
kě néng xìng
  • possibility;likelihood;potential;probability;chance;prospect;feasibility;odds;danger;room;outlook
可能性[kě néng xìng]
  1. 据称正式会谈仍有可能,但可能性不大。

    Formal talks are still said to be a possibility , not a probability

  2. 你们无法确切证明塞拉菲尔德核电厂引发了癌症。你们只能基于可能性入手。

    You cannot prove conclusively that Sellafield caused cancer . You can only work on the basis of probability .

  3. 我们必须实事求是地估计我们获胜的可能性。

    We have to be realistic about our chances of winning .

  4. 他们不排除与社会民主党人结盟的可能性。

    They didn 't rule out coalition with the Social Democrats .

  5. 他们对胜利的可能性显得出奇地悲观。

    They appeared surprisingly pessimistic about their chances of winning .

  6. 她对未来发展的可能性有一些饶有兴味的论述。

    She has some interesting observations on possible future developments .

  7. 她迟到的可能性极小。

    It is highly unlikely that she 'll be late .

  8. 目前,敌对双方和解的可能性似乎很渺茫。

    There now seems little chance of rapprochement between the warring factions .

  9. 他不会露面的可能性有多大?

    What are the odds he won 't turn up ?

  10. 她心情平静地接受了动手术的可能性。

    She accepted the prospect of her operation with equanimity .

  11. 我怀疑他取胜的可能性。

    I am sceptical about his chances of winning .

  12. 我们不能低估再次发生罢工的可能性。

    We cannot discount the possibility of further strikes .

  13. 我们不应该排除谈判的可能性。

    We should not exclude the possibility of negotiation .

  14. 这次手术成功的可能性是50%。

    The operation has a fifty-fifty chance of success .

  15. 遭雷击的可能性是微乎其微的。

    The chances are a million to one against being struck by lightning .

  16. 破产的可能性现已减少了。

    The prospect of bankruptcy has now receded .

  17. 她获胜的可能性是百分之五十。

    She has a fifty-fifty chance of winning .

  18. 他们也许会不让我们做这工作,但这可能性太小。

    They might refuse to let us do it , but it 's hardly likely .

  19. 按理说他可以否定他们的决定,但是可能性很小。

    It is theoretically possible for him to overrule their decision , but highly unlikely .

  20. 可能性几乎是无穷无尽的。

    The possibilities were almost limitless .

  21. 这是理论上存在的可能性。

    It 's a theoretical possibility .

  22. 有很多的可能性。

    The possibilities were manifold .

  23. 这一发现将公众的注意力集中在用DNA分析技术来解开谜团的可能性上。

    The discovery has fastened public attention on the possibilities of DNA analysis for resolving mysteries .

  24. 另一种可能性是亲鸟会偏爱强壮的雏鸟。

    Another possibility is that parents favour chicks that are strong .

  25. 还会对风力发电的可能性进行研究。

    It should also look into the possibilities of wind-generated electricity .

  26. 我认为有必要考虑到各种可能性。

    I think one 's got to consider all the possibilities .

  27. 其中一位新闻记者询问是否有人为破坏的可能性。

    One of the journalists queried whether sabotage could have been involved .

  28. 恐怕陆地战爆发的可能性很大。

    I fear that a land war now looks very probable

  29. 你有50%的可能性是对的。

    You 've got a fifty-fifty chance of being right .

  30. 他正在仔细考虑对那个医生提起刑事诉讼的可能性。

    He is weighing the possibility of filing criminal charges against the doctor