
  • 网络peirce;Charles Sanders Peirce;C.S.Peirce
  1. 美国哲学家皮尔士对符号科学做了较全面的阐述。

    American logician Peirce has comprehensively illustrated the science of semiotics .

  2. 什么可被当作真理?&从皮尔士到杜威

    What can be regarded as " Truth ": From Peirce to Dewey

  3. 另一位美国哲学家和语义学家莫里斯发展了皮尔士的符号学理论。

    Another American logician and semanticist Morris develops the semiotic theory of Peirce .

  4. 皮尔士符号学说再评价

    A New Evaluation on Peirce 's Semiotic Theory

  5. 从记法的观点看逻辑:皮尔士论系词

    Viewing Logic from Notation : Peirce on Copula

  6. 皮尔士的逻辑哲学思想述评

    Commenting on Pierce 's Logical Philosophy

  7. 符号的分类问题是皮尔士符号学说的一个非常重要的组成部分。

    The classification of signs serves as a very important component for Peirce 's semiotic theory .

  8. 皮尔士论术语伦理学

    Peirce on the Ethics of Terminology

  9. 皮尔士一生有很大一部分时间消耗在对符号的繁琐分类上。

    Peirce has spent much time in the extraordinarily detailed classification of signs during his life .

  10. 论符号的分类问题&皮尔士研究札记之二

    On the Classification of Signs

  11. 雅克布森是第一个吸收皮尔士符号理论的语言学家。

    Roman Jakobson , a famous linguist , is the first person that adopts the permian semiotics .

  12. 皮尔士的符号理论可能会为探究这类命题提供一些新方法、新思路和突破点。

    Peirce symbols to explore the theory may provide some new methods of proposition , new ideas and breakthrough .

  13. 对先验论的批判一定导致经验主义吗&兼论詹姆斯对皮尔士哲学理解的误区

    On Whether the Criticism of Apriorism Will Lead to Empiricism & Also on James 's Misapprehension of Peirce 's Philosophy

  14. 皮尔士对于科学的逻辑学有着集中思考,并将科学逻辑作为其全部哲学的基础。

    C.S.Peirce reflected much upon the logic of science , which can be regarded as the foundation of his entire philosophy .

  15. 美国哲学家皮尔士根据符号与指称对象之间的关系把符号分为类象符号、指示符号、抽象符号。

    American philosopher Peirce divided signs into icon , index and symbol according to the relation between sign and its object .

  16. 在这些从抽象到具体的层次上,哈贝马斯都对从皮尔士经过杜威一直到普特南和罗蒂的美国实用主义哲学家所提供的思想材料作了批判性借鉴。

    At all these levels , from the more abstract to the more concrete , Habermas critically appropriated important resources found in American pragmatists from Peirce through Dewey to Putnam and Rorty .

  17. 例如他在《宗教经验种种》17讲中,明显谈到了对皮尔士原理的重视,倡导人们在思想中引入行动(实践)的观念;

    For example in the 17th part of The Varieties of Religious Experience , he speaks highly of pragmatism principle and advocates that people should introduce the idea of taking actions in the thought .

  18. 我们认为社会建构论的思想不仅有知识社会学和历史主义等经常被提到的近缘,还可追溯到康德和黑格尔以及皮尔士的哲学。

    We contend that the idea of social constructivism has remote relation to the philosophy of Kant , Hegel and Pierce , putting aside such closer sources as sociology of knowledge and historicism which have been mentioned at every turn .

  19. 皮尔士的符号理论对艺术研究尤其是中国服饰文化研究提供了另一种思想方法和阐释空间,而目前中国学术界对将皮尔士理论应用到具体的艺术领域中进行实践效应研究的文本比较少。

    Peirce symbols of art theory research , especially China apparel culture research provides another thought method and interpretation , and space for Chinese academics will put Pierce theory into specific areas of practice of the art of text effects less .