
  1. 停在美国科罗拉多州的福特野马跑车(FordMustang),看起来帅呆了!

    Menacing looking Ford Mustang police car spotted in Colorado , USA.

  2. 这款跑车的操控性也异乎寻常的出色。它搭载了一款312马力的V6发动机,应该可以与福特野马在短程加速赛中一较高下。

    With a base V-6 engine that produces 312 horsepower , it should face off nicely against the Mustang in stop-light drag races .

  3. 文中叙述两件获奖ADI铸件:建筑和园林用的装载机ADI驱动轮铸件和福特野马眼睛蛇(FordMustangCobra)跑车底盘悬架控制臂。

    One of five ADI castings is ADI drive wheel of loading machine used for architecture and park . The other is Ford Mustang Cobra 's chassis IRS control arm .

  4. 底特律三巨头对沿用历史品牌和设计这种做法一直颇为低调,但福特野马(FordMustang)、雪佛兰科迈罗(ChevroletCamaro)和道奇战马(DodgeCharger)确实借鉴了早期车型的外形和设计思路。

    The Detroit Three have been somewhat less blatant in their appropriation of historic badges and designs , but the Ford Mustang , Chevrolet Camaro , and Dodge Charger all borrow shapes and cues from earlier models .

  5. 福特野马敞篷车福特野马于1964年首次亮相,它的历史比马自达Miata更悠久,野马新一代车型的问世也标志着这个品牌进入了鼎盛时期。

    Having made its debut in 1964 , the Mustang has been around longer than the Miata and came into its prime with the current generation .

  6. 这辆置身于帝国大厦的福特野马2015引来了游客们的好奇。

    The out of place 2015 Ford Mustang had tourists wondering .

  7. 她开着詹娜的福特野马匆匆离开了鸦林镇

    Well , she sped out of Ravenswood in Jenna 's Mustang .

  8. 至今福特野马的销量已经超过了900万辆。

    Since then more than 9 million of the cars have been sold .

  9. 你开的是福特野马吗?

    Was that a Mustang I heard out there ?

  10. 福特野马曾经是美国市场上最畅销的车型。

    The Ford Mustang was a smash hit in the American car market .

  11. 逃逸车辆是福特野马谢尔比GT-500。

    Getaway car is a Mustang Shelby GT-500 .

  12. 这不是福特野马第一次的电梯经历。

    This wasn 't ' the first time a Ford Mustang rode these elevators .

  13. 福特野马在利用电视广告宣传之前就大受欢迎。

    Mustang was popular even before its debut on the strength of TV ads touting its features .

  14. 印第安纳州长称,客车上有19名乘客受伤,而这辆福特野马的驾驶者已被证实死亡。

    The sheriff says 19 people on the bus were injured and the driver of the stolen Ford Mustang was killed . 4 .

  15. 那是我的一点小嗜好我9岁时组装过整套福特野马系列的车模

    That 's , uh , Just a little hobby of mine . I did the entire Mustang series when I was 9 .

  16. 你只需要掀开引擎盖看一眼,比较一下66年的福特野马和04年的大众捷达便知。

    It takes just one look under the hood to see for yourself . Compare the machinary of this 1966 Ford , Mustang , to this , 2004 Volkswagen , Jetta .

  17. 甩卖的物品从福特野马跑车、珠宝首饰、手提电脑,到飞机引擎、交通信号灯的灯泡、军用担架、过期彩色胶卷、铲车等,应有尽有!

    Shuaimai items from the Ford Mustang sports car , jewelry , portable computers , to aircraft engines , traffic signal light bulbs , military stretchers , expired color film , forklifts and so on , everything !

  18. 他的旅行清单上还包括游览秘鲁的马丘比丘,在澳洲的大堡礁中潜水,在亚利桑那州的大峡谷中蹦极,开着福特野马穿过66号公路。

    Still on his hit list are visiting Machu Picchu in Peru , diving at Australia 's Great Barrier Reef , bungee jumping into the Grand Canyon in Arizona , driving across Route 66 in a Ford Mustang .

  19. 然后,爸爸和我出发,开着他的福特野马轿车&会引来艳羡的目光,因为当时有部叫《警网铁金刚》的电影在电影院已经上映了半年,主角史蒂夫麦奎因在影片中就开这种车。

    Then , Baba and I drove off in his black Ford Mustang & a car that drew envious looks everywhere because it was the same car Steve McQueen had driven in Bullitt , a film that played in one theater for six months .

  20. 然后,爸爸和我出发,开着他的福特野马轿车--会引来艳羡的目光,因为当时有部叫《警网铁金刚》的电影在电影院已经上映了半年,主角史蒂夫·麦奎因在影片中就开这种车。

    Then , Baba and I drove off in his black Ford Mustang -- a car that drew envious looks everywhere because it was the same car Steve McQueen had driven in " Bullitt , " a film that played in one theater for six months .

  21. 奖项:尽管大众的高尔夫GTI先拔头筹,但偏向自家人的2015年北美汽车大奖的评审员们还是对福特的野马和F-150皮卡不吝溢美之辞。

    Awards : Despite early wins for VW 's Golf GTI , the Detroit-centric jurors of the North American Car and Truck award 2015 prizes to Ford 's Mustang as well as Ford 's F-150 pickup truck .

  22. 迪克麦考伊和他的妻子蕨类植物也得到他们的驾驶福特Mustang去野马俱乐部会议。

    Dick McCoy and his wife Fern also enjoyed driving their Ford Mustang and going to Mustang club meetings .

  23. 尽管,福特在运动汽车野马运作良好,而在如今重新流行起来的迷你型和小型轿车方面却是其软肋。

    Though Ford does well with some models such as the Mustang sports car , it is weak in minivans and the smaller saloons that are coming back into fashion .

  24. 几年前,还有一部汽车电影是由尼可拉斯凯吉主演的,里头有一台改装定做的暗灰色福特揭背式野马,名为“艾琳诺”。

    A few years back , another car flick called " Gone in Sixty Seconds " starring Nicholas Cage featured a customized dark gray Ford Mustang Fastback by the name of " Eleanor " .

  25. 50年前的今天,福特公司在纽约世界博览会发布了首代福特野马。

    Fifty years ago today Ford unveiled the first ever Mustang at the New York World 's Fair .

  26. 去年12月福特SUV(运动型汽车)车的销量锐减,包括“探险者”和“远征”,于是抵消了福特新车型“野马”和“福特500”的销量。

    Sharply weaker sales for many of Ford 's sport utility vehicles , including the Explorer and Expedition , offset gains from new cars , including the Mustang and Five Hundred sedan .