
  • 网络abstractness;Level of abstraction;abstract degree
  1. 然而,还有很多其他类型的平民科学项目,人们探究过的这些项目抽象程度各不相同,

    However , there are many other flavors of citizen science projects that people have delved into that have varying levels of abstraction ,

  2. 前者用六个模型描述和控制一个MAS,由于模型描述处于抽象程度较高的知识级,易于修改,使得SCM系统具有较高的开放性和可扩充性。

    The former uses six models to describe a MAS . Because the model description is in a highly abstract knowledge level , easy to be modified , making the SCM information system open and extensible .

  3. 视觉符号的抽象程度与意义表达

    The Abstract Degree of Visual Signs and the Corresponding Expression of Meanings

  4. 大学生人际自我价值感是一个多维度的心理结构,根据其抽象程度可分为主要社会关系价值感和特殊人际需求价值感两个层次;

    Interpersonal self-esteem of university students is a multi-level and multi-dimensional system .

  5. 包的抽象程度跟它的稳定性成正比。

    The abstraction of a package should be in proportion to its stability .

  6. 总体责任心抽象程度最高;

    The global responsibility has the highest abstract degree ;

  7. 两者都包含在词块中,只是抽象程度不同。

    They are all contained in the prefabricated chunks only differ on the degrees of abstraction .

  8. 总体自我价值感是泛化的价值感,它抽象程度最高,也比较模糊;

    The overall self-value sense is suffused , its abstract degree is the highest , fuzzier too .

  9. 抑郁-正常个体在不同抽象程度图片上的眼动特征呈现不同的规律。

    Depression - different abstract levels in normal individuals Eye Movements of the pictures show different patterns .

  10. 返回消息的使用依赖建模的具体/抽象程度。

    The use of return messages depends on the level of detail / abstraction that is being modeled .

  11. 处于不同层次的自我价值感,其抽象程度也有所不同。

    In the self-value senses of the different levels , its abstract degree is different to some extent too .

  12. 通过归纳学习,使得属性域取值的抽象程度提高,从而得到较精练的数据集合,大大提高了规则的学习效率。

    Through concept induction we can improve the abstract level of attribute , thus we can get more succinct rule .

  13. 最后,归纳出几种简化手法和简化原则,并对生物形态简化式样的抽象程度和认知识别性进行了分析。

    Finally , the author concludes some methods and principles for simplification , and briefly analyses the abstract extent and cognition .

  14. 传统的功能性模型由于其较低的抽象程度、过度简化的局限,不适合复杂并行测试系统建模。

    A traditional functional model is not a better representation for parallel test system because of its low level of abstraction .

  15. 首先,对概述最常用的就是定制想要支持的抽象程度。

    The first , and most general , use of profiles is to customize the abstractions that are intended to be supported .

  16. 在研究中发现,视频镜头的抽象程度与对其进行边界划分的精度相关。

    It is found out through studies that the degree of abstraction for a video shot is closely related to the precision of boundary division .

  17. 融合过程可以在不同的层次上进行,按照信息抽象程度从低到高为:信号级、像素级、特征级、符号级。

    Fusion process can be performed at different levels of information representation , sorted in ascending order of abstraction : signal , pixel , feature and symbol levels .

  18. 该理论认为语言的句法系统由抽象程度各异的多层次构式网络组成,语言学习是学习构式的过程。

    This paradigm believes that language system consists of networks of constructions existing at multiple levels of concreteness and abstraction , and language acquisition is a process of learning constructions .

  19. 与其他物种相比,人类学习是由可学技能的范围和复杂性以及所能达到的抽象程度来区分的。

    Human learning is distinguished by the range and complexity of skills that can be learned and the degree of abstraction that can be achieved compared with those of other species .

  20. 现代数学的更高的抽象程度,使数学达到了最大的简单性、统一性、纯粹性、深刻性、精巧性、严密性、清晰性、能动性。

    The higher abstraction degree of Modern mathematics makes it reach the greatest simplicity , uniformity , purely sexual and profoundly sexual , artistic nature , rigour , clarity and dynamism .

  21. 转喻与隐喻共享着人体体验,且随着抽象程度的增加,二者的距离可能缩减到难以区分的地步。

    Metonymy and metaphor are symbiotic sharing the same embodiment , and it may become difficult to differentiate them when they get closer to each other with the increase of abstraction .

  22. 相对于其他学科数学概念综合性强抽象程度高,学生在理解和接受的过程中更会产生各种困难。

    Compared to other disciplines , the mathematics conceptions are much more comprehensive and abstract . As a result , students are more likely to encounter various difficulties during their comprehensions and acceptances .

  23. 按照图像融合过程的信息抽象程度,可将图像融合的层次从低到高分为:像素级、特征级、决策级。

    In accordance with the level of abstraction of the image fusion process , the level of image fusion from low to high is divided into : pixel , feature , decision levels .

  24. 按照数据结构的抽象程度,将系统中传递的数据信息分为由低至高6个层次,详细描述了各层次内容。

    According to the abstract degree of data structure , the data information transferred in this system can be divided into six hierarchies from low to high . Information in each hierarchy is described .

  25. 对于视觉传达这一学科来讲,研究符号与其指代物之间的关系,以及视觉符号本身的抽象程度对信息传达、意义表述的影响,是一个非常有意义的课题。

    As for the visual conveying , it is significant to study the relationship between signs and their references and the influence of the abstract degree of the visual signs on information conveying and meaning expression .

  26. 接着从符号的三个层次入手,针对其抽象程度的不同,提出应该关注一般的视觉修辞规律和法则、视觉联想能力的培养、视觉认知学习能力的培养等策略。

    Due to its abstract extent , this chapter raises that we should pay attention to the general visual rhetoric rules and principles , the training of visual association ability , the training of vision cognitive learning ability .

  27. 主要考虑了句子与标题的相似度、句子的抽象程度、句子的长度等多种特征信息来衡量句子权重。

    We mainly consider the similarity of the sentence and the title , the informative of the sentence , the abstractive of sentence , the length of the sentence and other characteristics to measure the weight of the sentence .

  28. 特殊责任心抽象程度最低,包括学业责任心、家庭责任心、他人责任心、集体责任心、社会责任心五个方面的具体内容,同样反映出任务责任心和过失责任心两个维度。

    And the lowest level of abstraction is represented by special responsibility through five aspects of academic , family , interpersonal , collective and social responsibility , and also reflecting the two aspects of duty and defect as well .

  29. 图像工程根据抽象程度和研究方法的不同可分为三个层次:图像处理、图像分析和图像理解,图像工程是三者有机结合及它们工程应用的总称。

    Image engineering can be arranged into three catalogs according to class in term of research approach and nonfigurative degree , namely image engineering is combination of image processing , image analysis and image understanding and their engineering application .

  30. 特殊自我价值感的抽象程度最低,同样反映出社会和个人两种取向,具体体现在生理、心理、人际、道德和家庭等方面。

    The abstract degree of the special self-value sense is the lowest . It includes two kinds of orientations of society and individual too . It includes five aspects such as physiology , psychology , interpersonal , morals and family concretely .