
zhènɡ mínɡ lì
  • probative force;weight of proof
  1. 试论刑事诉讼瑕疵证据及其证明力

    On Defective Evidence and Its Probative Force in Criminal Proceedings

  2. 论共同被告口供的性质及其证明力

    On nature and probative force of confession of codefendant

  3. 第二部分为DNA证据证明力的论述。

    The second chapter talks about the proof ability of DNA evidence .

  4. 本论文希望能在以下三个方面能有所突破,首先,将DNA证据证明力的决定因素归于主客观两个方面,并就各自的特点作出针对性的阐述;

    The dissertation may make some break-throughs in the following aspects : first , classifying the DNA proof ability into subjective and objective ones , and illustrates them selectively ;

  5. 电子文件在诉讼证据中的地位及其证明力的保障

    Ensuring the Probative Force and the Status of Proof of E-Records

  6. 论我国立法上民事证据的证明力

    On the Probative Force of Civil Evidence in Chinese Legislation

  7. 略论庭前供证的证明力与证据能力

    On Proof Reliability and Weight of Evidence of Testimony Provided Before Court

  8. 电子证据之证明力问题分析

    The Analysis on the Power to Prove of Electronic Evidence

  9. 证据证明力受制于外部世界与内心世界的种种限制。

    It is subject to the outer-world and the inner-world .

  10. 我国民事证据证明力制度之重构

    The Reconstruction of Civil Evidence Testifying Power System in China

  11. 第一章:证据的证明力的涵义。

    Chapter 1 : the meaning of the probative force of evidence .

  12. 其中对电子证据的真实性、合法性、关联性进行了分析,重点把握电子证据证明力的认定标准。

    The author analyzed the authenticity , legality , relevance of electronic evidence .

  13. 在民事诉讼中鉴定结论证明力之比较分析

    The Comparison of the Weight of Proof Provided by Expert Witness in Civil Litigation

  14. 论民事证据证明力

    On the Probative Force of Civil Evidence

  15. 证据能力和证据证明力的关系初探

    A Brief Study of the Relation between Proof Qualifications and Proof Capabilities ON THE FORCE

  16. 审查证人证言的真实性和合法性是为判断证人证言证明力服务的。

    The examination of factuality and legality of witness testimony serves to judge its validity .

  17. 其次在于证明力每个阶段所面临的一些技术障碍。

    Second to this were the technical hurdles faced at each stage in the proof .

  18. 证明力关乎电子证据的证明价值,是运用电子证据解决民事纠纷的关键因素。

    The power of electronic evidence is the key factor in the civil court judgments .

  19. 当然,同案被告人与案件利害关系的强弱影响到其证言的证明力。

    Certainly , the relation with the case will affect the probative force of criminal evidence .

  20. 电子证据的证明力刍议

    On the Power of Electronic Evidence

  21. 在诉讼中,司法人员和当事人不能对鉴定结论预设过高的证明力。

    Law-officer and both parties should not outweigh the appraisal conclusion 's probative value in lawsuit .

  22. 证明力则是证据与案件待证事实之间关系的一种具体化表现,证明力评价的存在就源于证据与事实之间存在的回溯推断时关联性与因果关系。

    The probative force is the specific performance of the relationship between evidences and the fact .

  23. 第二章从电子证据的可采性和证明力出发,论证电子证据的判断和取舍。

    The second chapter from the evidence of admissibility and competency to the evidence and circumstance .

  24. 本章首先阐述了鉴定结论证明力的内涵。

    In this chapter , the author firstly introduces the contents of probative force of expert conclusion .

  25. 论治安案件中同案违法嫌疑人陈述和申辩的证明力

    Probative Force of Statement and Rebuke Made by Criminal Suspects in the Same Case in Public Security Cases

  26. 精神病被害人证人资格及其陈述的证明力探析

    On the Witness Qualification of a Victim with Mental Disease and the Weight of His / Her Testimony

  27. 计算机证据还具有与传统证据有别的其它特点,它的精密性和脆弱性都直接影响着它的证明力。

    The computer evidence still has differences from traditional evidence . Its precision and vulnerability affect its weight .

  28. 认证的过程就是法官对于证据材料的证据力和证明力的认定过程。

    The process of judging evidence is a process which the court judges the value and qualification of evidence .

  29. 第三部分是对心理学证据的证据能力规则和证明力规则进行阐述。

    Psychology is the third part the ability to evidence rules and probative force of the rules set out .

  30. 法务会计鉴定采信的机理是证据能力与证明力的统一,法务会计鉴定采信的本质是对证据证据能力和证明力的认证。

    The adopting mechanism and theory of forensic accounting identification is the unification of evidence ability and proof capability .