
  • 网络Green papers;Making Waste Work;Red Data Book
  1. 美联储(Fed)周三公布的褐皮书印证了这一点。该报告指出,由于油价迅速下跌,11月初石油和天然气公司在北达科他州的经营活动减少。

    This was confirmed Wednesday when the Fed 's Beige Book noted that oil and gas activity in North Dakota decreased in early November due to the rapid fall in oil prices .

  2. 本文研究的EPC合同条件即1999年9月FIDIC出版的四本新版合同条件中的《EPC/交钥匙项目合同条件》第一版,又被称作银皮书。

    The " EPC contract " in this study is which is often called " silver cover book " . It was first published by FIDIC in September 1999 with other three conditions of contracts .

  3. 此外,还对皮书出版还进行了动态的分析。

    In addition , the publication of the paper also carried out a dynamic analysis .

  4. 褐皮书中指出美国经济持续改善得益于制造业的带头增长。

    The report shows modest but widespread economic improvement led by strong manufacturing sector growth .

  5. 今天美联储在备受关注的褐皮书中表示,大部分人对经济持乐观的态度。

    We got mostly optimistic view of the economy from Federal Reserve 's closely watched beige book today .

  6. 褐皮书由12家联邦储备银行分别与本地区企业联系汇编而成。

    The report is compiled from contacts between each of the 12 regional Fed banks and businesses in their districts .

  7. 美联储最新的“褐皮书”中关于经济情况的报告中指出存在价格和工资的下行压力。

    The Fed 's latest " Beige Book " report on economic conditions suggested downward pressure on prices and wages .

  8. 周三有贸易收支、每周原油库存、月度预算报告及美联储褐皮书。

    On Wednesday we have the trade balance , weekly oil inventories , monthly budget statement and Fed Beige Book due .

  9. 对皮书出版结构的分析主要是通过对皮书编撰机构和皮书选题结构进行分析。

    Paper published on the analysis of the structure mainly through the preparation of the Paper and paper to analyze the structure of subjects .

  10. 继最近几周关于就业、零售和产出的经济数据表现稍佳之后,褐皮书进一步显示出令人欣慰的迹象。

    The beige book is a further reassuring sign in the wake of slightly better economic data in recent weeks on jobs , retail sales and production .

  11. 政府关门使我们陷入黑暗,也使许多政府经济数据受到影响,所以这次发布的褐皮书显现出更为重要的意义。

    That shutdown has left us in dark but a lot of other government economic data lately , so this beige book is taking on even more importance .

  12. 通过将社会科学文献出版社的十年皮书出版过程划分为兴起、发展、转型三个阶段。

    The Social Sciences Academic Press published the paper for 10-year , it can be divided into the process of the emergence , development and transformation in three phases .

  13. 分析了皮书的成词理据及其修饰的色彩词的文化含义,以利于人们理解运用该术语。

    This paper analyzes the motivations of the formation of the words and cultural meaning of its color in order to facilitate the understanding and using of the term .

  14. 杰姆所收集的信息曾被研究中心内部使用,那些资料曾被用于“灰皮书”的准备工作以及其他用途。

    Jim 's information was used by the research department internally , where was be used in the preparation of the " Beige Book " and for other purposes .

  15. 对每个阶段皮书出版进行描述,其目的在于通过分析相关问题,解析皮书出版的阶段变化特点。

    At every stage of the Paper to describe the publication , with the aim of analyzing relevant issues , resolve Paper published by the changes in the characteristics of the stage .

  16. 社科文献版皮书虽不能够完全等同于皮书,但是作为当前最大的皮书出版基地,其皮书出版却最具代表性的。

    The Paper version of the social science literature , although not exactly as the same as paper , but it is the largest paper published in the base , the paper has published the most representative .

  17. 包括通用条件与专用条件编制指南、投标书文本、合同协议书以及争端裁决协议书。俗称1999年银皮书;《简明合同文本》。

    This Conditions of Contract , known as " Silver Book " 1999 , has guidelines for the preparation of the General Conditions and the special conditions , tender format , Contract Agreement and Dispute Adjudication Agreement .

  18. 美联储发布褐皮书称,房地产业强势复苏,汽车销售量上涨,这是二月末和三月美国经济温和增长的动力。

    The Federal Reserve is out with its Beige book which reviews a stronger housing recovery and gains in auto sale saying they were factors to moderate economic growth in the US in late February and Match .

  19. 通过分析各个阶段皮书出版的变化和发展特点找到影响皮书出版的根本原因&社会转型引发内在社会需求变化。

    By analyzing the various stages of the paper published by the changes in the characteristics and development to find a paper published by the impact of the root causes-social transformation lead to internal changes in social demand .

  20. 分析皮书出版结构的目的在于通过静态的分析找到皮书出版存在的问题,通过对社会蓝皮书个案分析为皮书出版结构调整找到参考。

    Paper published analysis of the structure is aimed at the adoption of static analysis to find a paper published in the existing problems , from the Blue Book on social analysis of the cases to find a reference .

  21. 美联储每年发布8次报告说明经济状况,他们称之为褐皮书,里面会添加一些故事,而在本次9月至10月初的褐皮书中美联储表示,美国的经济继续以温和步伐扩张。

    Eight times a year , the Fed told us a little stories about the state of the economy , it binds anecdotes into what is called the beige book and for September , earlier October the Fed says the nation 's economy continue to expand at modest , moderate pace .

  22. 我不喜欢以貌取人,以皮论书

    Well , I don 't like to judge a book by its cover ,

  23. 封面和封底的角合适地用皮料装饰。书中赞美了色彩、英国崇拜以及布阿塔对约翰·福勒(JohnFowler)和帕里什-哈德利(Parish-Hadley)作品的崇敬。

    Between the covers , which are fittingly marbled with leather corners , is a world that celebrates color , Anglophilia and Buatta 's reverence for the work of John Fowler and Parish-Hadley .

  24. 此外,该主人还写了一本叫《皮时尚》的书,讲述了“小皮”时尚照片的故事。

    The owner also wrote a book called Pi Fashion , telling stories of Xiao Pi 's fashion photos .

  25. 后脑头皮钉在墙上,实为‘红雪人’的皮,他在书中这样写道。

    Nailed to the wall by the back of its scalp was the hide of a ' red yeti ', he wrote later .