
  • 网络braided river deposit
  1. 表明PⅠ2砂岩组的PⅠ23沉积单元为远源低弯度砂质辫状河沉积。通过岩心观察与描述,对结论进行了进一步证实。

    The formative type of PI 2 3 sedimentary unit is sand_braided river with far_resource and low curvature channel , which can be verified by rock_core and dynamic development data .

  2. 从沉积学的角度重建了第V成因单元的沉积体系,识别出两种沉积体系,分别是位于研究区西北部的辫状河沉积体系和东南部的曲流河沉积体系。

    According to sedimentology , the depositional system of Unit V , Yan'an Formation , has been reconstructed , it is revealed that there is braided stream system in the northwest of study area , and meandering stream system develops in the southeast .

  3. S1和S2旋回主要为辫状河沉积;S3旋回早期以曲流河沉积为主;

    The S1 and S2 cycles are mainly composed of braided river facies , the early S3 cycle of meandering river facies and the late S3 and S4 cycles of delta facies .

  4. 塔东北地区白垩系辫状河沉积特征研究

    Characters of the Braided River Deposits of the Cretaceous , Northeastern Tarim Basin

  5. 洛河组主要发育风成沉积、冲(洪)积扇、辫状河沉积;

    Luohe formation mainly develops aeolian deposit , alluvial fan and braided deposit .

  6. 姚家组为一套以中细粒为主的砂质辫状河沉积产物。

    The Yaojia Formation is heaped up by the medium-to fine-grained sandy braided stream deposits .

  7. 辫状河沉积主要发育河道和心滩微相,泛滥平原微相不太发育。

    The depositional sequences of braided rivers mainly consist of braided channel lag deposits and mid-channel bar sandstones .

  8. 从古新世到中新世,柴达木盆地北缘经历了由大规模冲积扇沉积到辫状河沉积的演化过程。

    From Paleocene to Miocene , the sedimentary facies evolved from the extensive alluvial fan to the braided fluvial river environment .

  9. 下段为辫状河沉积,发育良好的砂体、富含有机质,它是本区重要的找矿目标层,产底河道型砂岩铀矿化。

    The Lower Member of braided system is the most important target bed enriched in organic matter where basal-channel-type uranium mineralization occurs .

  10. 河流沉积体系展布于研究区北部,发育于山西组的早期和晚期,以曲流河沉积为主,辫状河沉积不仅分布范围极其局限,而且发育的时限很短。

    Fluvial system is distributed at the north part of the study area , developed during early and late period of Shanxi formation .

  11. 储集层主要由馆陶组辫状河沉积砂体和明化镇组曲流河沉积砂体组成;

    The reservoir is mainly composed of the braided channel sedimentary sand in Guantao formation and meandering river sedimentary sand in Minghuazhen formation .

  12. 东营组为前扇三角洲亚相过渡到扇三角洲前缘亚相到扇三角洲平原亚相再到辫状河沉积的递进模式。

    During Ed , there was a progressive model from pre-fan delta , fan delta to fan delta plain and braided river at last .

  13. 根据沉积构造、沉积层序特征及测井剖面对比分析,对塔东北地区白垩系的沉积相进行了研究,认为该地区为辫状河沉积,明确了辫状河沉积相的时空展布和变化规律。

    The sedimentary facies of the Cretaceous in the Northeastern Tarim basin are interpreted jointly with sedimentary structure , characters of sedimentary sequence and logging data .

  14. 认识到苏里格气田盒8段砂质辫状河沉积的各类砂岩中,只有粗砂岩和含砾粗砂岩相才能形成有效储层,而中、细砂岩为非储层。

    Only the coarse grained and conglomeratic sandstones in the braided channel sandy sediments can be effective sandstones , while the medium and fine grained sands would be invalid .

  15. 侵蚀沟谷沉积体系主要分布在各层序低位体系域中,它的充填性质是辫状河沉积,也是三叠系各油组主砂体的成因相。

    Incised river valley mainly distributed in LST of sequences , and it was braided river in nature , and it also was the main facies of all oil members .

