
  • 网络falsificationism;falsification
  1. 证伪主义是波普尔在经济学中的遗产。

    Falsificationism is the legacy of Popper in economics .

  2. 证伪主义对科学的和非科学的经济学命题提出了根本性的分界标准,从而是经济学认识论上的一次革命。

    Falsificationism is a fundamental standard to separate scientific economics propositions from unscientific ones .

  3. 代表人物波普尔提出了证伪主义原则。

    Popper put forward the principle of falsifications .

  4. 波普尔的证伪主义和进化认识论

    K.Popper 's Falsificationism and Evolutionary Epistemology

  5. 本文第一部分对反常进行了历史考察,并较系统地评述了经验主义、迪昂&奎因整体主义、证伪主义和历史主义的反常观。

    A historical investigation on the anomalies is made in the first part of this paper .

  6. 证伪主义与经济学的发展

    Falsificationism and Development of Economics

  7. 波普尔的证伪主义理论对当代西方科学哲学和社会哲学产生了巨大影响;

    Popper 's theory of falsificationism has exerted tremendous influence upon contemporary western scientific philosophy and social philosophy .

  8. 证伪主义思想是波普尔科学哲学的重要组成部分。

    Falsificationism thought is an important constitute part of Popper 's thought in the field of scientific philosophy .

  9. 面对绿蓝悖论的挑战,证伪主义者从定性和定量两方面作了应答。

    Confronted with the challenge of the Grue paradox , the falsifiabilists answer it both in qualitative way and the quantitative one .

  10. 从实证主义、证伪主义、范式理论到实在论,可以看作一种科学观的辩证发展过程。

    From positivism , falsificationism , theory of paradigm to realism , it can be looked as a dialectical development in the philosophy of science .

  11. 他的回答只不过是把我的讲义重复了一遍.再论证伪主义的问题对尹海洁、庞文商榷的答复

    His answer was just a rehashed version of my lecture . On the Problems of Falsificationism Again : A Rejoinder to Yin and Pang 's Critique

  12. 除了证伪主义的科学发展模式外,以库恩和拉卡托斯等为代表的历史主义方式也为科学的发展模式做出了一种全新的见解。

    In addition to Popper , Kuhn and Lakatos are the representative of a historical approach also contributed to the developing science , a new view .

  13. 波普尔在重新思考和分析这两个问题的基础上,提出了他的以证伪主义和科学知识增长为主要内容的科学哲学思想。

    Popper put forward his philosophy of science including mainly falsificationism and the growth of scientific knowledge on the basis of rethinking and analyzing the two problems .

  14. 局限性在于其哲学基础是唯心的证伪主义,研究过程不完全、缺少对结论的理论评价,结论的适用范围有限等。

    Its limitations include the philosophical basis of idealistic falsification , incompleteness of research process , lack of theoretical evaluation of conclusions and limited application of research findings .

  15. 当然,无论是证实主义还是证伪主义作为科学划界的标准都存在缺陷,对包括经济学在内的社会科学尤其如此。

    However , there are serious drawbacks whether positivism or negativism is taken as the criterion of the demarcation of science , especially for social science including economics .

  16. 但是将证伪主义应用于经济学认识论时,存在着证伪与证实,抽象与具体,目标与手段,规范与实证方面的难题。

    However , when applying to economics epistemology , falsificationism has difficulties in falsification and verification , abstract and concrete , goals and means , formulations and demonstrations .

  17. 这个原则是拉卡托斯在正确批判朴素证伪主义经验证伪理论原则的基础上提出的。证伪理论的只能是一个更为进步的理论,只有理论才能证伪理论。

    After criticized the principle that experience falsifies a theory , Lakatos put forward that principle . The basic unit in scientific research should be some interknitted theories rather than some single theory or proposition .

  18. 波普尔、库恩和拉卡托斯之间的争论代表证伪主义与历史主义之间的争论,其理论都与迪昂问题密切相关,事实上,他们直接或间接地对迪昂问题给出不同的解答或对待。

    The arguments between Popper , Kuhn and Lakatos represented the controversy of falsificationism and Historicism , whose standpoints closely correlated with the Duhem problem . In fact , they all had provided different solutions directly or indirectly .

  19. 他的以证伪主义的方法和原则为基础的历史、政治哲学,批判了历史决定论,抨击了整体主义的社会变革方法,倡导渐进社会工程和开放社会。

    His political and historical philosophy , established on a means of " falsificationism " methods and principles , gods a-gainst " historicism " and " wholenessistic " way of social reformation by proposing " piecemeal social engineering " and " open socety " .

  20. 第五部分,指出冷战结束并没有证伪新现实主义的硬核,并简要分析了新现实主义对冷战的结束以及后冷战时代国际关系的理论解释。

    The fifth part points out that the end of the cold war does not falsify the " hard core " of neorealism and analyzes neorealist explanation for the end of the cold war and international relations after the cold war .