
jì shù ɡé xīn
  • technological innovation;technical innovation
技术革新 [jì shù gé xīn]
  • [technical innovation;technological innovation] 生产技术上的较大改进,如工艺规程、机器部件等方面的改进

  1. 技术革新在增产方面起着重要作用。

    Technical innovation plays an important role in increasing production .

  2. 这项技术革新可以为我们节省大量的时间和劳力。

    This technical innovation will save us much time and labour .

  3. 搞技术革新就要有一股不怕困难的闯劲。

    To go in for technical innovation , one must have the fearless spirit of a pathbreaker .

  4. 今天重点讨论技术革新问题。

    Our discussion today will centre on technical innovation . ; We 'll focus our discussion today on technical innovation .

  5. 他们大搞技术革新,真是八仙过海,各显神通。

    They have made great efforts in technical innovation and every one of them has shown his own art and skill just like the eight immortals soaring over the ocean .

  6. 晚饭后小组成员凑集在一起研究技术革新问题。

    After supper the group got together to discuss technical innovations .

  7. 技术革新的门路很多。

    There are all sorts of possibilities for technical innovation .

  8. 他的才智在技术革新中显露出来。

    His talent manifested itself through his technical innovation .

  9. 这项技术革新有助于改善我们的产品质量。

    This technical innovation is instrumental in improving the qualities of our products .

  10. 这种新工具正是技术革新运动的产儿。

    This new implement is a product of the drive for technical innovation .

  11. 在技术革新中人人献计献策。

    Everyone offered suggestions for technical innovation .

  12. 两年前他着手进行一项技术革新,但迄今尚无任何进展。

    He commenced on a technical innovation two years ago but has made no progress so far .

  13. 技术革新可能将进一步增强这一转变。

    Technological change may well reinforce that shift .

  14. 技术革新已经带来了无穷的好处。

    Technological innovations have brought innumerable benefits .

  15. RFID技术革新了追踪产业的发展,它的应用十分广阔。

    RFID technologies have innovated the tracking industry , and applications is very broad .

  16. 网格计算已成为计算机研究领域的一个新的热点,被认为是继Internet之后的又一重大技术革新。

    The grid computing , which is regarded as the most important innovation after the Internet revolution , has been becoming a new hot issue in the computer science area .

  17. 在一定程度上由于来自Spring技术革新的压力,导致EJB3专家小组构建了一个比EJB2.x更加相似Spring的接口。

    Partially as a result of the pressure from innovations in Spring , the EJB3 expert group built a specification describing an interface more like Spring 's than EJB2 . x.

  18. ESPN之所以能突飞猛进地发展,与它进行的一系列技术革新密切相关。

    ESPN developed rapidly is closely related with a series of technical renovations it undertook .

  19. 随着GIS的技术革新和广泛应用,以及相关信息采集技术的迅猛发展和集成,GIS将把地球空间(甚至更广)大千世界各方面信息汇集于一体,将拥有庞大的数据库。

    With the innovation and wide application of GIS , and the rapid development and integration of relevant information collection systems , GIS will integrate various kinds of information in geospace ( even in a wider rage ) and have gigantic database .

  20. TRIPS协议对知识产权保护的高标准既没有实现各方利益的平衡,也难推动技术革新和新技术的传播与转让。

    TRIPS does not contribute to profit balance between public and innovators , to the promotion of technological innovation and to the transfer and dissemination of technology because it protects intellectual property in high criterion .

  21. 在Web2.0技术革新下诞生的自媒体概念,囊括了多种互联网个人新闻应用形式,其中尤以博客、播客、SNS社交网站、微博等为国内当下最为普及和流行的应用代表。

    The concept " we media " was created under the innovation of Web 2.0 technology , including a variety of personal Internet news application , in which blog , podcast , SNS and micro-blog are currently the most popular forms in China .

  22. 通信装备技术革新成果多媒体资料库的设计

    Design of a Multimedia Database of Technical Innovations in Communication Equipment

  23. 对传播技术革新中体育新闻价值选择的思考

    Selection of sports news value in the innovation of propagating technology

  24. 这些技术革新措施可以节省我们大量劳动。

    These technical innovations will save us a lot of labour .

  25. 技术革新有助于提高产品的质量。

    Technical innovation is instrumental in improving the qualities of products .

  26. 重大技术革新正在进入制造业领域,这是个重大时刻。

    Major technologies are entering the manufacturing space , big time .

  27. 他们无私地献出一切来进行技术革新。

    They selflessly gave their all to carry through technical innovations .

  28. 技术革新,大力发展现代预应力混凝土

    Technical innovation & accelerating the development of modern prestressed concrete

  29. 最后的结果将巩固发明成果并有关键的技术革新。

    The end result is strengthening the invention and developing critical skills .

  30. 浅议连体筒仓滑模施工技术革新与实践

    On technological reform of silo slipform construction and its practice