
jìn kǒu fèi wù pī zhǔn zhènɡ shū
  • certificate of approval of importing wastes
  1. 此前签发的旧版进口废物批准证书可在有效期内按原规定继续使用。

    However the old version approval document of waste products import issued before are effective during period of validity .

  2. 自2006年4月1日起,旧版进口废物批准证书一律作废,海关及检验检疫部门不再接受报关和报检。

    As from Apr1,2006 , all old version approval documents will go invalidity , Customs and departments of inspection and quarantine will no longer accept declaration and inspection report .

  3. 旧版进口废物批准证书不实行电子数据联网,海关凭纸质进口废物批准证书办理验放手续。

    Electronic date net has not been used on the old version approval document of waste products import ; the Customs go through formalities with the paper approval document of waste products import .