
zhènɡ jù bǎo quán
  • conserve evidence;preserve evidence
  • conservation of evidence;deposition ;perpetuating testimony;preservation of evidence
  1. 接受客户委托,指派专职律师及助理赶赴现场实地调查取证,收集有用信息,并办理证据保全手续等。

    Being entrusted by clients to send full-time lawyers and assistants to collect evidence and useful information on site , and to preserve evidence .

  2. 这种状况严重影响到当事人申请证据保全权利的顺利实现,立法中应对实质条件和形式条件做出完整的归纳。

    This situation seriously affected parties to preserve evidence for the smooth realization of rights , legislation to real conditions and the conditions to form a complete summarized .

  3. 论我国民事诉讼证据保全制度及其完善

    Study of Proof Preserving System and Its Perfection of Civil Procedure

  4. 海事证据保全仅适用于对有关海事请求的证据进行保全,不适用于其它的证据;

    The preservation only applicable to evidence of maritime request ;

  5. 对电子数据可以采取多种证据保全措施;

    The protective measures should be taken to electronic data .

  6. 论我国诉前证据保全制度

    On China 's Perpetuating Testimony System before Prosecution

  7. 证据保全程序问题研究

    On Procedure of Saving Evidence from Damage

  8. 民事诉讼证据保全制度研究

    Studies on the Civil Perpetuation of Evidence

  9. 在研究了时间戳和证据保全技术的基础上,提出了电子见证协议。

    By studying the time-stamp protocol and evidence-preservation this dissertation proposes a safety electronic witness protocol .

  10. 其三,对刑事证据保全的措施指出应作灵活性规定。

    Third , the measures for preservation of criminal evidence that the provisions should be flexible .

  11. 从广义上说,民事保全制度包括财产保全、行为保全、证据保全等。

    In the broad , the system include the belongings and behavior save and evidence save .

  12. 然而,对于刑事证据保全的研究,长期以来我国学者却鲜有涉及者。

    However , for the preservation of criminal evidence , long time Chinese scholars rarely those involved .

  13. 刑事证据保全制度之重要源于刑事证据的重要性。

    The importance of the system of criminal evidence preservation stems from the importance of criminal evidence .

  14. 海事证据保全还包括了诉讼前证据保全,而不仅限于诉讼中的证据保全。

    It do not be confined to the evidence in lawsuit , also including that in advance .

  15. 基于域外经验和我国实际,改造我国证据保全制度已成为必然。

    According to experience outside the area and Chinese fact , reformation our perpetuating testimony system has become necessary .

  16. 第二层面提出了仲裁证据保全的有关问题与建议;

    In the second , it advances some problems and suggestions about conservation of evidence and attachment in arbitration ;

  17. 证据保全,作为证据制度的重要组成部分,散落在我国的一些规范性文件当中。

    Conservation of evidence , as an important evidence regulation , lies in some normative document of law in China .

  18. 纳税人进行税务行政诉讼,有向人民法院申请证据保全的权利。

    Tax payers have the right to apply for perpetuation of evidence to people 's court when undertaking administrative prosecution .

  19. 本论文对电子证据保全的概念、内容、方法、步骤以及所使用的信息安全技术,进行了系统地论证。

    We investigate preserving digital evidence from concept , content , method , step and information security technology in this thesis .

  20. 德国普通法,取法于寺院法并继承证据保全制度而沿传至今。

    The German common law which took its rise in the law of monastery inherited the perpetuating testimony system and followed now .

  21. 进一步提出电子证据保全的五个原则,即合法性原则、效率成本原则、及时性原则、完整性原则和最小破坏原则。

    Further , we put forward four principles , named legitimacy , efficiency and cost , timeliness , integrity , minimum damage .

  22. 我国不宜直接确认调查取证权,确立证据保全申请权、特定侦查行为律师在场权、侦查阶段律师阅卷权的做法更为适宜。

    Application of evidence preservation right , lawyers-on-site in the special investigation and reading criminal file of attorney are preferable to be adopted .

  23. 民事证据保全制度是指有关机关在特定情形下对证据采取保护措施以保证其证明力的制度。

    Evidence preservation system indicates the system that appropriate bodies adopt protective measures towards evidences under specific conditions to guarantee their proving abilities .

  24. 诉讼性证据保全发源于寺院法,非讼性证据保全起源于罗马法。

    The perpetuating testimony on litigation had its rise in the law of monastery , and it on non-litigation originated from Rome law .

  25. 最后本文对当前电子证据保全中存在的几个问题进行了分析并提出了相应的解决途径。

    At last , several problems exist in the current electronic evidence preservation are analyzed and ways to solve these problems are proposed .

  26. 我国民事和行政诉讼规定了较为完善的证据保全制度,而且学界对其也有较为深入的研究。

    Civil and administrative litigation in China provides a more complete evidence preservation system , but its also has a more in-depth academic research .

  27. 笔者首先梳理相关概念,并在此基础上明确刑事证据保全的基本含义。

    The author first sort out the relevant concepts and on the basis of this clear evidence of criminal preservation of the basic meaning .

  28. 证据保全是防止证据灭失或发生妨碍使用情形的预防措施。

    Evidence preservation is a precautionary measure for preventing evidence from being eliminated , or preventing occurrences of obstruction to the application of evidence .

  29. 笔者试图运用比较、实证等方法对刑事证据保全制度中的相关问题进行探讨。

    The author attempts to use , empirical evidence in the criminal methods such as the preservation of the system related issues were discussed .

  30. 正如笔者一再重申的,关于民事证据保全制度这一命题的资料确实不多。笔者理论能力的不足,使文中的一些分析显得有些大胆和不够严谨;

    Just because of my insufficient theory capacity , some analysis in this article may be audacious or lack of rigorous to some extend .