
  • 网络Engineering Director;Director of Engineering;Project Director;CHIEF ENGINEER
  1. 从Borland架构师到微软高级工程总监

    From Borland Architect to MS Senior Engineering Director

  2. 注册专业工程师必须提交上述事项的书面证明文件,由管架集团(PSG)工程总监对所提交的书面文件进行评审。

    Documentary evidence to demonstrate the above will be submitted by the RPE for review by the PSG Engineering Director .

  3. 达蒙·霍洛维茨中断了他在科技产业的工作,转而去考哲学博士,他在Google有两份工作:工程总监和内部哲学家。

    Damon Horowitz , who interrupted a career in technology to get a PhD in philosophy , has two jobs at Google : director of engineering and in-house philosopher .

  4. 所有上述修订文件将由管架集团工程总监(PSG)或技术总监批核。

    All such revisions will be approved by the PSG Engineering or Technical Director .

  5. 管架集团工程总监(PSG)将对照供应商的建议要求,对经认可的设计报告进行评审,并提出相关行动意见。

    The PSG Engineering Director will review the approved design report against the proposed deviation and advise on a course of action as appropriate .

  6. 发出请购单之前,采购要求必须由核质量保证工程师(NQA)或质量保证经理进行评审,并且必须经过管架集团工程总监(PSG)或管架集团(PSG)质量保证经理(QA)的核准。

    Purchase specifications will be reviewed by the NQA Engineer or QA Manager and approved by the PSG Engineering Director or PSG QA Manager prior to issuance with the Purchase requisition .

  7. 如果供应商要求对所订购材料或物项进行修改,则采购经理应将详细情况通知工程总监和核质量保证工程师(NQA),由其评审和核准。

    Should a revision to procured material or item be required by the vendor , the Purchasing Manager will forward full details to the Engineering director and NQA Engineer for review and approval .

  8. 每年由财务总监和工程总监审核保养合同。

    Maintenance contracts are reviewed yearly by controller and doe .

  9. 机场管理局项目工程总监

    " Project Director , Airport Authority "

  10. 接听电话、并为工程总监和部门记录留言。

    To answer the telephone and take massage for the director of engineer and the department .

  11. 而工程总监说,不行,我们要标准化。

    Well , the , uh , engineering director says no , we gotta have standardization .

  12. 管理审核科〔入境事务处〕每年由财务总监和工程总监审核保养合同。

    Management Audit Division [ Immigration Department ] Maintenance contracts are reviewed yearly by Controller and DOE .

  13. 所有合同都得到总经理、财务总监和工程总监的批准?并由总经理签署。

    All contracts are approved by the gm , controller and doe & and signed by the GM.

  14. 上述文件采用唯一识别号,并由工程总监指定设计工程师编制。

    The above documents which are uniquely identified are prepared by a design engineer designated by the Engineering Director .

  15. 工程总监保存压力容器和设备的当前权威证件&包括压力容器、锅炉、电梯、工厂和工作间。

    Chief Engineer keeps current authority certificates for pressure vessels & equipment-pressure vessels , boilers , lifts , factories , workshops .

  16. 福特汽车的动力总成研发工程总监,丹卡普,不认为阀节流是汽车制造商的未来。

    Dan Kapp , director of powertrain research and advanced engineering at Ford , doesn 't see valve throttling in the automaker 's future .

  17. “我们使用氦气,因为它是最惰性气体媒体提供的搜索解释说:”保罗希利托,工程总监。

    " We used helium because it is the most searching of all the inert gas media available " explained Paul Shillito , Director of Engineering .

  18. 执行工程总监下达的任务,要求协助总监做好办公室工作并努力提高工作效率。

    Implement and complete the task that come from chief Eng. , request assist chief Eng. Do well office work and do my best improve work effective .

  19. 设计输出文件的评审工作应由以下设计人员负责。该设计人员必须未参加原始设计工作,并且必须为管架集团工程总监或技术总监指定的设计人员。

    Design Output documentation shall be reviewed by a Design personnel not responsible for the original design and approved by either the PSG Engineering or Technical Director .

  20. 设计工程师负责对分析结果进行评审。按照标准载荷组载荷要求,对载荷进行调整的相关事宜,由管架集团工程总监作出最终决定。

    Review of the results will be performed by a Design engineer and decisions regarding modification to standard load group loadings will be determined by the PSG Engineering Director .

  21. 评审人员将把供应商建议的修改情况记录在经认可的设计报告中,并将详情通知工程总监,由其评审和验收。

    The reviewer will consider the implications of the proposed deviation on approved design reports and in such instances will forward details to the Engineering Director for review and acceptance .

  22. 接到通知后,常务董事、工程总监和质量保证经理将安排对客户规范进行正式审查,明确询价的具体要求。

    Upon notification , the Managing , Engineering Directors and QA Managers will arrange for a formal review of clients specifications to establish the precise requirements relating to the inquiry .

  23. 在客关系主任第一次检查之后,第一重要客人的房间将由驻店经理、房务总监、工程总监将两度检查房间以确保其达到最好的状态。

    For VIP1 Room , Resident Manager , Director Of Rooms And Director Of Engineering will double inspect the room to ensure it is in tip top condition after the first inspection by the GRO .

  24. 消费者点评网Angie’sList工程部总监杰夫•罗杰斯的回答

    Answer by Jeff Rogers , Director of Engineering at Angie 's List

  25. 在为NASA服务30多年后,马克?摩尔(MarkMoore)加入优步的“提升”(Elevate)部门,担任飞行工程技术总监。

    After more than 30 years at the US space agency , Mark Moore is joining Uber 's Elevate division as its director of engineering for aviation .

  26. RichardFilley是亚利桑那州立大学社区服务课程的工程项目总监,FlashFood团队是课程的37个项目之一。

    Richard Filley is director of the Engineering Projects in Community Service program at Arizona State . The FlashFood team is one of the program 's thirty-seven projects . Mr. Filley says winning the Imagine Cup 's Software design category is a major honor .

  27. 谷歌工程部总监哈特穆特•内文(HartmutNeven)表示,当涉及隐私问题时,谷歌将“非常谨慎”。

    Google engineering director Hartmut neven says the company will be " extra careful " when it comes to privacy issues .

  28. 拉扎克职业生涯的早期曾在eBay担任工程设计总监,不过在那之前,他还曾在三家初创公司工作过,其中一家是他在刚毕业时就已经加入的初创公司。

    Earlier in his career , Razzaq was director of engineering at eBay ( eBay ) but , before that , he worked for three startups & including one he joined right out of college even though , like you , he also had offers from big-name companies .

  29. 她作为工程项目总监在华文教育组织在北京举行。

    She works as Program Director at the Chinese Language Education organization in Beijing .

  30. 负责本部门行政事务工作,协助工程部总监做好与公司各部门的协调工作。

    Responsible for departmental clerical work and assist Director of Engineering in coordinating with all departments .