
  • 网络threat of entry;threat of new entrants
  1. 有进入威胁时耐用品行业企业策略的博弈分析

    Game Theory Analysis of Business Strategies in the Industry of Durable Goods under the Threat of Entry

  2. 潜在进入威胁下的实物期权价值分析与评估

    Price Fluctuation , Competition and the Value of Real Options

  3. 构造了上游双头垄断,下游多厂商的产业结构模型,研究了上游在位企业面临进入威胁时的兼并模式选择。

    This paper established a model of upstream duopoly with many downstream firms .

  4. 第四章应用耐用品理论研究了面临进入威胁的耐用品垄断商和潜在进入者的销售策略和定价策略,市场进入策略和产品创新策略。

    In chapter 4 I investigate the sales strategy and pricing strategy , market entry strategy and product innovation strategy when there is entry threat .

  5. 同时,由于小企业自身条件的限制和我国特定的知识产权保护现状,这类企业面临着潜在竞争者的进入威胁和无差异化的价格竞争。

    At the same time , however , this kind of small business face the entrant threat from the potential competitor due to the low entrant barrier or mobility barrier .

  6. 比如2006的第三季度,就将进入威胁经济持续、平稳发展的价格上极限区,不得不警惕。

    Take the third quarter of2006 for instance ; it will enter into the price upper limit region and lower price limit region that may threaten the sustainable and steady economic development .

  7. 处理复杂数据流的难度导致了第三条准则的出现:围绕XML处理管道来设计应用程序,从而让数据流更容易进入安全威胁评估。

    The difficulty of dealing with intricate data flow leads to the third principle : Design your applications around XML processing pipelines to make data flow easier to factor into threat assessment .

  8. 但是,由于存在潜在进入者威胁和行业内竞争较为激烈,DS公司目前面临着较大的竞争压力。

    However , because of the threat of potential entrants and intense competition of industry , DS Corporation is facing big competition pressures .

  9. 外国银行机构进入及其威胁

    Flooding in of Foreign Financial Institution and their Threats

  10. 你们的军舰现在正从冰岛以东通过,很快就将进入可以威胁我们通往欧洲的贸易航线的位置。

    Your ships are now passing east of Iceland and will soon be in a position from which they can threaten our trade routes to Europe .

  11. 并运用五力模型从潜在进入者威胁、供应商讨价还价能力、买方讨价还价能力、替代品威胁、现有竞争者五个角度对竞争环境进行了分析。

    And the article used five forces model threats , analyzed from five competitors as threat of potential entrants , the bargaining power of suppliers , bargaining power of buyers , threat of substitutes , the existing competitors .

  12. 土壤中过量的砷不仅危害植物生长,而且能在植物中累积并通过食物链进入人体,威胁人类健康。

    Excessive arsenic in soil is not only harmful to plant growth , but also damaging human health through the food chain .

  13. 小小的异物进入眼睛不会威胁生命,却会导致极大的不适。

    Having a small foreign object in the eye is not life threatening , though it can cause an immense amount of discomfort .

  14. 再加上潜在进入者的威胁和来自国外企业的竞争,使得行业内各企业都面临着严峻的考验。

    But the competition of aluminum foil industry is very fierce , and other latent competitors and foreign companies are entering into this industry .

  15. 因此,截击可以用来阻止冲锋攻击者进入人物的威胁范围内,对么?

    So , Stand Still can be used to keep the charging attacker in our example from entering the area the character threatens , right ?

  16. 土壤中的砷不仅可以进入食物链威胁人体健康,而且还可以进入大气和水体造成二次污染。

    Arsenic in soil can not only enter the food chain threat to human health , but also into the air and water cause secondary pollution .

  17. 在可竞争的市场当中,即使有时厂商数量有限,潜在进入者的威胁也能够迫使在位厂商按照竞争行为进行经营;

    Even there are a small amount of firms in a certain market , as long as the market is contestable , the potential entrants ' threaten makes the incumbents operate just as they are in perfectly competing circumstances .

