animals which enter or leave the territory for carrying passengers , goods and articles .
You may go into the departure area to check in now . Inbound or outbound means of transport that change over to transport inside the territory of China shall go through the Customs formalities before hand as required .
When a means of transport arrives at or departs from a place where there is a customs establishment , the person in charge of it shall make a truthful declaration to the customs , submit the relevant papers for examination .
" When an inward or outward means of transport is Being checked By the Customs , the person in charge of the means of transport shall Be present and open the holds , cabins , rooms or doors of the vehicles at the request of the Customs "