  16. 在构造活动期,即在基准面旋回的早期,沉积物堆积速率快,往往发育冲积扇或者辫状河沉积,但是其分布范围局限。

    In tectonic active stage , the early period of base level cycle , sediments accumulated quickly , and alluvial fan or braided stream was always developed , but their distribution area was limited .

  17. 研究表明,该区河流沉积自上而下包括了两种河型沉积,底部是以砾石沉积为主的辫状河沉积,其砾石层厚>5m,横向上可追踪数百米;

    The study suggests that there be two types of fluvial deposits in this region . The bottom consists of braided river deposits dominated by a more than 5 m thick gravel layer which may be traced laterally as long as a few hundred meters .

  18. 辫状河现代沉积研究与相模式&中国永定河剖析

    Study on Modern Deposit of a Braided Stream and Factes Model ── Yaking the Yongding River as an Example

  19. 辫状河三角洲沉积体单井地质模型优选研究

    Optimization of single well geological model of braided river deltaic deposit body

  20. 基于流动单元的辫状河储层沉积微相研究&以王官屯油田官142断块侏罗系储层为例

    A New Micro-facies Study Method of Braid River Reservoir Based on Flow Unit

  21. 饶阳凹陷沙河街组辫状河三角洲沉积特征及储集性

    Sedimentary characteristics and reservoir properties of the Shahejie Formation braided river delta in Raoyang Sag

  22. 辽河东部凹陷辫状河三角洲沉积体系发现及其意义

    Discovery and implication of braided river delta sedimentary system in the Eastern Sag of Liaohe Depression

  23. 东营组一段沉积时期为湖盆收缩期,除局部深凹为滨浅湖-滩坝沉积外,广泛发育辫状河三角洲沉积。

    The firstmemberwas deposited during lake shrinking and braided delta dominated except for shallow lake-beach bar in local deep sags .

  24. 滇东黔西晚二叠世早期辫状河三角洲沉积体系及其聚煤特征

    Braided Delta Depositional System and Coal Accumulation During Early Late Permian Period in Eastern Yunnan and Western Guizhou , Southwest China

  25. 研究表明,山西组山2~3段为曲流河三角洲沉积,下石盒子组盒8~2段、盒8~1段为辫状河三角洲沉积。

    The research as follows that Shan_2 ~ 3 Member is meandering stream delta facies , Heg and Heg are both braided stream delta facies .

  26. 流三段沉积时期辫状河三角洲沉积最为发育,约占研究区总面积的一半,仅在研究区北部为半深湖亚相&深湖亚相分布区。

    During the deposition of the member 3 of the formation , the braided delta deposit was most developed , and it covered half of the study area .

  27. 根据沉积环境和沉积物特征,将辫状河三角洲沉积相划分为辫状河三角洲平原亚相、辫状河三角洲前缘亚相和前辫状河三角洲亚相。

    The braided delta facies can be divided into three sub-facies : delta plain sub-facies , delta front sub-facies and pro-delta sub-facies based on depositional environment and sedimental features .

  28. 分流河道沉积的碎屑岩复合体在扇三角洲和辫状河三角洲沉积中非常发育,是其沉积主体。

    Clastic rock compounds as a main sedimentation body deposited by means of distributary channel sediments are well developed in the sedimentation of the fan delta and braided channel delta .

  29. 在凹陷演化的主体阶段下白垩统巴彦花群沉积期,凹陷北部陡坡带发育扇三角洲沉积,南部缓坡带发育辫状河三角洲沉积。

    Alluvial fans and fan delta are found on the steep slope in the north of the depression , while braid river delta and turbidite fans are found on the gentle slope in the south .

  30. 东北部以曲流河三角洲沉积体系为主,西南部以辫状河三角洲沉积体系为主,湖盆中部发育大规模的深湖浊积扇体。

    The meandering river delta sedimentary system was mainly distributed in northeast portion , and the braided river delta sedimentary system in southwest portion . Meanwhile deep-lake turbidite fan was developed in the centre of the lake basin .