
jì shù jiào yù
  • technical education
  1. MES与职业技术教育教学模式的改革

    MES and the Reform of the Matrix of the Teachings of the Professional Technical Education

  2. 职业技术教育CBE模式及对我们的启示

    The CBE Model of Vocational Technical Education

  3. WTO与高等职业技术教育

    WTO and senior education of professional technique

  4. 针对目前我国EDI教育现状,我国应采取积极措施,加大EDI技术教育,彻底改变EDI教育的落后现状。

    Facing with the current situation of our China EDI education , we should take necessary steps and enlarge EDI education to change the backward situation of EDI .

  5. 赞比亚技术教育以及职业和创业培训(TechnicalEducation,VocationalandEntrepreneurshipTraining,TEVET)的改革与发展深受国内政治、经济因素影响,每个阶段的改革均与时代背景密切相关。

    The reform and development of Technical Education , Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training ( TEVET ) is influenced by domestic political and economic factors , and each phase of its reform is closely related to the historical background .

  6. 美泰公司还为其配备了平台Tynker,供孩子学习如何编程,如何打造芭比。此外,美泰还为技术教育公益组织BlackGirlsCode提供资金支持,学习者能在机器人工作室拿到芭比娃娃。

    Mattel is also partnering with Tynker , a platform that helps kids learn to code , to create Barbie content . It is also supporting the work of Black Girls Code by providing a grant , plus giving attendees dolls at robotics workshops .

  7. 地理信息技术教育包括专业教育和普及教育。

    Geographical information technology education includes major education and universal education .

  8. 合理调整农村教育结构,积极发展农村职业技术教育;

    Adjusting rural educational structure , developing rural professional technique education ;

  9. 发展职业技术教育,提高农村劳动力素质;

    To develop the vocational education , to increase labor quality ;

  10. 开展信息技术教育提高民族学生的素质

    Developing Information Technology Education and Enhance the Quality of Ethnic Students

  11. 信息技术教育与教育信息化&一场教育技术的革命

    Informational Technology Education and Education Information ── An Educational Technology Revolution

  12. 高等职业技术教育实施学分制管理的障碍及对策

    Obstacles to Credit System Management in Higher Vocational Education and Countermeasures

  13. 加拿大卑斯省高等职业技术教育及其启示

    Polytechnic Education in BC , Canada and its Inspiration to GD

  14. 试析劳动与技术教育和研究性学习的整合

    On the Conformity of Labor - Technology Education and Studied Learning

  15. 走顺德高等职业技术教育创新之路

    Follow the Road of Higher Vocational Education Innovation with Shunde Characteristics

  16. 劳动技术教育是基础性技术教育。

    Labor and technical education is the basic technical education .

  17. 高师信息技术教育现状分析及其改革对策

    The Analysis of Information Technology Education In Normal Colleges and Reforming Countermeasure

  18. 青岛市高等职业技术教育发展中的问题分析与对策研究

    Analyses and Countermeasures on the Problems of Qingdao Higher Vocational Education Development

  19. 德国高等职业技术教育的动态考察

    A Dynamic Investigation into German Higher Technical and Occupational Education

  20. 论洋务运动时期的职业技术教育

    The Discussion of the Vocational and Technical Education During the Westernization Movement

  21. 浅议广西高等职业技术教育改革与发展

    Brief Discussion on Reformation and Development of Guangxi Higher Occupation Technique Education

  22. 第三章影响本科技术教育人才培养的因素分析。

    Chapter ⅲ Analysis of the Influential Factors of Undergraduate Technical Education .

  23. 突出实用性,开展农村职业技术教育;

    Stress practicality , develop rural professional technical education ;

  24. 接受思想、文化、技术教育;

    To accept ideological , cultural and technical education ;

  25. 高等职业技术教育,属于高等教育的范围。

    Higher vocational technical education belongs to higher education .

  26. 高校技术教育与人格教育失衡现象之辨思

    Some Thoughts on the Unbalance of Vocational Education and Personality Education in Colleges

  27. 科技教育统计评估的基础理论研究浅谈职业技术教育与科技教育

    The Basic Theoretical Study on the Statistical Evaluation of Science and Technology Education

  28. 关于高师院校加强现代教育技术教育与教学的思考

    On improvement and qualification of the education and teaching of modern educational technology

  29. 我国职业技术教育现状分析与发展战略探讨

    Current Situation and Developing Strategy of Chinese Vocational Education

  30. 对计划体制下我国农民职业技术教育的思考

    Characteristics and Enlightenment of Farmers ' Vocational Education in the Planned Economic System