
chōu xiànɡ xínɡ zhènɡ xínɡ wéi
  • abstract administrative act
  1. 此外,我国加入WTO以后,WTO的相关规定也对抽象行政行为的司法审查做出了相应的要求。

    In addition , our country has joined WTO , so the regulations of WTO have some requests on judicial review of abstract administrative act .

  2. 如果依我国现行法律的规定,对部分抽象行政行为不纳入司法审查的范围,这与我国加入WTO做出的承诺是不一致的。

    If abstract administrative act is not brought into the scope of judicial review , the promises our country has made in WTO will be disobeyed .

  3. 抽象行政行为听证程序之适用

    On Application of Hearing of Witnesses Procedure to Abstract Administrative Action

  4. 完善以权力机关审查为核心的抽象行政行为救济机制

    The Abstract Administrative Action Relief System Centered on Power Institute Supervision

  5. 抽象行政行为应纳入行政诉讼受案范围

    Administrative Action Should Be Brought into the Jurisdiction of Administrative Procedure

  6. 行政法治必须解决的一个关键问题&论对抽象行政行为的监督

    Key Problem to be Solved in Rule of Law in Administration

  7. 抽象行政行为在行政诉讼领域中没有合法地位。

    Administrative behavior does not occupy an legitimate position .

  8. 试析抽象行政行为之公诉制度

    Analysis of Public Prosecution System of Abstract Administrative Action

  9. 试论政府的管制成本对抽象行政行为的影响

    Discussion on Influence of the Governments Control Costs upon The Abstract Administrative Activities

  10. 试论中关村抽象行政行为听证制度

    On the Hearing Institution of Zhongguancun Abstract Administrative Act

  11. 部分抽象行政行为纳入行政复议范围刍议

    The View on Bring Part Abstract Administrative Action into Range of Administrative Appeal

  12. 抽象行政行为的司法审查制度比较研究

    The Comparative Study on the Judical Review System of the Abstractive Administrative Act

  13. 对行政越权的救济应当从抽象行政行为越权与具体行政行为越权两个方面进行。

    Exceeding powers in administration should be redressed by abstract and concrete ways .

  14. 对非立法抽象行政行为实行司法审查的依据

    The Basis of the Judicial Examination to the Non Legislative Abstract Administrative Behavior

  15. 构建和谐社会与抽象行政行为的司法审查

    The Construction of Harmonious Social and the Abstract Administrative Action of Judicature Examination

  16. 对抽象行政行为的监督与检察权的配置

    Surveillance of Abstract Administrative Action and Procuratorial Authority Disposition

  17. 论抽象行政行为及其监督机制

    The Abstract Administrative Behavior and The Supervisory Mechanism

  18. 抽象行政行为的法律规制

    On Legal Authority Control of Abstract Administrative Act

  19. 第二部分理性的思考:抽象行政行为的理性分析,旨在从理性上对抽象行政行为的一些基本问题进行探讨。

    The second part is ' the rational analysis of the abstract action ' .

  20. 论非立法性抽象行政行为的监督机制

    On Supervisory System of Non-legislation Abstract Administrative Behavior

  21. 行政赔偿中应该包括抽象行政行为引起的赔偿;

    The administration compensation inside should include the compensation that abstracts administration behavior cause ;

  22. 加强对行政机关抽象行政行为的监督是依法行政的客观要求。

    It 's essential to strengthen the superintendence on AAA in the administrative setup .

  23. 抽象行政行为的司法监督机制之建立

    The Foundation of the Mechanism of the Judicial Supervision about the Abstract Administrative Behavior

  24. 第四部分叙述了我国现行的抽象行政行为监督制度存在的问题。

    The fourth part describes the current problems of abstract administrative act supervision system .

  25. 论抽象行政行为可诉的现实范围

    The Actual Extent of Litigating Abstract Administrating Actions

  26. 对抽象行政行为的听证、对具体行政行为的听证。

    Hearing in the abstract administrative behavior , hearing in the concrete administrative behavior .

  27. 论我国抽象行政行为司法审查的困境和出路

    The Dilemma and Way Out of Judicial Review on Abstract Administrative Act in Our Country

  28. 抽象行政行为是政府进行行政管理的重要手段。

    Abstract administrative act is an very important way that governments to accomplish administrative management .

  29. 论抽象行政行为的公益性审查

    On Commonweal Supervision of Abstract Administrative Act

  30. 抽象行政行为是当今世界各国实施行政管理的重要基础性手段之一。

    The significance and approaches of enhancing the supervision of abstract administration behavior are discussed .