
  • 网络Technology World;Technical World;Bio-IT World;Teknikens Varld;TechWorld;Teknikens Vrld
  1. 如何看待大地构成了技术世界与艺术世界的本质区别。

    How to treat Earth constitutes the essential difference between the technical world and the art world .

  2. 他反对西方传统形而上学主客二分的思维方式,倡导人与自然的同一,海德格尔对西方技术世界的批评奠定了后来西方环境伦理学的理论基础。

    He opposed the thinking mode of subject and object of western traditional metaphysics , initiated human and nature identical , Heidegger criticizing western technical world laid the foundation of the Western Environmental Ethics .

  3. 在我们生活的这个技术世界里,电子设备难免要定期进行一些更新,但是,如果我们对电子设备的维护或升级导致它们无法使用了怎么办呢?

    In the tech-centered world in which we live , it 's inevitable , but what if our attempts at maintenance or improvement leave them worse for wear ?

  4. 商业技术世界的趋势是“近企业(almostenterprise)”应用&一些更小、更敏捷的应用,它们一般在远程(如云中)托管。

    The world of business technology is shifting to " almost enterprise " applications-a network of smaller , more agile applications that are often hosted remotely , as in cloud computing .

  5. 乔布斯那著名的现实扭曲场肯定达到了10级的曲速层级,因为只要拿起iPad,你就会觉得自己进入了一个全然不同的技术世界。

    Mr Jobs ' famed reality distortion field must be working at warp factor 10 because to pick up the iPad is to feel you are entering a different technological world .

  6. 世界4&技术世界及其结构问题

    World IV & Technology World and Its Structure

  7. 在技术世界里,这一点仍是苹果的独特之处。

    In the tech world , that is still something that sets Apple apart .

  8. 技术世界在不断的变化。

    The technology world is constantly changing .

  9. 凯勒中心的主要目标是培养,领导者从而引领工程和其他,技术世界的领域。

    The Keller Center 's main goal is to educate the leaders of both engineers and others for technological world .

  10. 我们的石英技术世界闻名,相信我们生产的手表具有高质量。

    Our quartz technique is well known in the world , and we believe our watches are of fine quality .

  11. 尽可能占有更多的知识,拥有更多的技能,成为了教育的唯一目的,教育关系简化成了知识授受关系,教育世界等同于单纯的科学技术世界。

    To possess more knowledge and more skills to the greatest extent has turned into the sole aim for the education .

  12. 分析了实践活动对技术世界发展的决定作用,以及技术世界的结构,力图确立技术世界的本体论地位。

    It analyses the decisive effect of practical activity on the development of technology world and the structure in order to establish its status of ontology .

  13. 另外,对技术世界中技术的表现、本质以及实现技术拯救的可能性庄子也有不懈的追问与批判。

    The representation and essence of technology and the possibility of technology salvation in a technology world was also unremittingly criticized and reflected in Zhuang-zi 's works .

  14. 与不断变化的讯息技术世界保持同步,计算机系统分析员通常要帮助公司、企业和组织找到能够满足他们要求的新技术。

    Keeping current with the ever-changing world of information technology , computer systems analysts help businesses and organizations find the rightitechnolog Dating ies to meet their needs .

  15. 今天我很高兴能在这儿欢迎,马克,姜,他将是第一位,在今年这个系列节目中,谈论技术世界领导力的人。

    I 'm really happy here today to welcome Mark Jung , who will be the first speaker in this year 's series on leadership in technological world .

  16. 这是我们中心的主要目的:,那就是培养领导者,不管是不是工程师,培养可以领导这个逐渐形成的技术世界的人才。

    This is the main goal of the center : it 's to educate leaders , both engineers and non-engineers who can lead in an increasingly technological world .

  17. 我还很高兴欢迎,回到普林斯顿大学,成为我们,新系列讲座的首个主讲人,讲座的主题是技术世界中的领导力。

    Norm Augustine I 'm also delighted to welcome Norm Augustine back at Princeton as an inaugural speaker for our new lecture series entitled " Leadership in a Technological World " .

  18. 每隔几年,技术世界就会爆发一场革命,迎来下一个有望改变人类生活方式、催生一个高利润新产业的大事物。

    Every few years the world of technology witnesses a revolution , the next big development with the potential to change how we function and to spawn a highly profitable new industry .

  19. 中心围绕这一目标举办了很多活动,而其中最重要的活动之一,甚至可能是最重要的活动,就是让学生们和其他人接触技术世界的领袖。

    And the center has many activities along these lines , but one of the most important activities , and perhaps its most important activity , is exposing students and others to technological leaders .

  20. 该造船厂的造船技术处于世界最前沿。

    This shipyard is at the cutting edge of world shipbuilding technology .

  21. "保护"孩子也许是一件正确的事情,但它让青少年在这个充满技术的世界中成长时无法进行必要的学习。

    " Protecting " kids may fed like the right thing to do , but it undermines the learning that teens need to do as they come of age in a technology-soaked world .

  22. 目前,移动adhoc网路技术在世界范围内引起了极大的关注。

    At present , mobile Ad Hoc network technology has caused a great deal of attention worldwide .

  23. 技术改变世界应用创造未来&《RFID技术与应用》杂志周文豪主编访谈录

    Technologies Change the World , Applications Inspire the Future & Interview Chief Editor of " RFID Technologies and Applications "

  24. 当前,日本和美国的CCD摄像机技术处于世界领先地位,他们在航空、航天及各种制导武器方面的应用更是非常成功。

    At present , Japan and America are the world leader in CCD camera technology , especially very successful in the applications in aviation , aerospace and a variety of guided weapons .

  25. 在中国,正在建设两个使用鲁奇公司MTP技术的世界级煤基化学品联合企业。

    Two world-class coal based chemical complexes using Lurgi MTP technology are under construction in China .

  26. 在这个基于Internet技术的世界里,电子商务的经营模式正在改变着人们的生活方式和企业的经营方式,彻底改变了企业、客户与供应商之间的关系,同时也带来了更为激烈的竞争。

    In this world based on Internet technology , E-commerce is changing life style of people and the types of operation of enterprises , changing the relation among the enterprise , customer and supplier completely , brought the competition for fierceness at the same time .

  27. 它是目前汽车转向领域的新兴技术,世界上许多汽车生产厂商和设计公司均对SBW进行了积极的研究和开发。

    Many vehicle producing companies and designing institutes are studying this technology .

  28. Yahoo在这个项目中将扮演领导者的角色,因为它的目标和我们的需求是非常吻合的,并且我们明白共享这个技术给世界的意义。

    Yahoo ! has taken a leadership role in the project because its goals match our own needs quite well and we see the benefit of sharing this technology with the rest of the world .

  29. 工业CT(ComputedTomography)技术是世界上公认的最佳无损检测手段之一,目前在国内的应用越来越广泛,并在一些新技术领域发挥着愈加重要的作用。

    Industrial Computed Tomography ( CT ) is one of the universally acknowledged optimum detecting methods . Its domestic application becomes more and more widely , which makes it plays a more and more important role in the new technology fields recently .

  30. OPC技术作为世界工控行业的新标准,为新的IT产业革命克服了诸多厂商之间的数据交换以及标准化应用接口设计的障碍,近年来取得了很大的发展。

    As new standard of Industrial Control field in the world , OPC technology overcomes such obstacles as data exchange among many manufacturers and standard application interface routine design , and makes great progress in recent years .