
  • 网络Technician;technologist;techs
  1. 在这里,他们与渐进技术师或工程师不同,正如他们与自然科学工程师不同一样。

    In this , they differ from the piecemeal technologist and engineer , just AS much AS from the physical engineer .

  2. 历史决定论者的看法与社会工程师或技术师的看法之间有着极其明确的差别。

    There is a very definite clash between the approach of the historicist and that of the social engineer or the technologist .

  3. 我们有8个开发人员,但我们没有首席技术师。

    We have eight programmers , but we don 't have a chief technical officer .

  4. 艺术品鉴赏家必须首先成为一名出色的技术师,具备基本的实践习惯。

    A virtuoso must first be an excellent technician who has made the basic practices habitual .

  5. 人员方面,高新聘请高级技术师,引进高素质的技术人材。

    Respects of personnel , Invite the senior technological teacher high-newly , Introduce the technological talent of high quality .

  6. 出席会议的主要是神经诊断有关的专业人员包括技术师、实验室工作人员、医师、厂商代表。

    Present at the meeting is mainly neural diagnosis relevant professional staff including technology division , laboratory workers , doctors , manufacturers representative .

  7. 毕业生可以成为专业摄影师、实验室的成像技术师、图片加工企业的经营者或者从事使用成像技术的其他职业。

    Graduates can become professional photographers , laboratory imaging technicians , managers of photo processing firms , or pursue other careers in imaging technology .

  8. 高级技术布道师BrianKeller为其发布了预告,但该产品现在还没有得到官方的支持。

    Senior Technical Evangelist Brian Keller offered the caveat that this is as yet an unsupported product .

  9. 技术构架师主要负责创建产品构架的最佳方案并且设计企业级的产品或应用。

    Technical Architect is responsible for creating superior solution architecture and design of enterprise scale products or applications .

  10. 日本的一些企业老是搞这么多似乎鸡毛蒜皮、没有前途的小发明,这早就让东京的技术咨询师林信行觉得恼火了。

    That some in Japan pursue so many seemingly trivial , unwarranted inventions has long vexed Tokyo-based technology consultant Nobuyuki Hayashi .

  11. 一个技术构架师或者一个技术分析师必须与您最初服务的消费者进行沟通,并开始获取这个信息。

    A technical architect or a technical analyst must meet with the consumers of your initial services and begin capturing this information .

  12. 技术策略师提示,该指数可能进一步走弱,有些人预期,近期可能会逼近2000点。

    Technical strategists suggested the index was poised for further weakness , with some expecting the 2,000 level to come under attack in the near term .

  13. 现代教育技术和高师教学改革

    Modern Educational Technology and Reform at Teachers ' College

  14. 教育技术与高师院校艺术教育

    Educational technique and art education in Normal University

  15. 发展现代教育技术手段推进师专素质教育

    Develop the Technological Means of Modern Education & Promote the Quality Education in Teachers Colleges

  16. 运用现代教育技术在高师物理教育专业中推进素质教育的思考

    Thinking about Applying Modern Education Technology to the Improvement of Quality Education in Physics Education Major in Teachers College

  17. 多媒体技术在高师《地球概论》图像教学系统中的应用

    The application of the multimedia technology in the image teaching system in the normal university course of the earth outline

  18. 多媒体技术在高师音乐专业《多声部音乐分析与写作》课程中的应用研究

    Applied Study on Multimedia Technology in the Higher Pedagogical Education Music Course of " Analysis and Writing about Homophonic and Polyphonic Music "

  19. 对于如何应用多媒体技术进行高师音乐教学是时代的要求,也是教学改革的基本要求。

    For the application of multimedia technology in music teaching is the requirement of the times , but also the basic requirements for teaching reform .

  20. 意象交流技术是咨询师与来访者之间用心理意象沟通交流实施心理咨询。

    The technique of image exchange refers to the psychological consultation that is carried out through exchanging psychological images between the consulted and the consulter .

  21. 现代教育技术在高师物理教育专业中的运用,对教育思想、教学模式、教学方法等多方面产生了深刻的影响,是素质教育的一种有效途径。

    Applying modern education technology to physics education major in colleges has a great influence on education ideas , teaching mode , teaching method etc. It is an effective way of quality education .

  22. 专业特色:本专业的专业特色体现为:“扎实的计算机理论,较强的程序设计能力,具有先进教育思想和积极创新精神,掌握先进教学技术的双师型(教师、工程师)人才”。

    Specialty features : students being trained are expected to be teachers or engineers with solid foundation of computer principles , strong ability of programming , good sense of advanced education , active spirit of innovation , and advanced teaching skills .

  23. 为了制作出《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》中的场景和表演,这些技术精湛的特效师们和辛勤工作的协调人、制作人花了成百上千个小时。

    It took hundreds of hours from skilled artists and hard-working coordinators and producers to craft the environments and performances in Life of Pi .

  24. 他是一位技术熟练的理发师。

    He is a slick barber .

  25. 主要依靠计算机完成的性能测试和诊断,在短时间被广泛应用造成了对高级技术员和机械师的紧缺。

    The explosion of computer-driven performance testing and diagnostics contributes to the shortage of highly qualified technicians and mechanics .

  26. 魔术师用熟练的手指闪电般地洗牌。他是一位技术熟练的理发师。

    The magician riffled through the cards with skilful fingers that moved like lightning . He is a slick barber .

  27. 建筑公司、打捞公司、锅炉制造厂以及许多各种其他公司都要求有技术的合格焊接师。

    Construction companies , salvage firms , boilermakers , and many other kinds of businesses require the skills of certified welders .

  28. 当时的情况和现在一样,那些技术贩子和咨询师们发出警报,然后通过散布恐慌坐收渔利。

    Then , as now , the alarm was sounded by technology vendors and consultants , who stood to gain from scare-mongering .

  29. 高等职业技术学院加强双师型师资队伍建设的几点建议

    The High Job Technological Institute Strengthens the Construction Method of Teachers ' Team of " Type of a Pair of Divisions " to Visit for the First Time

  30. 高职教育要培养出适应市场需求的、职业技能型、应用型人才,没有懂一线实用技术技能的双师型教师,犹如纸上谈兵。

    Without double qualified teachers who know practical technology of first line , higher vocational education could not train vocational skilled and applied talents who is needed for market .