
zhèng míng lùn
  • proof theory
证明论[zhèng míng lùn]
  1. 首先,我们构造知道主体的系统KA,给出它的一些证明论结果。

    Firstly , we construct the system KA of knowing agents , give some results of its proof theory .

  2. 首先,我们构造以目的和背景知识为双条件的条件句系统AKC,给出它的一些证明论结果。

    Firstly , we construct the conditional system AKC with double conditions for aim and background knowledge , give some results of its proof theory .

  3. 从证明论(ProofTheory)的观点看,演绎数据库构成了一种特殊的一阶理论,并被分为确定(Definite)和不确定(Indefinite)两种形式。

    From a proof-theoretic viewpoint , a deductive database forms a special first-order theory . There are two different types of deductive databases , namely definite and indefinite [ 1 ] .

  4. 的值是什么?这一经典的证明论问题,广义归结原理本身并没有给出解答。

    , the general resolution principle cannot give the answer by itself .

  5. 证明论及其发展

    Proof Theory and It ′ s Development

  6. 证明论的一些新进展

    Some New Progress in Proof Theory

  7. 证明集合论假设BF(ω2)下,如果X,Y都是具有素可数k网的正则空间,那么X×Y是k空间当且仅当空间对(X,Y)满足Tanaka条件。

    In this paper it is shown that under set theoretic hypoothesisBF (ω 2 ) if X , Y are regular spaces with compact-countable k-networks , then X X Y is a k-space if and only if the ( X , Y ) satisbo the Tanaka 's condition .

  8. 证明概率论中集合论方法是因果空间的产物,从而改变了Kolmogorov公理系统把集合论方法硬性地搬到概率论中的做法。

    Theorem 2 proves that the set methodology in probability theory is the product of the causation space , and in this way the practice of indiscriminatingly applying the set methodology into probability theory by Kolmogorov 's axiom system can be avoided .

  9. 亚投行应当迅速行动起来,证明怀疑论者的观点是错的。

    The new bank should move quickly to prove skeptics wrong .

  10. 应用Borel-Cantelli引理证明概率论中的两个重要结论

    Two important conclusions in application of the lemma Borel-Cantelli to the probability identification

  11. 对艺术真实性的存在论证明&论海德格尔美学的意义及缺憾

    Ontological Proof of Artistic Truth

  12. 首先,从理论上证明优选论对语言模糊现象有较强的解释力。

    The first one is to prove persuasive force of OT at a theoretical level for interpreting vagueness .

  13. 似乎是为了证明怀疑论者是正确的,此次危机本身并非由全球失衡导致。

    As if to prove the sceptics right , the crisis itself was not triggered by global imbalances .

  14. 话虽如此,如果事实证明脱钩论是正确的,那么这将是个好消息迄今为止,种种证据都对其有利。

    That said , it would be good news if the decoupling theory proved correct so far , the evidence is in its favour .

  15. 我们证明相对论维里定理,这定理对于连续谱空间里本征值的缺乏给出了简单的标准。

    We prove the relativistic virial theorem , which gives simple criteria for the absence of embedded eigenvalues in certain regions of the continuous spectrum .

  16. 信中充满了兴奋:你这个天文学家可以证明相对论,而这对我会有很大帮助。

    It 's all filled with the excitement : you astronomers can do a great help to me by finding proof of the relativity theory .

  17. 不过爱丁顿欣然接受了,而且不惮于用它富有表现力的笔,将它传播给大众,来证明决定论是错误的。

    But Eddington was more readily persuaded , and was not shy of turning his expressive pen to explain to a general audience that determinism was no more .

  18. 本文介绍了如何用超限归纳法来作出σ环的构造,以便证明测度论中的某些定理。

    This piece describes how to work out the structure of the o-ring by using the transfinite induction , so that it is easier to prove some of the principles in the measure theory .

  19. 文章在分析和探讨的基础上用大量翔实的实例证明目的论可以用来指导口译中文化因素的处理。

    On the basis of what is stated above , the thesis testifies the feasibility of applying Skopos Theory to dealing with cultural elements in interpreting by employing and discussing plenty of relevant examples .

  20. 既判力理论被视为与诉讼目的论、价值论、诉权论、诉讼标的论以及证明责任论同等重要的基本理论。

    The theory of res judicator is considered with the litigation purpose theory , value theory , this theory , litigation theory as well as the burden of proof on the equally important basic theory .

  21. 首先利用已有的关于线性分布参数系统的渐进稳定性判据,证明所论梁系统的能量可仅由一个分布反馈控制指数镇定。

    First , based on the published criterion for the asymptotic stability of the related distributed system , we prove the asymptotic stability of the energy corresponding to the closed loop system with only one distributed feedback control .

  22. 本文基于知识即划分的观点,证明了论域中所有知识构成一个距离空间,研究了知识距离空间中知识距离的一些性质,并应用知识距离度量信息系统中知识的粗糙熵。

    In the present paper , based on the view of knowledge induced by partition , all knowledge in the universe constructs a metric space , and the properties of knowledge distance are studied . Moreover , the knowledge distance is used to measure rough entropy of knowledge .

  23. 首先,在反馈系数矩阵B正定的前提下,我们证明了所论闭环系统是指数稳定的。

    First , under the condition that the feedback coefficient matrix B is positive , the energy of the corresponding closed loop system is proven to be exponentially convergent to zero as time t →∞ .

  24. 在虚粒子力学基础上,进一步建立了相对论虚粒子力学,证明了相对论虚粒子力学与Klein-Gordon方程的等价性。

    Relativistic virtual particle mechanics is established on the basis of virtual particle mechanics . It is proved that relativistic virtual particle mechanics is equivalent to Klein-Gordon equation .

  25. 程序正确性证明方法探论

    A Brief Introduction on the Methods for the Validity of Program

  26. 但我们证明了怀疑论者的错误,从中汲取了一些基本的经验。

    But we proved the skeptics wrong , and learned some fundamental lessons .

  27. 证明了相对论性共振条件在动量空间和速度空间存在着差异;

    It is shown that there exists some difference between the relativistic resonance condition in momentum space arid that in velocity-space .

  28. 身份证件真伪不明冒领纠纷的证明责任分配论法律程序责任

    Distribution of Legal Liability of Burden of Proof in the Case of False Claim on Depositors On the Responsibility of Legal Procedure

  29. 本文旨在厘清二者之间既有差异又存在相同之处的复杂关系,证明现代文论与传统文论之间割舍不断的历史连续性。

    This paper is to clear complex relation in two writers and prove the historical continuity between modem and traditional theories of literature .

  30. Borel&Cantelli引理在概率论中有广泛的应用,本文应用它证明了概率论中的两个重要结论。

    Borel-Cantelli 's Lemma has an extensive application in probability . This paper proved two important conclusions in probability through utilizing Borel-Cantelli 's Lemma .