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  • abstraction
  1. 然而,整个社会对现金概念的抽象化让我感到不安。

    But across society , the abstraction of the idea of cash makes me uneasy .

  2. 开发动态Web应用系统的抽象化技术探讨

    Discussion on Abstraction Technology of Developing Dynamic Web Application System

  3. 该文对双层变迁定时PETRINET进行了抽象化。

    This paper presents the abstraction of double transitions timed Petri Net .

  4. Linux文件系统体系结构是一个对复杂系统进行抽象化的有趣例子。

    The Linux file system architecture is an interesting example of abstracting complexity .

  5. 双层变迁定时PETRINET抽象化

    Abstraction of Double Transitions Timed Petri Net

  6. 基于Web的企业管理标准能够将从多来源以多协议获得的数据抽象化,它加强了管理能力并且使管理信息通过单一的协议出现。

    Web-Based Enterprise Management standard is able to abstract data by multi-protocol from multi-sources , strengthen the management capacity and enable them through a single deal .

  7. 利用FLASH软件所构造的数学互动课件,能够帮助学生体验数学、理解数学,从而学会抽象化的数学思维。

    Mathematical interaction course software on FLASH can help student experience and understand mathematics , and learn abstracted thought .

  8. 在此基础上,从Java编程的核心技术线程入手,提出了Java网格编程模型,它使网格结构的接口细节抽象化,为网格客户的网格应用程序的开发更加简单、便捷。

    On this basis , from the core technology of Java programming , Java grid programming model is put forwarded by the author .

  9. 这些意象图式是抽象化的骨架,而“back”的各个具体用法和意义是它们的具体化(用细节填充骨架)。

    These image schemas are abstracted skeleton structures and the specific uses and meanings of back are instantiations of them ( i.e. filling out the skeleton structure by details ) .

  10. 本人所在的开发小组在项目中负责的是文件系统模块及对于Flash存储的抽象化管理。

    I of the development team in the project is responsible for the file system for the Flash memory module and the abstract management .

  11. 嵌入式操作系统能提高DSP的软件开发速度,便于系统调试,使得硬件可以更好的被抽象化,软件代码可以更好的被复用。

    The embedded operating system can improve the software development speed on DSP , ease system debugging , and let the software code to be reused better .

  12. Rails的核心组件始终存在,即RESTful路径、关系、验证、模板和数据库抽象化。

    Rails 's core components RESTful routes , relationships , validations , templates , and database abstractions persist .

  13. 抽象化的双层变迁定时PETRINET可用于嵌入式系统设计过程的中间态模拟。

    The abstracted double transitions timed Petri Net can be used to model the intermediate results ( as well as the final results ) of embedded system design .

  14. 在某些方面,大多数组织都建立了一些框架或者有效代码的类型,并通过为开发人员创建简单的API使复杂性抽象化。

    In the same way , most organizations have established some type of framework or utility code that abstracts away complexity by creating a simple API for developers to follow .

  15. 虚拟机管理程序(hypervisor)是一个较薄的虚拟化软件层,它抽象化来自服务器平台的操作系统和应用程序。

    The hypervisor is a thin layer of virtualization software that abstracts the operating system and applications from the server platform .

  16. 系统管理程序,或称为VMM,可以看作是平台硬件和操作系统的抽象化。

    The hypervisor , or VMM , serves as an abstraction between the platform hardware and the operating systems .

  17. 五脏实质是机体在应时而变调控过程中形成的功能性结构&生理调控摸板,它与NEI的关系是高层次与低层次、抽象化与具体化、调控软件与硬件的关系。

    The relationship between the five viscera of TCM and NEI is high and low levels , abstract and concrete , modulating software and hardware .

  18. 使用面向对象的编程(OOP)的典型测试自动化框架一般会抽象化控制集的实现细节,而不是通过控件表达的概念性操作。

    Typical test automation frameworks using object-oriented programming ( OOP ) abstract the implementation details of the control set rather than the conceptual action expressed through the controls .

  19. 为抽象化底层数据库的具体数据并简化模块开发,DrupalV6引入了一个SchemaAPI(参见参考资料),以便使用纯PHP关联数组定义表。

    To abstract the specifics of the underlying database and to simplify module development , Drupal V6 introduces a Schema API ( see Resources ) to define tables using plain PHP associative arrays .

  20. 它也可能是市场上“最纯净”的PaaS产品&在这个意义上它几乎完全为开发人员抽象化了底层基础架构。

    It is also probably the " purest " PaaS offering on the market & in the sense that it almost completely abstracts away the underlying infrastructure from developers .

  21. 通过OOP,您可以在代码编写中抽象化代码的理念,从而提供优雅、可重用和可读的代码,但这会消耗文件计数、行计数和性能(如果管理不善)。

    With OOP , you can abstract the concept of the code from the authoring of code , thereby providing elegance , reusability , and readability at the cost of file count , line count , and ( if poorly managed ) performance .

  22. 中间层很重要,原因是它抽象化了较低层驱动器(LLD)的实现,可以在./linux/drivers/scsi/hosts.c中部分地实现。

    This layer is important because it abstracts the implementation of lower-level drivers ( LLD ), partially implemented in . / linux / drivers / scsi / hosts . c.

  23. 鉴于UCON模型的抽象化,通过结合应用广泛、技术相对成熟的RBAC技术,引入其中角色的概念,作为UCON中主体的一个特殊的属性,使得模型实用性更强。

    Due to the abstraction of UCON model , and with the help of the widely-used and relatively mature RBAC model , the role conception is introduced as the special attribute of the subject in UCON model , which makes the model much more practical .

  24. 语言是思维的载体,是现实的抽象化。

    Language is the carrier of thinking and abstraction of reality .

  25. 模糊面元素空间拓扑关系抽象化方法研究

    Research on Abstraction Method of Spatial Topological Relations between Fuzzy Regions

  26. 理论是抽象化、体系化的描述。

    Theory is a kind of description that is abstract and systematic .

  27. 儒学并不应拒绝抽象化、普遍化的哲学提升。

    Confucianism should not refuse the philosophical abstraction and generalization .

  28. 农民工群体被抽象化为具有同一性质的群体。

    Groups of migrant workers have the same nature as abstract groups .

  29. 适当的硬件抽象化加速了系统的仿真速度;

    Adequate hardware abstraction accelerates the system 's simulation speed ;

  30. 什么样的笨蛋会用像“抽象化”这样的词?

    What sort of knucklehead uses a word like obfuscating ?