
  • 网络Rent extraction;rent-extracting
  1. 正如迈耶指出的那样,这是因为:对最短期的股东来说,企业是一个抽租工具。

    This is because , as Prof Mayer argues : The corporation is a rent extraction vehicle for the shortest-term shareholders .

  2. 正如迈耶指出的那样,这是因为:“对最短期的股东来说,企业是一个抽租工具。”将管理层奖励与股东回报挂钩强化了这种机会主义。

    This is because , as Prof Mayer argues : " The corporation is a rent extraction vehicle for the shortest-term shareholders . " Aligning managerial rewards to shareholder returns reinforces the opportunism .

  3. 第三是金融交易和其它抽租金融活动的爆炸式增长。

    A last is the explosion in financial trading and other rent-extracting financial activities .

  4. 因此,面对公众的愤怒,只有抽租的金融机构尤其是那些实力最强的银行得以存活。

    Thus , in the face of public resentment , only rent-extracting finance above all , the mightiest banks survive .

  5. 戈登·塔洛克寻租理论的基本内容包括寻租成本与收益、寻租的政治市场、有效寻租、护租、创租和抽租以及减少寻租的措施;

    The basic content of the seek-rent theory of Gordon Turlock includes : seek-rent cost and income , seek-rent political market , effective seek-rent , protect-rent , create-rent , draw-rent and measures to reduce the seek-rent .