
To Judge Witness Authenticity Using Character Evidence in Criminal Procedure
On the Subjectivity and Objectivity of Testimony Judgement
We should acknowledge that the science of the Discretion can be totally accepted by China and provide the better judging standards for our Chinese evidence institution .
Melamine has also been shown to have carcinogenic effects in animals in certain circumstances , but there is insufficient evidence to make a judgment on carcinogenic risk in humans .
To the best of his judgement , there are practical sources of heat energy under our feet . From this evidence , it follows that he is not the murderer .
Estimating Target Property in Submarine Threat Estimation based on DS Evidence Theory
Apart from making our life easier , digital audio also functions as judicial evidence .
Using character evidence in criminal procedure to judge witness authenticity is nonexistent in our country law .
We will use the best evidence available to determine whether a state can meet a few key benchmarks for reform .
Women were not distracted by attractive male faces because women need more proof of whether a man is a good mate .
Now it is important to build the idea of probability in proving as well as to implement the principle of direct inspect proof .
The implementation phase of the audit professional judgments include : judgments of audit evidence , audit sampling judgments and in major transactions and account balance audit judgments .
The state of evidence evaluation means that when identifying the fact basing on evidence materials , judges are free to judge without the constraint from the law .
The judging standard of unlawful evidence should be clarified in the punishment of public order management . The exclusion of the unlawful evidence should be brought forward to the administrative procedure .
All the causal reasoning can only be rationally justified on the basis of the assumption of an immutable causal order but cannot be justified by reference to evidence by empirical investigation .
Only by developing good logical reasoning on evidence judgment and the distribution of the burden of proof , can we take accurate , clear steps , in handling all kinds of civil and commercial cases intimate knowledge .
From the general cognitive perspective , the agriculture in east China is more advanced than that in Hubei province , but the scientific evidence is in demand to judge the difference and its causes between the two provinces .
McNaughton-Collins that the U.S Preventive Services Task Force , which makes recommendations about health care screenings , concluded that the evidence is insufficient to determine whether there are more pros than cons to prostate cancer screening in men younger than 75 .
In this new method , monitor agents in each network computer and network make initial decision based on their evidence , then cooperative agent makes final decision based on the evidence from all monitor agents through data fusion .
We don 't have enough facts to make a judgment .
Evidence Examination and Judgment of Junior 's Age in Review and Prosecution
You can 't know that from one stiff .
The judgment of the electronic evidence shall be comprehensively started from its specialities .
Criminal Evidence in the Judgment
Is a criminal review of the evidence to determine the course of criminal proceedings is an important activity .
Its core idea is speculative to judge the causes of the incident through a series of events evidence .
The entity of the criminal proceedings is a process of collecting evidence , judging evidence , and using evidence to find the facts of case .
Whether the research evidence or common sense has told us that the principal and his or her leadership level have a vital influence on school development .
However , Chinese authorities last week said they were investigating evidence of infections in some families to see whether the disease has spread from person to person .
The second chapter introduces foreign examination and determination of evidence in civil procedure , analyses the principles and the rules in Anglo-American law system and Continental law system .