
  • 网络computability theory;theory of computability
  1. 这包括可计算性理论,计算复杂性理论,信息理论。

    This includes computability theory , computational complexity theory , and information theory .

  2. 从可计算性理论的角度来看,静态缺陷检测是一个不可判定问题。

    From the perspective of computability theory , static analysis is a computationally undecidable problem .

  3. 根据递归可计算性理论,提出偶数Goldbach猜想计算机可解命题。

    Based on the theory of recursive computability , the proposition of computer solvable on even Goldbach conjecture is proposed .

  4. 传统的可计算性理论以图灵机为基础模型。

    The traditional theory of computability is based on Turing machines .

  5. 交互可计算性理论的问题归结为一点,就是研究交互式系统和交互机制的计算能力。

    In one word , the task of interactive computability theory is to determine the computing capability of interactive systems and interaction mechanisms .

  6. 可计算性理论探讨了计算机的各种理论模型的局限性,包括已知的最强大的模式,-图灵机。

    Computability theory examines the limitations of various theoretical models of the computer , including the most powerful known model – the Turing machine .

  7. 本文依据可计算性理论,提出了拼音文字非键盘映射编码方法,将整词编码分为输写码与计算码。

    With the use of computability theory dividing whole_word coding into two parts : writing input coding and computational coding , an method of none keyboard mapping for spelling language is proposed .

  8. 对交互可计算性理论的贡献在于:确定了顺序的Ⅱ型交互式系统的计算能力,而相关工作主要集中于顺序的Ⅰ型交互式系统的计算能力。

    The contribution to interactive computability theory is that the capability of sequential ⅱ - style interactive systems is totally determined , while related work mainly focuses on that of sequential ⅰ - style interactive systems . 2 .

  9. 下面的表格指出了在可计算性和复杂性理论应当考虑的一些种类的问题。

    The following table shows some of the classes of problems that are considered in computability theory and complexity theory .

  10. 它是可计算性的形式理论,正如经典逻辑是真理的形式理论。

    It is a formal theory of computability in the same sense as classical logic is a formal theory of truth .

  11. 如图灵可计算的完整性和理论的东西的技术细节超出了大多数。

    The technical details of things like Turing completeness and theories of computability are beyond most of them .

  12. 可计算分析是一门研究实数与实函数的可计算性与计算复杂性的新兴学科,属于数值计算与可计算性理论的交叉领域。

    Computable analysis is a branch of computability theory studying real numbers and real functions which can be computed by digital computers . Computable analysis is based on the one hand on analysis and numerical analysis and on the other hand on computability theory and computational complexity theory .