  18. 通过五力模型,分析了太阳能热水器中小企业相互竞争的程度、购买者讨价还价的能力、替代品威胁、供应商讨价还价的能力以及潜在进入者的威胁。

    Through the five forces model analysis of SME , solar power compete with each other the degree of bargaining power of buyers , threat of substitutes , the bargaining power of suppliers , as well as the potential threat .

  19. 虽然对行业内现有企业之间的竞争,潜在进入者的威胁,替代产品产业发展,买方与卖方讨价还价能力等方面都说到了,但是缺乏具体深入的分析,特别是缺乏相关数据支撑,缺乏定量分析。

    Although we refer to industry competition between existing enterprises , the threat of potential entrants , substitute products industry development , the bargaining power of buyers and sellers , specific in-depth analysis still needed , especially need data supporting and quantitative analysis .

  20. 当然企业也面临着行业恶性竞争、淡旺季差别明显、生命周期缩短、市场细分加速和终端营销费用剧增等的挑战,以及来自替代品和新进入者的威胁。

    Of course , the company also faces the challenge which arises from the threaten of replace product and newcomers , vicious competition , obvious differences between off and peak seasons , product life shortening , market elaborate division speeding up , heavy terminal sale cost expanding , etc.

  21. 整个汽车行业正在努力跟上消费者对于提高车内互联程度的需求,同时抵挡来自特斯拉(Tesla)、谷歌(Google)——可能还有苹果(Apple)——等新进入者造成的威胁。

    The wider motor industry is fighting to keep up with demands from consumers for greater connectivity inside the vehicle while heading off the threat posed by new entrants such as Tesla , Google and , potentially , Apple .

  22. 但是,后来他却对那些不让他进入的人进行威胁,扬言要逮捕他们。

    But he would later threaten to have them arrested if they did not let him pass .

  23. 黑帮和无数不明身份和未注册罪犯做出的,以便非法进入我国,威胁美国公民。

    gang members and countless unknown and unregistered criminals to gain illicit access to our country and threaten our citizens .

  24. 被植物吸收的金属可进入食物链,威胁人类健康。

    The heavy metals absorbed by plants not only inhibit plant growth but also enter into food chain by edible portion in plants to damage the health of human being .

  25. 每个行业分析了潜在的进入者及进入威胁、购买者讨价还价的能力、供应商讨价还价的能力、替代品的威胁、互补品和现有厂商的竞争等六个因素。

    In each industry , the six forces have analyzed : potential new entrants , buyers , suppliers of key inputs , substitute products , availability of complements and rivalry among competing sellers .

  26. 由于海上石油开采、码头作业、船舶运输以及各种突发溢油事故,导致大量的石油污染物进入海洋,严重威胁海洋生态环境。

    Due to oil exploration , terminal operation , shipping transportation and all kinds of unexpected oil spills , large oil pollutions get into the sea , which threats the marine ecological environment .

  27. 其中重金属污染具有长期潜在威胁并且难于治理的特点,从而极易造成大面积土壤废弃,更严重的是污染物被农作物吸收进入食物链,威胁着人类的健康。

    Among them , the heavy metal pollution has a long potential threat and is difficult to control which is likely to waste large areas of soil . More seriously , pollutants are absorbed into the food chain crops which can threat human health .

  28. 面对我国服务业落后的现状和跨国公司进入的挑战与威胁,应采取实施关系营销的策略;加强服务企业对消费者的服务创新,创立服务品牌;

    Facing with the severe situation of our backward service and the threatening from those transnational corporations , we should carry out effective strategies to strengthen the service innovation , to set up service brand so as to ensure the high efficiency of the whole service business .

  29. 企业技术创新的研究与开发(R&D)获得成功之后,产品一旦进入市场,随之而来的就是潜在企业市场进入的威胁;

    After the success of the R & D of the enterprise and the emergence of its products in the markets , potential entering of other enterprises is presented .

  30. 本文试图把市场进入问题的研究从产品市场延伸到劳动力市场,分析了存在雇员经理人进入威胁情况下企业雇佣行为的变化及其特点。

    This paper tries to extend the entry issues from product market to employee market , and analyzes the change and characters of firm 's employment conduct under the risk of employee 's entry .