
  • industry barrier
  1. IPTV在中国的发展还面临许多挑战,如监管政策不明朗,行业壁垒难以打破,赢利模式不明晰,技术规范不完善,但大趋势决定了IPTV的发展前景十分光明。

    The development of IPTV faces a lot of difficulties such as the unclear supervision policy , the industry barrier difficult to remove , vague profit models , and unmature technology specifications . However , the general development tendency decides a bright future of IPTV .

  2. 随后笔者对行业环境进行了分析,行业五力竞争模型分析结论:在中国的隐形眼镜行业中,行业壁垒高:供方议价能力低;

    Then , the writer analyse the industry environment . conclusion of industry five powers competition model : in Chinese contact lens market , industry barrier is high ;

  3. 当前传统证券经纪业务正面临极其严峻的挑战,浮动佣金制,加入WTO后,行业壁垒的逐渐消失,竞争主体的增加,监管制度的变革等,都使得证券经纪业务竞争日趋白热化。

    Traditional securities brokerage business is facing very serious challenges , floating commission system , after the accession to the WTO , the gradual disappearance of trade barriers , increase in the main competition , the regulatory regime change , have made the securities brokerage business increasingly intense competition .

  4. 另一方面,是出于迅速占领中国市场、规避行业壁垒、购买低价资产等动因。

    On another hand , they can occupy Chinese automobile market rapidly , purchase the low-price assets and get the advantage from contest .

  5. 面对市场竞争的压力,媒体型广告公司因行业壁垒低,而导致资源的生命周期短。

    Under the pressures of market competition , the resource life cycle of media advertisement companies becomes shorter because of low barriers in the line .

  6. 然后,深入探究了障碍存在的根源:思想根源、地方保护主义严重、旅游市场的人为割裂、地区割据与行业壁垒等。

    And it finds the root of that , like rigid ideology , bad district protectionism , dissevered tourism market , and trade vallum , etc.

  7. 再次,加快组建文化产业集团,鼓励和支持文化产业集团打破地区分割和行业壁垒,跨地区、跨行业经营;

    Third , cultural industrial group should be formed , breaking the regional division and trade barrier should be encouraged and supported , transregional business carried out ;

  8. 徐鹏航表示,中国必须“打破所有制界限和行业壁垒,鼓励具有竞争优势的民营企业进入国防产业链”。

    China must " smash limits on ownership and walls between industries , and encourage civilian enterprises with a competitive advantage to enter the defence sector " , said Mr Xu .

  9. 经济社会深度发展,市场竞争愈加激烈,贸易争端和行业壁垒层出不穷,这使得企业在发展的道路上面临更多的威胁和机遇。

    Economic society develops depth , the Competition in Market fierce more and more , trade barriers and trade disputes endless , which make enterprises to face more threats and opportunities on the road of development .

  10. 从微观层面来看,它是企业快速获取生产要素的重要方式,是打破行业壁垒,进入新行业的重要途径。

    From a micro perspective , M & A ( mergers and acquisitions ) is an fast way of accessing to factors of production . It is also helps the company to break trade barriers into a new industry .

  11. 地勘单位实行资本经营,是抵御各种竞争压力、进行产业结构调整、实现规模经营和技术积累、开拓市场、突破行业壁垒的必然选择。

    Implementing the capital operation in geological and prospecting enterprises is an inevitable trend to relieve the market competitive pressure , regulate structure of production , realize large-scale production and technical accumulation , develop market and break through industrial barriers .

  12. 市场竞争弥补了家族企业内部监督机制的不足,当引进外部职业经理人等内部治理改革缓慢时,可以适当降低行业壁垒从而增加市场竞争程度,这条方法不免为一条降低代理成本的有效途径。

    Market competition make up the insufficient of internal supervision mechanism in family enterprise . When internal governance reforms as the introduction of external managers progress slowly , it may be a effective way to reduce agency cost by appropriately reducing industry barriers to increase market competition degree .

  13. 本文分析了Kodak公司在通过98协议提高行业进入壁垒的基础上,如何设计、发展和维护营销渠道,从而形成了其在中国民用感光行业市场中长期的竞争优势。

    Based on the analyzing the Kodak Company advancing the barrier through the " 98 contract ", the paper focuses on Kodak Company how to design , develop , and maintain the marketing channels so that the company could sustain competitive advantages in consumer imagine industry in China .

  14. 对我国饭店行业市场壁垒的思考

    Considerations about the Market Barrier in Chinese Restaurant Industry

  15. 因此,必须从提高产业集中度和行业进入壁垒、优化产业结构等环节改善钢铁产业规模结构效率。

    Consequently , industry concentration and threshold to admit have to be increased , industry structure must to be improved .

