
  • 网络the Administrative Proportion Principle
  1. 合法的学生违纪处分规则必须具备实体规则合法、程序规则合法和符合行政比例原则等要素。

    The lawful punishment rule to disobedient students should fulfil the following demands : entity rule in legal , procedure rule is legal , conform to the principle of administrative proportionality .

  2. 行政法比例原则与和谐社会建设之关系浅析

    Relations brief analysis administrative law proportion principle and harmonious social construction

  3. 同时在征收立法的基本原则上应遵循依法行政、比例原则和权力制约原则。

    The legislative principle should follow the principle of responsible administration , the principle of proportionality and the principle of limited power .

  4. 行政比例与合理性原则的比较研究

    Comparative Study on Principle of Proportionality and Principle of Rationality

  5. 但在我国行政法学中比例原则还鲜有研究。

    However , we haven 't paid enough attention to the research into the principle of proportionality .

  6. 行政法中比例原则是指行政权力的行使除了有法律依据这一前提外,行政主体还必须选择对人民侵害最小的方式进行。

    The principle of proportionality of administrative law means the administrative agency should select the proper way that does the least damage to people .

  7. 笔者以德国行政法上的比例原则为视角,通过各国(地区)实践,探讨其在规制行政紧急权和保障公民人身自由权中的作用,以期对我国应急立法和实践有所裨益。

    The author use the principle of proportionality in German administrative law as a perspective , through the practice of various countries ( region ), to explore its role of regulating administrative emergency power and protecting the citizens ' right to personal liberty .

  8. 但在我国大陆行政法及行政法学中,比例原则还远未引起足够的重视。

    However , there 's not enough attention paid to such principle in our administrative law research .