  16. 故医院的品牌战略对提高行业进入壁垒、保障人民身体健康和提高医院的经济效益都具有十分重要的意义。

    Hospital brand strategy is helpful to advancing barrier to entry , ensuring residents health status and improving hospitals economic benefit .

  17. 随着胶粘带行业进入壁垒的降低和竞争的加剧,原来的高利润变成了现在的微利甚至亏损。

    As adhesive tape industry 's barrier turn lower and because the heated competitive , the industry 's profit turn meagre even deficit .

  18. 无形资产在创造行业进入壁垒,培养顾客忠诚,以及加强竞争优势方面扮演着至关重要的角色。

    Intangible assets play a crucial role in the creating trade entrance barriers , building customer loyalty , as well as to enhance the competitive advantage .

  19. 我国现代服务业的发展水平较低,存在明显的行业进入壁垒,市场秩序混乱。

    The development of Chinese modern services industry is slow , as there are barriers to entry in this industry , and the market is in disorder .

  20. 降低行业进入壁垒,鼓励民间资本进入造船业,推进产业规模经营是中国船舶制造业发展的必然选择。

    The necessary choice of China shipbuilding industry development is to lower industry barrier , to encourage civil capital into the industry , and to enlarge industrial scale management .

  21. 有效需求不足、供需结构错位、行业垄断壁垒是大学生就业的三大阻碍因素。

    The insufficiency in effective demand , the dislocation between supply and demand structure , the trade monopoly barrier are three primary factors for college students ' employment hindrance .

  22. 目前,由于快速消费品行业进入壁垒较低,行业内竞争对手和潜在竞争者较多,因此在市场上相互之间竞争相当激烈。

    At present , the fast moving consumer goods industry have low barriers to entry and there are many competitors and potential competitors , so the market is highly competitive .

  23. 从目前来看,我国农村劳动力流向城镇对缩小城乡收入差距没有多大帮助,要有效缩小我国城乡收入差距还应结合消除不合理的行业进入壁垒,发展农村经济等措施。

    Establishing the just mechanism of income , eliminating the bulwark of industry entrance and developing rural economics are the efficient paths to shorten the gap of income between the country and town .

  24. 由于航空业对技术、资金等要求很高,行业进入壁垒很高,因此将部分竞争者挡在门外,先进入这个行业就具有了马太效应,将会收获更大市场份额。

    Because of technology , capital and other industry , trade barriers to entry , will therefore high block in the door , according to the Matthew effect , will reap greater market share .

  25. 要尽快发展我国的信用评估业,就要提高行业进入壁垒,促进行业内现有评估机构的兼并与联合,但同时又要防止垄断的产生。

    Such measures as heightening barriers to entry and promoting merger and alliance should be taken , but the tendency of monopoly should be avoided to develop credit rating industry as soon as possible in China .

  26. 也就是说不同金融服务行业之间壁垒的调整和消除。与前几任总统一样,克林顿一直致力于消除贸易壁垒。

    By which I mean the trend towards the adjustment or removal of barriers between different types of financial services . Clinton , like his predecessors , had continued to push for elimination of trade barriers .

  27. 外资并购的动机一般出于:实现规模经济、技术因素、财务效益、规避行业进入壁垒,占领国际市场、纳税效应。

    The motives of foreign investors ' merger and acquisition are the followings : realizing scale economy , technology factor , financial benefit , evading barrier to enter the market , occupy international market , tax consideration .

  28. 促进财富公平分配的有效机制是消除行业进入壁垒,通过劳动力和生产资料的自由流动,将劳动中存在的超额利润抹平。

    The promotion of an effective mechanism for equitable distribution of wealth is the elimination of profession barriers to entry , through the free movement of labor and the means of production , the excess profits will be smooth out .

  29. 商业银行的市场结构再造,必须在借助政府力量重组现有商业银行结构体系的同时,降低行业进入壁垒,导入有效竞争。

    To reform the market structure of Chinese commercial bank , we should use the power of our government to reorganize the existing system of commercial banks and lower obstacles at the same time in order to develop effective competitions .

  30. 民营企业并购的目的是为了获得企业发展所需的各种资源,通过协同效应实现企业的战略发展目标,顺利地突破新进入行业的壁垒并减少企业的运作风险。

    The purpose of merger and acquisition of enterprises run by private capital is for the sake of resources that private enterprise need , and to realize the strategic target by synergy , successfully break into professional barracks and reduce operation risks .